Chapter 200 Leaving

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Ok. It wont let me go past 200 to upload the rest of this story. So i will add it as part two. So just check out my works. To read the rest of this story. There is at least 107 more chapters. I had alot of fun with this one. I was even thinking of really writing a part two to it. So maybe this was the boast i needed. :) Please after reading this chapter. Just look on my page for the second part. So you can finish it. Thank you for all that kept reading.

Chapter 200 Leaving.

The next day. Zero gets up for work. Kissing Yuki on her forehead. He is glad. They are ok. He does still notice that her back is bothering her. Just when he asks. She says its nothing. It kind of confuses him. Why she hasn't fully healed yet. He still ponders. Why she didn't tell anyone. She was hurt that night. That she didn't get help sooner. He just never got to ask. So much has been going on. Yuki wakes, seeing Zero getting dressed. "Why didn't you wake me Zero. I need to get to the cafe too." Yuki asks. "Because babe, You need your rest. I noticed that lately your still, not yourself. Your back is bothering you."Zero comments. "I will be fine. I need to go to work. Try to get back our normal life. Hopefully, now things will be normal again." Yuki replies. "I so hope so. It sure was crazy before. You do know now that Mika started that damn newspaper reporter up. She isn't going to let go so easily. If she sees something she will report it." Zero states. "Yea I know. I really don't care. I am with you and I am finally happy." Yuki says Kissing Zero. "Same here. I will drop you off at the Cafe." Zero remarks.

They both finish getting dressed. Zero then drops Yuki off at the Cafe. She goes in getting ready for the day. Doing her best to ignore her back pain. While taking out the bread, bagels, and muffins. Kaname walks in. Walking up and sitting down at the counter. "Kaname. It's great to see you." Yuki says with a big smile walking over and hugging him. "I see my girl is good today?"Kaname remarks. "Yes. Better than yesterday. That sure was something." Yuki responds."Yes, that was. She said way too many things. She shouldn't have." Kaname admits. "I know. I thought I was a goner. I thought he was going to leave. I just had to take the chance and let him know all of it. No more lies." Yuki responds. "How did that go?" Kaname asks. "Not bad. He kept his cool. He told me about him going on the field more. He didn't want any more lies either. I think we can really work through this." Yuki states. "I was worried to leave you with him. After the other night. But you said it was ok." Kaname replies. "It was. How is Martha?" Yuki asks. "Pissed. She left." Kaname remarks. "Oh no. Kaname. Didn't you go after her? Make this better." Yuki comments. "No, I didn't go after her. She told me only to call her if I let you go fully. I am not sure if I want this or not."Kaname remarks. "Don't you miss her?" Yuki asks. "In a way yes. I miss the closeness. It was nice having someone to go to bed with. Someone to talk to."Kaname admits. "Kaname please don't ruin this for yourself. Talk to her." Yuki pleads.

 " I think I need time alone. Time to think. I was thinking of going away for a month. Just getting away from it all. I would like to take Rai with me. If you don't mind. Spend some time with him." Kaname states. "I don't mind at all. You need to talk to Martha before you leave Kaname. Let her know. A month is a long time. If you just let it go. You may not get it back if you feel you want to. " Yuki responds. 'I will let her know. I will pick up Rai from school this afternoon. He will call you every night. So you know he is ok. So will I." Kaname replies. "Ok. Kaname I have a question. Its been on my mind for a few days. When I drank from you, shouldn't that of taken the pain away from my back?" Yuki asks. "Yes. You should of went back to normal. Why does it still hurt?" Kaname asks. "Yes very much," Yuki replies. "Let me have a look. Go into the kitchen." Kaname asks.

They both head into the kitchen area Kaname lifting the back of Yuki's Blouse up. Checking on the wound. "The wound is closed. Even the scar is gone. The reason you still hurt. Is because of Zero. It's not Physical pain. It's the mental pain he caused you. It will go away. Soon as you feel safe with him again." Kaname replies. "I didn't know that was possible." Yuki answers. " When you have such a strong bond with someone. They can control your feelings. You should know that very well. He always controls how you feel. Does he know the real reason you didn't get help?" Kaname asks. "No. He never asked. I never said." Yuki replies. "I really didn't like that Yuki. That hurt me terribly. To know you would do that because he left you. You still had me." Kaname responds. "I know. I wasn't thinking clearly. I was so hurt. I wasn't thinking at all." Yuki remarks. "Please don't ever do that again. I think he should know what kind of effect he had on you also. I think its only fair."Kaname admits. "If he doesn't ask. I am not telling. I don't want him to feel even more Guilt. Then he already does." Yuki comments. "I will be damn. You almost kill yourself because of him. And We protect him again. What the hell Yuki. I love you, Always will. I just don't know if I can go on Protecting HIm because you feel he is so fragile. Maybe he should know all the harm and hurt he caused. Maybe if you let him pay for his actions. He might think in the future. You always let him get away with everything. No matter what it is. Oh, it's just zero. Bullshit! The rest of us don't act like that. When things go wrong." Kaname snaps. 

"He is different. He has been hurt deeply Kaname. If it comes up in conversation I will tell him. Otherwise, I feel to just move on. It was a terrible night. It's over now."Yuki remarks. "If you say so. Are you still scared of him? Is that why your back still hurts Yuki? Something still frightening you. Its why the pain won't let go." Kaname replies. "Like I said it was a terrible night. There was so much going on. I will get through it. I have come this far. I am not messing it up again." Yuki remarks. "You didn't mess it up. HE DID." Kaname snaps losing his cool. "Please. Calm down." Yuki says. Kaname's eyes turning red with rage. "I am calm. If this is what you want. So be it. One day if you don't watch yourself. He is going to kill you. It's not going to be intentional. He will either lose his cool Or do something to hurt you that you do it yourself. I know you love him. But you need to be yourself as well. You can't give up just because he isn't there." Kaname replies. "I know. Things will go back to normal now. There is no more worrying." Yuki responds. "Yea for now." Kaname answers. Getting up, kissing her head, and walking out the door.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now