Chapter 122 Coming to his senses.

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Chapter 122 Coming to his senses.

Zero does his best to stay away. It's now the day of the party. He knows. He has to make a choice tonight. He has to act like he doesn't love, and want to be with Yuki. Today will be a very hard day.

Yuki didn't do much to plan for this party. Kamane hired people to do it for them. He knew. She wasn't very into any of this. That all week, she has been dealing with her emotions. That Zero wasn't making this any easier, on any of them. There wasn't much Kamane could say. He just kept his own thoughts to himself. Figuring Zero will either come to his senses or completely screw up. Which if he did, the second, It would just work in Kaname's favor. He just wished. He would hurry up about it. It was making Yuki very down.

Rai was very happy today. He was having his 5th birthday. He never had a party before. All this was new to him. He was just in amazement of all the decorations. Kamane wanted this to be the best party ever. He knew. Yuki was distracted so he took it upon himself. Not letting Zero destroy his son's party. Resenting Zero for doing this at all.

The party was being held at the Mansion. It was their family home. It would only make it look more real. Yuki hated this place as well. It only held hurtful, ugly memories. She knew. It was the right choice for the party. So she was quiet. She let Kamane take rains. There was a lot of people. Invited to this party to see there son for the first time. Also to announce, that they have been married. Yuki and Zero's children in on it all. Knowing. It was to protect there father as well, as themselves. Before the people arrive Kamane takes Yuki into the kitchen.

"Yuki, I know today is hard for you. I am sorry. It is our son's birthday. It's his first. He never had anyone. I want this to be special for him." Kamane states. "Same here. You made everything look wonderful Kamane. I thank you so much for being able to do this for him." Yuki remarks. "It's not a problem. I know. You're going through a lot at the moment. I am also here for you." Kamane states. "I know. Thank you." She says. Giving him a hug. "I also have something for you. Yuki." Kamane says. Taking her left hand, sliding a diamond wedding band on. "Kamane. It's gorgeous!" Yuki comments. "I bought it with the engagement ring. Hoping one day, you would except. Today we are going to say we are. You need to wear it. I have one also." Kamane remarks. "You always seem to surprise me. I love it. Thank you." She replies. Staring at the ring. Then back to her real one. Hoping that Zero stays. "You ready for the show?" Kamane asks. "Yes. I am. We can do this." She remarks. "It's not all an act for me Yuki. I wish. It was real. "Kamane admits. "Sometimes I do too. I wish it was, all that easy. I wish that most of this never took place. That I was never at Cross. Never met Zero. That I was a vampire growing up with you. That we did what mother and father wanted. That things were all so simple." Yuki confesses. "Same here. I guess that wasn't meant. "Kamane replies. "Let's go. A lot of people are showing up now. Rai is very excited as well." Yuki states.

They head to the garden, where everything is set up. People all around, looking at everything. The table for the guests to leave presents. Full already and not even half the guests are here yet. Everyone wanted to come to see. The lord and lady's child. Yuki waiting for just one. The one. She has been in love with for most of her life. The one that could either make her extremely happy or terribly sad today. Yuki greets the people as they come in. Kamane next to her. Acting like a happy in love couple. All eyes on them. Head counsel man coming in. "Hello, Lord Kamane. Lady Yuki. I just can't wait to meet your son. Where is he?" Counsel asks. "He is playing over there with the other children."Kamane states. "Oh, my. He sure does look like a combination of you too. How special. We are all so happy about this. Congrats again on your wedding. " The councilman states. "Thank you," Kamane replies.

Finally, as Yuki is outside getting the cake ready, she spots Zero. Her heart beats fast. Her eyes start to fill with tears. She does her best to put herself together. Trying to hide all feelings. Zero walking over to her. "Hey. The party looks like a huge success. There are tons of people here." Zero remarks. "Yea. I think the whole city came to see the freak show." Yuki states. "How are you holding up?" Zero asks. "I am doing my best. It is nice to see you here." Yuki admits. "I told you. I would be here. I just couldn't come to watch it from the start. You know. How I like people." Zero comments. "I feel the same way at the moment. I just don't have a choice." Yuki replies. Kamane walking over. "Hello, Zero. Sorry to interrupt. It's time for Cake." Kamane states. Zero backing off and going into the crowd. Everyone watching the little boy come up to blow out his candles. There was no denying this was their son. He looked like both of them. He also reeked of being a pureblood. Everyone knew it was true. They knew for sure it wasn't Zero's.

"We want to thank everyone here for coming to our Son's 5th Birthday party. We know. We kept him a secret. We are sorry. Just didn't want him subjected to everyone at such a young age. We felt that now was the right time. We also want everyone to know. That Me and Lady Yuki are married. We have been. We just didn't think. We had to announce it, but I guess we did. So now you all know." Kamane states. People in Aw. Kamane placing a light kiss on Yuki's lips. Everyone saying Congratulations and how wonderful.

When everyone leaves, Rai is happy playing with tons of presents. Kamane goes to be with the little boy. Leaving Yuki and Zero alone. Yuki doing her best to clean up. Even though, her thoughts are all over the place. 

"Zero I can't hold it anymore. What are you going to do? Are you going to walk away from me? "Yuki says. Breaking down. Tears streaming down her face. She falls to her knees. Holding the bag of trash. She was picking up. Zero going over to her, lightly picking her up. Looking into her eyes. "Please. Stop crying. I have been going through this over and over in my mind. For the last week. I thought. I had everything planned. That I was just going to leave tonight. Never see you again. Let you free, like you always wanted to do me. I just can't. The thought of never seeing or touching you again. Kills me. It hurts me so deeply to just think about it. Doing it would tear me apart. So to answer your question. No. I'm not leaving you." Zero comments. Yuki looking into his eyes. Letting out a sigh of relief. Putting her arms around him tightly. "God. You sure do know. How to destroy me Zero. All I thought about all day was you. Were you leaving me? It hurt so bad." Yuki admits. "I know. I'm Sorry. This isn't going to be easy either. I made a plan. I will not see you during the week. I will stay at our home, or at cross. On the weekend you can come to our home like you did. When we really were not together. We can even switch off, and I can come to the Cafe on the weekends. We can be with each other then. So if anyone is watching. They will think you or me are just together to see the kids. If I stay, they will know, we are together. Just by our interactions." Zero comments. "Ok. I don't care. Whatever. As long as I see you. I need you more now than I ever have." Yuki confesses. "Babe. So do i. I guess. That weekend I was so determined to make you fall more in love with me. Worked too well. I fell even more in love with you also." Zero admits. "It was always there Zero. It always will be. No matter what we do. I think. We just learned that now. Just give in to it." Yuki states. Please stay here tonight. It's a big mansion. No one will think otherwise. Our children are here too." Yuki adds. "Ok. I will be with you tonight. Tomorrow I will leave. I will see you on Friday though." Zero remarks. "Fine with me." Yuki replies. Kissing him on the lips.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now