Chapter 135 Fear.

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Chapter 135 FEAR

One day while working at the Cafe. Zero walks in with a woman. Going up to the Counter. Yuki was taken by surprise just looks at him. "Hello, Zero. What can I do for you?" Yuki asks. "Me and my partner would like a cup of coffee, please. Zero responds. "Hi, I'm Martha. Zero's new partner at the association." Martha states. "Martha this is my Ex-Wife Yuki." Zero remarks. Yuki taken back. Like a knife just went through her heart. Zero looks at Yuki's face. It's white as a sheet. "It's nice to meet you Yuki. It's so different to see ex's being nice to each other." Martha states. "It's nice to meet you too. Yea we try for the kids." Yuki responds. In a very low tone. Zero noticing something isn't right. "I know. This is the best Cafe around. I love coming in here for coffee and other goodies. I told Zero. We just had to stop. He told me that his ex. Owned it. I kind of figured something like that since the name of the Cafe is Kiryu." Martha responds. "Yes. We named it ...(Yuki taking a deep long pause) When we were still together. I didn't change the name." Yuki responds. Looking at Zero sadly. "I heard you got remarried to the Lord Kamane?" Martha asks. "Yes." Yuki answers. "It was nice meeting you. Yuki. Zero and I better get back to work." Martha replies. "Here are some sandwiches for both of you. Lunch is on me." Yuki responds. Handing Zero the bag. He sees hurt in her eyes. Not knowing why. "Thank you so much. That is so nice of you Yuki." Martha states. "No problem at all. Any friend of Zero's is a friend of mine." Yuki responds. Zero and Martha head out of the Cafe. Sitting in the car to eat there Sandwiches. Zero sees Yuki head out of the Cafe down to the townhome. Very upset. He wants to go to her. But he knows he can't.

"Your ex-wife seems a little taken back with my presence," Martha remarks. "Nah. Probably just something happened between her and Kaname. It will be fine." Zero remarks. trying to take suspicion off of them. "If I didn't know better, I would say she still had the hots for you, Zero." Martha responds. "No, that's been over for quite awhile. I am sure you heard the story." Zero states. "Yea you cheated on her, and you left her. That's what confuses me so. I would think. She would hate you. Not want to give you sandwiches." Martha says laughing. "We have children together. We are doing our best to make it work. You know. How these things are." Zero replies. "Yea I know. They are hard. I Guess. Since you dumped her. It doesn't bother you? She married the Lord Kamane? Everyone knows at the association that you two are not very fond of each other." Martha states. "She is a free woman to marry whoever she wants. Even if its a stuck up ass hole." Zero replies. "Heh, guess the part of you two not liking each other is true." Martha giggles.

Meanwhile, Yuki heads home. Running into the house, right into Kaname's arms. "Ok, what did he do this time?" Kaname snaps. "Nothing. Just please hold me." Yuki asks. "Of Course. You know. I am always here. I just hate picking up his pieces."Kaname states. Yuki's emotions out of control. Crying on Kamanes shoulder. "Ok. I want to know. What is going on? What is making you this upset?" Kamane asks. "Zero got a new partner. Its a woman. When he brought her in. He introduced me as his Ex-Wife." Yuki says. tears streaming down her face. "So? He had to say that. Its what everyone thinks. Your my wife remember?" Kamane responds. "Yes. I know. It's just...It's Just To hear those words ripped through me. Ex? The pain of him asking me for the divorce showed back up. I just saw him standing there in our bedroom, that day asking me for it. To leave with her. My heart hurts Kamane." Yuki explains. "You know. He is with you. No matter. How much I wish he wasn't. You know. He is yours. He had to go along with what we are doing. 

You have to pull yourself together. What happened to the Yuki that didn't show how she felt?" Kamane asks. "When I am with Zero. It's hard for me to hide how I feel. This time is worse. The bond is stronger. The pain is worse. Everything seems to be. All that I faught to stay away from, is back triple. I love him so much. It hurts." Yuki admits. "Great. Just what we need. I knew this was forever. This just proved it. I would never have you fully. He managed to take you body and soul. He managed to make it worse than before. God damn him!" Kamane says rattled to the core. " I am sorry Kamane. I didn't mean to upset you." Yuki responds. "You didn't. Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest? You are wearing yourself thin. You need a break from it all." Kamane suggests. "Sounds good. I'm going to take a warm bath and just relax." Yuki responds heading upstairs.

Kamane just sits at his desk. Feeling more defeated than ever. Knowing. That Zero had this spell on her. One that Kamane couldn't break. No matter. How hard he tried. Feeling the deal him and Yuki made would be worthless. Would she ever be able to live without him? He knew before that their bond was strong. But then she was able to stay away from him. She could control her feelings and be cold pushing Zero away. It didn't seem that she could now, even if she wanted to. He remembers. That month away she took at Cross. The blood blond eating at her until she had to give in to it. Until she ran back to his arms. He hated Zero even more than before. He took his love away. They had such a great relationship, but yet she still wanted Zero. Always giving in to all the confusion and pain. Just as long as she was with Zero.

Later that night after work. Zero stops by Kaname's house. Walking in seeing Kamane still at his desk. "Do you always sit there? Is there anything else you do?" Zero asks. "This is my house. I can sit anywhere I want. I do have work to do. I guess you're here to fix today?" Kamane snaps. "To fix? I am not sure. What took place today. I just know. I saw hurt in her eyes." Zero responds. "Yea whenever you're in the picture there is always hurt in her eyes. " Kamane remarks. "A little Jealous Kamane?" Zero chuckles. "Whatever She is upstairs. Pouting over you. As always." Kamane snaps. Zero walking away and going upstairs. Knowing he rattled Kamane.

Zero goes up to Kaname's bedroom and opens the door. Seeing Yuki laying on the bed. "Zero!" Yuki says sitting up and wrapping her arms around Zero. "Babe, what was up today. I know you seemed upset." Zero asks. "I was...I am." Yuki responds. "Why?" Zero asks. "Because, hearing I was your ex, hurt me badly. It just reminded me of all that happened in the past. How it was almost true." Yuki says. A tear falling down her face. "Oh, Babe. I am so sorry. I didn't know. How else to introduce you. I guess. I Didn't think. I hear your Kaname's Wife all the time. I am not very fond of it either. I just know. That your really mine. So, I shrug it off."Zero admits. "Yes. But I never stood in front of you asking you for a divorce. Walking out and leaving you." Yuki says hurt. "No, You didn't. I am sorry that brought those old feelings up. I thought. We were over all that. " Zero states. "In a way we are. there is just part of me that can never forget all that. Zero I am so attached to you this time. I'm not sure. This is a good thing." Yuki admits. "It is a good thing. I feel the same. It just shows that we are meant for each other." Zero replies. "But at what cost? 

Loosing ourself to the other? My obsession is there. Seeing you with her. She is just your partner and It kills me. I don't feel this way with anyone else." Yuki confesses. " Jealous huh? I know. What you mean. I am always that way with Kamane. I have learned to keep it under control. I think once we are back under the same roof. Things will calm down a bit." Zero states. " I sure do hope so. At the moment you will be spending more time with your Partner. Then with me." Yuki states. " You have nothing to fear. I hope you know that."Zero responds. "Yes, but the fear is there." Yuki comments. Zero taking her into his arms. Holding her tight. Knowing. Now that he totally has her under his spell. Loving every minute of it. Feeling proud of what he has done. Telling Kamane to suck it. In his head. Big tough, Lord Kamane. You're not winning this one!

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