Chapter 137 The Kiss.

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Chapter 137 The Kiss.

A few days later Zero came to the Cafe with his new partner. Kamane sitting at the counter, getting his morning coffee. "Is that her?" Kamane asks. "Yes. Just play along." Yuki responds. "Hi, Martha. It's nice to see you again. What can I get you?"Yuki asks. "Hi, Good to see you too. I would like two coffees and two muffins. I am sure you know which one Zero likes." Martha replies. "Yea, Not a problem. I would like you to meet my gorgeous Husband Kamane." Yuki says with a grin. "Oh its a pleasure to meet you Lord Kamane." Martha states. "Nice to meet you. So your Zero's new Partner?"Kamane asks. "Yes, he is training me. He will be right in. He is parking the car." Martha responds. "I am sure. He can teach you a lot. He is a very good Hunter." Kamane replies. "Yes, one of the best. The association is so happy to have him back. They are also so happy to know, that you and Yuki are together now." Martha states. Zero walking into the Cafe. Going up to Martha getting his coffee. "Thank you, Martha," Zero responds. "It was really nice to meet you Lord Kamane. I Hope to run into you again."Martha comments. Kamane just nods. Paying more attention to Yuki. Martha and Zero sit at a table in the Cafe. Martha paying special attention to the way, Kamane and Yuki act towards each other. Yuki touching Kaname's hand while talking. Kamane looking into Yuki's Eyes. When Kamane is ready to go, He goes behind the counter, where Yuki pulls him close and gives him a passionate kiss on his lips. His arms around her waist. They tell each other they will see the other later. As Kamane walks out of the Cafe. Zero knowing Yuki did this on purpose but also a little pissed. Not liking how Kamane touched her or that kiss.

"Damn, Maybe I was wrong. She doesn't want you. That kiss could have started a fire."Martha states. " Who the hell was watching. Those two make me sick." Zero snaps. "You just don't like him. Or you just don't like him being with your ex-wife?" Martha asks. Zero knows not to take the bait. To not show his true feelings. "I just don't like him. I really never have. I think. He is a real asshole. As a person that is. " Zero states. "I think. He is awesome. Just like Yuki said when she introduced him. Her gorgeous husband. Hell, you can see. He doesn't see anyone but her. Just the way he looked into her eyes. The way he touched her. It was in her eyes as well. That must be fireworks in bed." Martha comments. "Eww, that's enough. I really don't think I want to talk about Him and my ex in bed. It's not really a good thought." Zero hisses. "A little jealous?" Martha asks. "No, a little gross. You like to imagine your ex in bed with others?" Zero snaps? "Eh, Depends on who it is." Martha giggles.

Zero thinking about what Martha said. He knew. Kamane felt that way. He knew it was true. That his desire burned for Yuki. He knew before Yuki felt the same. The fireworks in bed? He remembered that as well. How it took her so long to stop sleeping with Kamane. He also knew. She loved him. The flame was there hotter than ever. She wouldn't do anything to ruin it. He trusted her. He also knew. That if it was that hot once for Kamane, did it go away? He couldn't help but think was it still there? He wasn't going to let it take over him like before. He knew better. Kamane was finally fading to him. He wasn't going to let him win like, he had in the past. Zero won. He knew it. Yuki wanted to show Martha that she was with him, just so she would get off Zero's case. He just wished. she didn't kiss him like that. The feelings that Yuki had towards his partner, he had towards Kamane. He just knew that with Kamane things could go back to that. With his partner, he knew it wouldn't ever start.

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