Chapter 3 Trying to move on.

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Chapter 3

✕Six months later. Zero and Yuki's relationship has grown. They see each other almost every day. Zero will make sure. He visits even if its just a short time. They have dinners together, watch TV together. Do normal everyday couple things, but one. Yuki will let Zero spend the night sleeping, next to her. Still just holding her. No matter how much her feelings have grown. The urge is there. Yuki hasn't let the closeness in that way grow. She still hasn't even kissed him in a passionate way. Still little kisses on the cheek or head. Zero subdues his desires the best he can, even though sometimes, its very hard for him to do. He promised himself and Yuki. That he wouldn't ever let her go again. No matter how long it takes. He will be there waiting.

Every day. No matter what. She still goes and sits by Kaname. This day was no different. Good Morning. She said to Hanabusa. Who guarded Kaname's body, to make sure no one touched it. "Good Morning Lady Yuki. How are you this fine Morning?" He asks. I'm good. "So glad to hear that " He responds. "Here for your daily visit, I suppose?" "Hanabusa says". I will give you some privacy. As he smiled and walked out of the room. Yuki went and sit alongside the Coffin of ice. "Oh Kaname, I feel our child grow bigger every day. I so wish you were here to see. I miss you so much. I miss your calming voice, the touch of your loving hand. I still hurt very much Kamane, but Zero is helping me a lot. I am falling more in love with him every day. It makes me feel guilty though. I know you gave us your blessing. It doesn't make things any easier. I know. I need to let go. I need to have a life. One that is worth living. Zero is everything. I could ask for and more." Yuki comments.

Talking to you always makes me feel better. Even though you can't talk back to me. I feel you hear me. I feel I need to let you know. How I feel and how my life is going. Soon our child will be here. I can't wait to meet him or her. I know. Zero will be a great stepfather. I will always tell our child. That you are his/her father. All about you. How loving. protective and kind you were always to me. I love you Kamane. There always will be a part of me, that does. At the same time, I must try to move on. Tears streamed down from Yuki's face. She wipes them away and walks to the door. On the outside of the door, Hanabusa is sitting waiting for her to be done. So he could go back in." You are done for today Yuki?" He asks. "Yes. Hanabusa. I wanted to ask you something before I forget again. Would you like to come over for dinner? You and Yori? "She asks" Of course! We would love that. Thank you so much for the invite. "Great I will see you tonight."She replies."See you tonight then." Hanabusa states.

Later that evening. Zero comes over. Smelling Roasted chicken and potatoes in the oven. "Smells great in here. He says as he enters the kitchen, lightly kissing Yuki on her far head. "Thank you Zero. Hanabusa and Yori are coming over for dinner as well. I invited them. I thought it would be nice, as couples to have dinner." Yuki Announces. Zero Rolls his eyes." Really?" He says? "Ohh, Come on Zero. He isn't that bad. He has grown up, a lot being with Yori." Yuki comments. "I hope so." Zero replies. At least he isn't a womanizer now. They stare at each other, and laugh. "No. He isn't. I believe he really loves Yori."Y Yuki says. "I believe that to. "Says Zero" There is the bell. Can you get that for me Zero? Sure babe. Yuki smiles up at Zero.

Zero walks toward the door, opening it to greet Hanabusa and Yori. They are both hand in hand. Zero opens the door. "Hi, Zero.: Says Yori and Hanabusa. It's great seeing you here. "Hey." Zero replies. "Come in. Dinner is cooking. It's almost ready. Would you like to have a drink, before we start?" Zero asks. "Sure." They both say. As Yori walks into the kitchen, to be with Yuki. Hanabusa stays in the sitting room with Zero. "How have you been Zero?" Hanabusa asks. I'm ok. Hanging in there. "I'm sure. Zero it takes a lot of strength, to do what you are doing." Hanabusa states."What's that?" Zero asks? His eyebrow raised. Loving Yuki so much, as she still loves someone else. Zero gives Hanabusa a dirty look. "No! no! Zero, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I think. What your doing is wonderful. I myself would never be able to. It takes a lot. I have seen such a change in her. Before, she was so upset and alone. All she did was sit there, and cry. Now when she comes to see Kamane, there are days. She is happy and alive again. I see the old Yuki coming through. It's because of you." Hanabusa states. Zero says to himself. Wow. What happened to Hanabusa? He really did, grow up. "Well, Thank you, Hanabusa." Zero replies. I really do love Yuki. I'm not going anywhere. I will do my best to make her love me. Only me. It will just take time. I want to marry her. Be with her always. I think. She feels the same way, just some feelings are in the way. She feels guilty to feel good, and he is dead." Zero responds. "Ahh. I understand." Hanabusa says. I feel that way about Yori. I want to marry her and be with her always. I want to ask, but it looks bad for us to get married, before the pureblood Yuki. So please ask soon. "I will try my best." Zero replies "I just don't know. How that would go, if i ask too soon. Its almost two years. I see there are times, She remembers, it like yesterday. She has nightmares about it. I hold her close trying to comfort her. It seems to help. I just hate, to see her hurt." Zero Comments. "I know Zero. You know this house isn't any better either. I see at times. She remembers things. It makes her feel bad. Tears will form. She will try to hid them, but its noticeable." Hanabusa remarks. "One step at a time Hanabusa. I try to get her ,out of here from time to time. Its just hard, and now she is pretty ready to have that baby. I hope. When she sees it ,that it makes her happy." Zero says. "Oh i am sure it will." Hanabusa answers. " What about you? Seeing the woman you love, have someone else's child? That has to be hard?" Hanabusa asks. "Well. Yes and no. I adore Yuki. I know. She loved him. I can't say much. I pushed her away. Its not like ,she cheated on me or anything." Zero answers. "True true." Hanabusa replies. "That's another thing. I can't get her to get that close to me yet." Zero Comments. "Still?" Hanabusa Answers, with eyebrows raised. "Yes. still." Zero answers. We haven't, even really kissed properly yet. "Oh man." Hanabusa says. "Maybe you should have a talk with her? See where she stands. Your relationship seems to be at a standstill. Your dating, yet still just friends. You need to move it along. I understand. How she feels about Kamane, but look. He left her. It was his choice. She is alone. She needs you more than ever. I know. She loves you. I see it. She just needs to let go of the past." Hanabusa explains. " I can't believe. We just had this conversation. I would have never thought. We would talk like this. I am not one to talk much, as it is, but I felt comfortable enough to just let it out. Thank you for listening." Zero remarks. "Hey Look Zero"",Hanabusa says, I learned a lot in the least two years. I am in love myself now. I know how it feels. I love Kaname myself . I also see what he did was good in one way ,and not in another. You always been there for Yuki . Now that she really needs you, your here . I admire you for it. So if you ever really need to talk i'm here. Hell i'm not sure your the same Zero either. ... Your not grumpy or pissy tonight. Both men Laugh out loud.

Later that night, after Yori and Hanabusa leave. Zero helps Yuki clean up. Like always. Zero let her sit down, with her feet up. While he washed and she dried the dishes. "Tonight was nice Zero. Wasn't it?" Yuki asks. "Well. Yes i am shocked to say it, but yes it was." Zero answers." Hanabusa has changed. It was nice talking to him. "I am so glad." Yuki says. "I love seeing my best friend and "...Yuki stops thinking my what? "and then mutters my boyfriend get along." Zeros ears perk up and eyebrows raised. He asks. Is that? What you see me as Yuki? "Yes, Of course." Yuki answers. " Yuki. We need to talk." Zero walks to the table, and sits down grabbing both of Yukis hands in his own. "Babe, i am really glad you consider us boyfriend/girlfriend, But if you really think about it. Our relationship hasn't changed much. Its at a slow stop." Zero states. "Are you giving up on me Zero?" Yuki asks. Her voice trembling. 'No! never. Yuki how could you even think that?' Zero says in a loud tone. 'I am just saying, that we should move to the next level. This baby is going to be here soon. Don't you want it, to have a mother and father? Living together? Married as a couple? I want to be with you ,and this child. I will wait for you as long, as I have to. But i want you to know things ,should change ,or at least move froward in some way for us to get there." Zero remarks. Yukis eyes meet Zeros squeezing his hands in hers. Tears rolling down her cheeks. In a quiet voice. She responds. "I want that too Zero. But...I can't be romantic with you, while i am carrying his child. I know that must sound stupid, but its how i feel. Like i am betraying him. I know that must hurt you. I want to be honest with you always." Yuki states. Thats the only way. I want you to be Yuki." Zero replies. "Look i understand in a way. I can wait for that. If you need to wait till after the baby is born. Then fine, but lets get married." Zero comments. Zero. You would marry me without that part of it? "Yes, Yuki. It would let the child have a father. We would live together as a couple. When your ready to take that next step, You let me know. Would you be ok with this Yuki?" Zero asks. "Yes I would. Zero, I want to let you know, that i do want to make love with you. I do feel that way towards you. Its not that i don't want you in that way...I just can't bring myself to do that now. "Ok." Zero replies, at least you want to. That makes me feel good. "Oh god Zero I do." Yuki cheeks turn red and flush. When your in bed next to me, it drives me crazy. I can image .What you feel like touching me and kissing me. Zero smirks with delight. I am glad to hear that. I do feel the same. I can wait Yuki. Thank you Zero it means a lot.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now