Chapter 74 Closeness

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Chapter 74 Closeness

The next day. The baby is doing a lot better. Yuki is dead tired from being up all day and night for two days straight. Anna is doing good enough to be able to go home. "Yuki why don't you come to the main house with me? That way maybe you can get some sleep. You can also be with Anna. " Zero says. "That's a great idea. I am so tired Zero. Between not sleeping right as it is, and then being up for two days. I can't even think straight. I am just happy. She is doing better. I can't even process. She is mine." Yuki remarks. " I think. You just need some rest. So do I. We can have Hanabusa look in on her also. We need sleep Yuki. We are not going to be any use to her, if we can't stay up." Zero admits. "True." Yuki signs the discharge papers and head home. Hanabusa taking baby Anna to his house for a few hours. While Zero and Yuki go get some rest. Zero and Yuki go into the main house. "Do you need me as a pillow?" Zero asks. "Yes please. That way i can sleep soundly." Yuki replies. "You know. I don't mind. Anytime you need sleep just ask Yuki. I am glad to do that for you. " Zero states. "I know but it feels weird to have to ask you that. We are not together anymore." Yuki responds. "I know, but we are still friends." Zero says walking upstairs to there old bedroom. Yuki takes off her shoes and just slides into bed wearing her dress. Zero gets in and she places her head on his chest. As she falls asleep, she moves closer to him, her arm going around his waist. Her leg going over his. Lifting the dress up to show her thigh. This is the closest. She has been to him in four years. Normally when she would fall asleep next to him, it would be just the head on his chest. Sometimes an arm around him. This time her body is almost fully on top of his. Snuggling up to him like they use to. Zero's bodybuilding with lust and desire. He puts his arms around her. Trying to control himself. Feeling that if he did anything ,it could break the friendship that is growing. He tries to just think of other stuff, as she moves and rubs her body against his. He just closes his eyes and tries to get some sleep. Taking in her scent, His bloodlust grows. He shakes if off and goes to sleep. A few hours later Zero gets up. Yuki is still sleeping in his arms fully on top of him. Snuggling so close.

 Its almost time for dinner. Hanabusa would be bringing Anna back soon. Zero not wanting to move. Enjoying Yuki being this close even though, she is sleeping.

Yuki now starting to wake. Taking a big Yawn, she looks at where she is. "Oh, Seems I might have taken advantage of my pillow. I'm so sorry. Not sure. What got into me." She says as she slides herself off of Zero onto her own side of the bed. "It's ok. It was nice". The bloodlust in his eyes growing. "I'm sorry Zero that was asking too much. I was so tired. I just got so comfy with you." She says while blushing. She sees the lust in Zeros eyes. The need he has. "If you need blood you can take it." Yuki states. "Zero looking at her desperately. She hands him, her wrist. but he wants more. He sits up, pulling her near him. "I don't want your wrist." He says as he lightly pulls her near licking her neck and sinking his fangs in. His arms wrapped around her pulling her on top of his lap. Yuki gives out a soft moan. One Zero hasn't heard in a long time. Her bloodlust growing as well. She doesn't even ask. She just licks his neck and sinks her fangs into his neck. Taking from him and he is her. Tugging at his silver hair as she drinks. Zero seals the holes in Yuki's neck. Letting her finish. Moaning as she pushes herself ever so close to him. When Yuki is finished,' she puts her head on his shoulder, trying to regain her composer. She then slips herself off of him. Sitting on the bed. "I am sorry. I'm going to go take my shower. Then make some dinner. Hanabusa should be bringing Anna home soon." Yuki responds Fully back in control now. Acting like what just took place didn't. Zero just looking at her, like how can she compose herself so fast like that. When inside, he is dying. " Ok, I think I will take one to. " He says. Yuki gets off the bed getting her clean clothes and heading to the bathroom. Zero doing the same to take a cold shower. Just letting the cold water run down his body. Thinking of Yuki's warm body pressed against his. Feeling her today, just drove him crazy. Seeing that her feelings might be growing for him as well. Then she shuts them off. Confusing Zero. Him not sure why she would just close herself off like that. Is it because of Kamane? Did she not want to betray him? Did she not want to have a relationship with me anymore? His mind going in all directions. His body feeling things, it was hard for him to hide.

Yuki in the other Shower, Cooling herself down and controlling all urges. Her body feeling things for Zero. She hasn't felt in four years. Confused. She just shrugs it off. She gets dressed and goes downstairs. Setting up the dinner table. Getting dinner ready. While she is, Hanabusa brings over Anna. "Here is your little girl." Hanabusa states. "Oh thank you so much, Hanabusa. I'm so happy to see her. How was she?" Yuki asks. "She was great. She is a lot better. We played a little. Then she took a nap." Hanabusa states. "I am so glad. I am going to spend some time with her tonight. I feel so much better with some rest. Thank you for that." Yuki says. "Hey, anytime. You both needed the rest." Hanabusa responds. "Where is Zero?" Hanabusa asks. "He was taking a shower. He should be done by now." Yuki admits. "K, I will go see." Hanabusa states.

 As Hanabusa is walking into the living room, Zero is coming down the stairs. "Hey, I was just going to look for you. I Hope you got some rest." Hanabusa says. "Yes, I got some. Not too much. I was somewhat distracted." Zero admits. "Distracted? Yuki got some sleep. She is feeling better." Hanabusa states. "Yes, You know. How she likes to sleep close to me? It makes her sleep better. Well, I agreed for her to do so. Just this time, she was just so close to me. Her arms, her body. It wasn't like before when she was on her side. She was literally on me. Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. It was just hard to sleep or even think. It took everything, I had not to touch her. " Zero admits. "Oh, do you think things are changing? Maybe now that she knows this is her child too?" Hanabusa asks. "I'm not sure. She saw the lust in my eyes. She gave me blood. I took it from her neck. I couldn't control myself. She let go, She took from my neck. She pulled me so close, it was like we were one. When she was done, she just got off of me like nothing happened. Her feelings shut off. I can't read her." Zero comments. "She is used to doing that. She is like Kamane with that now. I think to be honest, better. She can make him come unraveled." Hanabusa adds. 

"I don't know. How much more of this I can take. How much more I can control myself, Hanabusa. It took everything i had not to kiss her and touch her. I'm scared if i do. She will not come near me anymore. It will break the connection, we are starting to get. " Don't let her use you as a pillow then." Hanabusa states. "If I do that, she will think I'm pushing her away. I don't know. What to do. This is diving me crazy. We are still married. She is legally still my wife. Zero comments. "If and when she is ready for that step, I am sure. She will let you know Zero. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask her. Talk to her. "Maybe i just don't want to make it awkward. We work together now, i don't want to mess it up. Its like no matter what i do, i lose." Zero states. "Yea well that's a relationship Zero, you should be used to it by now. " Hanabusa laughs.

After Hanabusa leaves. Yuki puts dinner on the table. She feeds Anna and gives her a lot of attention. Cleaning up. Talking to her the whole evening. When she is done cleaning up, she takes her upstairs. Getting her ready for bed. She gives her a bath. PuttiPJsher PJs on. Taking her to her room. Sitting in the rocking chair. She places the little girl in her arms. Telling her how much she loves her. How happy. She is that she is hers. Holding her ever so close. Zero watches as she does so. Happy inside that in the end, she turned out to be theirs. That one obstacle is gone. Yuki falls asleep holding the little girl in her arms. The child falling asleep in Yuki's arms. After a while, Zero placed Anna into her bed. Picking up Yuki. Taking her to bed. He places her lightly into the bed and covers her. Getting in himself. Her body automatically rolls over onto him. Just like normal though, her arms around him but rest of her body on her own side.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now