Chapter 25 Back to the Begining

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Chapter 25 Back to the beginning.

A few months pass and Ai calls her mom. She askes her and Zero to both come to Cross Academy. That she has something to share with them. Yuki says sure but isn't too happy to go back there. She hasn't been there in over 19 years. It had way too many memories for her. She always would see her father, but he would come to her. Zero was there all the time. He worked for the Association and saw Kaien and Yagari there. Zero comes home from work to pick Yuki up. She is waiting on the edge of the driveway. He pulls up. She gets in. Hey babe. "Hi, Zero" she replies. You OK? Yea just not sure why Ai wants to meet there. Its been so long, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel being there. I am sure it will be fine. A lot has changed. Kaien had to rebuild after the last fight there. A lot got taken down. "Yea I guess so." She replies. Feeling more nervous as they head up the gate.

Waiting for them is Ai, Seiya, and Kaien. They all hug and are happy to see each other. They head into the Headmasters office. "This takes me back" Yuki states. walking through where she and Zero use to hang out. Seeing the table where they had their dinners. A soft smile comes across her face. "So I bet you are both wondering why I asked you here?" Ai asks. "I wanted to let you know that I will be the new Headmaster." "Wait What?" Yuki says? "Grand daddy will be retiring soon. I will be taking over. I want to follow my father's dream of Humans and Vampires living together peacefully. I can do that here." Yuki took back a bit. Zero just looks at her. Then he turns to Ai, "I think that's great Ai. Your father would be proud of you." "Dad", she states "I hope you are too." "Yes, always you know that Ai." Zero replies. "Mother?" "yes Ai if this is what you want that's fine with me." "Mother I also think it would be good if you let Ren and Aiko be part of the night class. It would show that the whole family feels the same." Let me think about it Ai. They have never been away from me." "Oh, Mother they will be fine. Plus they will be studying to be Hunters. They need to grow up sometimes. Dad is here all the time. He can take them to train while they are doing there schooling here." "You sure did think of it all didn't you Ai? Just like your father...Controlling everyone's life." Yuki Hisses. Before anyone could answer, Yuki excuses her self and walks out of the room. Heading outside for some fresh air. Zero follows her. "Yuki are you OK? What was that in there?" "I'm sorry Zero. It just felt like all those years ago again. Her controlling ways remind me of him. It's like looking at the same person. It's just so Scary." Yuki states. "Yes I know" Zero replies " I saw that a lot at the wedding. You know she is right though?" Zero states. "It's a good idea. She means no harm." "Yes, I know. I will apologize. God Zero it takes me back us patrolling out here. Me following you around like a puppy." Yuki says. "OH no, you followed Kaname around like a puppy." "Hey, you jerk" as she smacks him. "Yep that takes me back" He smirks. As they both laugh. "I followed you around also." Yuki replies. "Yes wanting me to drink your blood to keep me alive. I remember." Yuki's head drops low, as she was looking around the campus. "You OK?" Zero asks? "No, I left you. I walked away. I went with him." "Hey", Zero says. "Stop that. Its been almost twenty years. We have a great life now. We said we wouldn't bring this up remember?" Zero staring at her. "Yes, we did. I'm sorry. Let's go back so I can say sorry." "OK" he replies as they walk back into the building. Zero senses something following them, but can't put his finger on it. "Someone is there" he says to Yuki. "I don't see anything Zero." Maybe. Shaking his head and just keeps walking. Back at the office. Yuki opens the door. "Ai" she starts to say "I m sorry. Not sure what came over me. I think its a great idea. I will let Ren and Aiko know." "Oh, Mother thank you. You won't regret it, and of Course, you will be able to come to visit them." "Great", Says Yuki. Ai laughing, "if Ren is anything like he was when he was little you will be here very often." Yuki steps up with a growl, "yes I will be. I will do what ever my son needs." "But of Course Mother, I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

Yuki and Zero stay for dinner, They all sit down and the dinner table, that Yuki and Zero use to eat at when they were younger. Yuki grabs Zeros hand and holds it tight. Remembering all the times they had here. How he used to tutor her. Kaien telling stories of when they were younger and Zero giving him dirty looks. "Yes, nothing has changed." Yuki laughs. Zero is still Zero.

Later in the evening Yuki and Zero drive home. Yuki didn't want to spend the night there. She rather go home. "Are you still thinking of what Ai said?" Zero asks. "Yes, I am." She comments. "Do you really think its a good idea for our kids to go there?" "Yes, why not?" Zero asks. "I don't know. I just feel weird not letting them be home with us. They have never been away from us. They are only going on ten. They are still babies." She protests. Zero looks at her worried face. "Yuki I was around that age when I started to learn to hunt. They will be fine. I will be there most of the time with them anyway. You're just worried about Ren." Zero says with a hiss. "Yes, I am. He is a sweet gentle boy. I don't want anything to change that." She growls. "He has to learn about life someday Yuki." Zero states. "I know, but he is still a child. Being alone there and then having to learn to kill. That's a lot to ask of a ten-year-old." "Yuki why is it a lot for him but you never once said it was enough for Aiko? Don't you think she senses how you feel about her brother?" Zero asks. "Look I love all my children. Aiko is not like Ren. She is fierce. She is strong. She is only a child but is very mature. She can handle it. I think being a hunter is good for her. He is not like that Zero." she says. "How and why would you want to turn such a sweet child into a killer?" She asks. "I was a sweet child once, you know Yuki, I'm a killer. You never once cared." "Your different Zero. You have been through so much. You have the power to kill. I just don't think he does." "I think he is a lot stronger then you give him credit for Yuki. I think with him there being on his own, he will finally be able to find his true self." Zero states. "I love you Yuki and you're a wonderful mother. Just when it comes to Ren you tend to baby him too much." "I'm sorry Zero, I just can't help it." "Just let him go a little OK babe? We want him to be a strong man when he grows up." Zero says. "I know. I will do my best. It feels empty without the kids." "I know my love. We have been trying for another. I hope it happens." Yuki says. "I'm sure it will, the rate we go at it." Zero laughs. "We haven't taken a test yet. Maybe we should. Hmm more years with feet kicking me. Just what I need" Zero laughs. "Oh you love it", Yuki laughs as well. "I love you babe." "Same here" Zero always.

They get home and go upstairs to take a test. Zero looks around the empty house. Still feeling something there but just can't seem to pinpoint what. What he is feeling is impossible. As who he is feeling is no longer alive. He thinks he is just tired and heads upstairs. "So have you taken the test?" "Yes," Yuki replies "I am waiting for it to let us know." "The wait is killing me." Zero replies. Yuki picks up the test to look at it. "Ohh Zero", she comments "We .. We.. are having a baby!" "Let me see?" Zero says. "Yep two lines." "We did it again. Oh, Zero I am so happy. I hope everything goes well this time like with Ai. So both of us can enjoy it. I'm carrying your baby again. That makes me so happy." Zero looks at her putting his hand on her tummy. "Me too" he replies. "I love you babe." Yuki so happy jumping all over the bed. "So what do you want this time? Anything but twins" Zero states. "A boy or girl is fine with me" he says. "As long as it's with you and your both healthy. I'm good with anything." Yuki goes over to him and Hugs him tightly. "Oh, babe I am so happy." "I know you keep telling me that" Zero responds. "Every time I make you pregnant you get like this." He laughs. "Yes" she says "Part of you is growing inside me. I have part of you walking around with me. It's very special to me Zero." "I see that." he says. "I just realized I'm not sick with this one." "Yes your not green like last time." "Very funny Zero" as she lightly punches his arm. "Seriously," Zero says, "yes I noticed. I hope that's a good sign." "Me too" Yuki replies. as she lays down beside Zero. Holding him tight. "Your going to baby this one too aren't you?" Zero asks. "Yes as much as I can. It will be the only baby here." "Oh boy I hope its a girl then." Zero says shaking his head. "Oh whatever" Yuki says. "Good night babe", "Goodnight Zero."

Well they are having another one :)) Review Please. Lots of new people coming in the next few chapters.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now