Chapter 125 Weekend Love.

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Chapter 125 Weekend love.

Finally, it's Friday. Yuki is so excited. She is getting bags of food ready to take with her. She made all kinds of goodies to take to the family home. She is excited to see Zero and also see ZJ. She has plans on leaving the Cafe a bit early. While the kids are in school with Hanabusa. So it gives her time to be alone with Zero. She so misses him. Thinking of his kisses. His touch. His voice. Makes her crave him even more. Her desire for him, growing more and more each day. She puts everything in the Car. The driver takes her to the home. She shares with Zero. Dropping her off.

She walks to the door bringing in bags. Shouting. "Zero? Zero?" "Yuki is that you?" Zero asks. "Yes." She says. Laying the bags on the floor. Running to him. "God, How I missed you Zero!" She says as she wraps her arms around him. Giving him a big kiss." I Missed you too. I didn't know. You were coming in this early." Zero says. "I wanted to come before, the kids got out of school. So we can have some alone time." Yuki smirks. "Sounds like a plan." Zero says. Picking her up. Taking her to their bed. Making love to her, being close to her. For a few hours. When they are done. Yuki gets up. Gets dressed. Going downstairs. Taking the bags, she brought with her, into the kitchen. Zero helps her, put the stuff away. They also get ready for dinner. Being very close to each other. Giving a lot of kisses and touches. While they are getting dinner ready. The kids come home from school. They all come into the kitchen to says hello. Yuki tells them to get ready for dinner.

They all sit down to dinner. Talking and being together, like they use to be. Enjoying their family. Telling each other about the week they had. Yuki and Zero smiling at each other. So happy to be together. After dinner. Zero helps Yuki clean up. The kids playing in the family room. The house full of life again. Just like Zero likes it. The way. He remembers it. When they are done cleaning up. Yuki takes the smaller children upstairs. Giving them a bath. Getting them ready for bed. Zero and Yuki tuck both children in. Taking their showers, and putting on their pj's. They then head downstairs, in the family room with ZJ. Where they sit on the couch. Playing video games with him. Giving him some quality family time. They have fun sitting there. Battling each other in a game. Laughing and interacting with each other. After a while, ZJ is playing with Zero. Yuki falls asleep on Zero's Shoulder. Zero knows. She needs some sleep.

"Z.J I am going to take your mother to bed. She doesn't sleep much. When she isn't here." Zero states. "Ok. Dad. Tonight was fun. Maybe we can do it again tomorrow?" ZJ asks. "Sure. I enjoyed it too. We can do it when your mother isn't here also. Whenever you want. Just ask." Zero replies. ZJ giving his father a smile. "Sounds good Dad."

Zero carries Yuki upstairs to bed. Placing her in their bed. He then slides in next to her. She cuddles up next to him, Staying asleep. She is dead from all week of no sleep. Feeling his warm body next to her. Always makes her feel safe. That no one will harm her. She has no trouble sleeping next to him. He enjoys the bed not being empty. Having her warm soft body next and on him. He so misses this. When she isn't there. She might need him to sleep but after all these years. He needs her as well. He is to use to her being next to him. Or on him. Kamanes words replaying in Zero's mind. You know. You can't live without each other. He was so right. There was no getting out of this. They were all stuck.

 The next day they spend a lot of family time together. They stay in the family room with the kids. Watching tv, playing games. Just doing things they haven't gotten to do in a while. Making Rai part of the family. Yuki stays very close to Zero. He notices that this weekend, she doesn't leave his side much. It's not sexual either. Its just being close. Just enjoying each other. Zero couldn't imagine his life without her. How he yearned for it to be Friday just to see and be with her. It was just a week. What would he do it if was forever? Realizing. That he didn't leave was the best idea. For if he did. Their lives would have been destroyed.

The following day it's Sunday. Yuki gets ready for dinner. Kamane comes over for the dinner and to take Yuki home. They spend time together at the dinner table. Zero behaves. So does Kamane. They try there best to make the best out of this situation. When its time to leave. Zero can see the hurt in Yuki's eyes. She gives him a long kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Telling him. She loves him. That she can't wait till next week. She packs the younger children. Taking them with her. Leaving ZJ behind with his father.

Zero feels the empty loneliness. How the house was just full of life, and now its dead again. He knew. He wouldn't just be able to sit at home alone. He would have to get back to work if this was going to work. Knowing. That Yuki wouldn't really like that idea of him being a hunter again. So not telling her off the bat. Figuring. He would see if they would even take him back first. The need to do something. To be active again. Took over him. Its been so long. He loved the Cafe but it didn't give him the thrill that being a hunter did. Making him feel like a true man. Making people fear him. It made the blood pump through his veins just thinking about it. It was something he needed to do for himself. To feel that adrenaline run through his body.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now