Chapter 118 We Need You.

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Chapter 118 We need you.

A few days go by. Zero is doing his best to enjoy every minute. Yuki is all over him, being her normal regular self. The person, she hasn't been in years. Kamane hasn't been around. Even he left things alone. Their relationship is building. They have family time and worked out a schedule for Rai. That Kamane gets him on weekends, and even on Wednesday. The rest of the week, he is with Yuki. They are also getting him use to staying with Hanabusa and the other kids. He will be going on five so he will start school in September.

Yuki and Zero are at the Cafe. They are working together. Things are calm and peaceful at the moment. Zero just taking in how wonderful it is to be with Yuki. How this is the way it should be.

"Zero, are you ok? You seem to be in deep thought." Yuki says. Going over to him. Placing a kiss on his lips. "I'm fine babe. I really do like what we have here. It's so nice to be with the real you." Zero states. "It's nice to be back. I have to say. I really did miss this." Yuki comments. "Babe, I do have to tell you something. I don't know. How it's going to change our lives again. I know. I need to be honest with you, and work through anything that it does bring." Zero admits. "What now?" Yuki asks. "I was talking to Nezera when I was at Cross. He told me the new Counsel man is just as bad as the old one. If not worse. They don't like not seeing you with Kamane. They don't like even thinking we are together. They may come after me." Zero confesses. "Oh, No. Not that again. Oh god. I can't go through that again. I will never forget you coming home fill of blood. Almost dying in my arms." Yuki panics. "I know babe. Please Don't. I know it hurt you. I know. This is part of the reason you didn't want to come back to me. I remember you telling me. This was one of the reasons you stayed with Kamane. To protect me like always." Zero remarks."Yes. I knew if I was with him. They would leave you and our kids alone. I guess. We will need to talk to Kamane. See what we can work out. I so enjoyed our last few days. Just us, as a family. I don't want to lose that." Yuki states. "Neither  do i. We will just have to make sure we don't." Zero states.

Yuki goes over to the phone and calls Kamane. Asking if he would please come over. That they had something important to discuss with him. Since he lives just down the street. It took him no time to get there. Always jumping at anything Yuki needs. That is the one thing, that never changed. He had his downfalls, but he would do anything to protect her.

"What's the matter? Are the kids ok?" Kamane asks with concern. "Yes. sorry to make you think it was them. "Yuki states. "Then, what is the problem?" Kamane asks. "Have a seat." Zero comments. "Ok, guess this is going to be a long talk. I have been staying away Zero. I am keeping my end of the bargain." Kamane states. "I know. It's not that. It's not even you this time." Zero Admits. "We have a slight problem. The council." Zero states. "I have heard, they might come after you." Kamane admits. "So you know?" Yuki remarks. "I know everything. It's my job. I didn't come to tell you. I knew Nezera would. PLus like I said. I am keeping my end of the bargain. I figured if you needed me. You would come to me."Kamane comments. " Well as much as this pains me to say. We need you. The kids need you." Zero remarks. "Ok. I'm here. I am sure. We can work something out. I think we should introduce our son. He is going to be five. We should give him a huge party. Invite all. Let them see us together. Let them finally know we have a son together. That will calm things down a bit. Make them think we are together. Also if you can bare it. I think when people start asking when we are getting married. We should say we already are. To get them off our case. Once then feel we are. They will not look at Zero again. They would feel if Yuki was my wife, and Zero would come near her in that way. I would kill him myself. " Kamane explains.

 "Well, you sure do have everything figured out. Don't you?" Zero comments. "Like I said. It's my job. It would keep things on an even keel. You two couldn't show any affections toward each other. I notice. She is always kissing you. That would be a no-no in public." Kamane states. "Great. Just when I thought my life was going back to normal." Yuki states. "We can deal with that." Zero comments. Looking at Yuki. Who looks sad and defeated. "It will be ok Yuki. We are together. As long as we know it. It's fine." Zero announces. "Yea." Yuki remarks. Getting up from the table, and going back to work. "She thought we were over this. That we could live a normal life." Zero states. "As long as she is with you. There won't be totally normal Zero. You are a true vampire hunter. What you both have done is taboo. It has been from the start of her letting you drink her blood as a human." Kamane remarks. "So we will suffer for that all our lives?" Zero asks. "Only till they get over it. Maybe in time. Just not now. They are not very happy with my daughter marrying your son either. He has the same genes. He is a hunter deep down. The hunters are no more happy then the council are. You know its both of them." Kamane responds. "Yea. I know. I just haven't been in it for so long." Zero remarks. "Its what kept you alive. This long. PLus for those few years. She was with me. They had no use for you anymore. This last year, the only time me and her where together was at the wedding. You think people didn't notice her running to you after the bomb went out? That they didn't see her kiss you? Go home with you? Normally they would see us around town. I always took her out to dinner or somewhere special. I enjoyed our time together." Kamane admits. "She was happy I wasn't dead. So she kissed me. She hasn't exactly been with me either this year. We have had our ups and downs. She finally just gave into me the other day. She wasn't even with me for a whole month!" Zero remarks. "That may be a good thing. She was at Cross with the kids. You were not there. You didn't go after her either. We will just have to be on the lookout."Kamane comments. "Yea like always."Zero responds.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now