Chapter 155 The Bitch is Here.

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Chapter 155 The Bitch is Here!

Once the wedding is over. It's time to go to the reception. Yuki, Kaname, and Zero walk in together. Doing there best to act as if everything is fine. They stand there as the guests go over to them. Saying, how nice everything is. As they are standing there, Kharis walks over with Victor. "Hello, I just wanted to introduce, my brother Victor. He came to celebrate this wonderful occasion." Kharis states. "Why are you doing this? Why as her of all people Mika?" Yuki asks. As Zero and Kaname do there best to keep her back. "I thought you would have been smarter than this Yuki. How would it look if NeZzy's Mother didn't come to the wedding? Wouldn't that be suspicious? No one needs to know. What really happened to her. Do They?" Mika replies with a giggle. "I guess your right." Yuki replies still very pissed off. Before she leaves. Kharis grabs Zero and plants a big passionate kiss on his lips. Him trying his best to get out of her grip. Yuki's Eyes flash red, and the glasses the waiter are holding crack.

 "Yuki, Let's get our seats." Kaname states. Trying to make things look normal. "Yuki are you ok?" Zero asks. She just gives him a glare. Then goes to sit down at the table. She takes her seat and drinks her glass of champagne. Then Kaname's. Than Zero's. Kaname looks at Zero knowing that Yuki doesn't drink. She never has. She is quiet. No one would know what was going through her mind. But she sits there drinking everything in site.

After awhile Ichuri. Walks up to the table where they are sitting. "I wanted to thank you for the Invite Yuki. It meant a lot to me." He replies. "It's nothing. Glad you came. I know you and my children are close. I am sorry to hear you lost the promotion. a lot of people got overlooked because The big bad meany was back." Yuki replies. "Wow. I guess. Its true you two are no longer? I never thought. I would see the day." he replies. "You never seem to know. What may happen these days. Shit is always hitting the fan here." Yuki responds. Zero sitting next to her, keeping his mouth shut. Trying his best not to make a scene. He knew Yuki was hurt. He knew the wounds just kept reopening. So he sat there and let her do her thing. He was glad. She was nice to his brother and wasn't starting any trouble. She just sat there, Drinking everyone's at the table's drink. Kaname told the waiter to skip there table. Yuki giving him a glare as well. Yuki then gets up leaving the table. Grabbing a full bottle of champagne and heading to the terrace.

Nezera walks up to Kharis fuming. "Why the hell did you do that? This is my wedding, not a mockery!" Nezera states. "Oh come on Nezzy it was fun. I loved her reaction. I thought. She would have slapped me or something. She did take it better then I thought. I have noticed her supply of booze is more than usual tonight. I never thought she drank. Man, who would have thought Yuki was a drunk." Mika/Kharis Laughs. "That's not fair. She is not. You are hurting good people!" Nezera replies. "Like you hurt me? You left me! You are my best friend and you play this shit. Being all lovey. With that. How long do you think this is going to last? That you can behave yourself. When is the old NEzzy coming back?!" Mika/Kharis replies. "NEVER. I told you. I want peace!" He snaps. "Whatever. Any way, I did you a favor. How would it look if your mother didn't come to your wedding? No one needs to know she is dead. You wouldn't want your lovely Mother in law to get the blame would you?" Mika/Kharis states. "No. Watch it though. I am getting tired of your games." Nezera remarks. "Oh, Nezzy come on. The old you would love this!" She claims. Nezera knowing. What she said is true. Him doing his best not to show. What he really was at this wedding. Wanting to take revenge on his father and Mika for all this shit. This wasn't what he wanted. He wanted peace. For some reason, no one would believe that. They had to keep pushing. Now using people he cared about. He knew that upset Yuki. It wasn't what he was looking for.

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