Chapter 62 Some Revenge is sweet.

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Chapter 62 Some revenge is sweet.

A few more months go by, Yuki and Kaname are still together. They get along really well. Kamane even purposed to Yuki. He gave her a large diamond ring. She told him they can be engaged, but she didn't want to get married. She isn't even divorced yet. When she would be, it was something. She really wasn't sure. She wanted to do again. Kamane said that was fine. He was ok with being engaged. It was a commitment and that he understood. Life with Kamane is very different then life with Zero. Kamane is a pureblood king. She was the queen. Any where they both went was fancy and rich. People would bow down to the presence of both of them. They made a really nice looking couple. He would buy her things and surprise her. The things. He would buy were always elegant and rich looking. He spoiled her. For the first time in her life, she liked it. She enjoyed being his Queen. She knew. How to carry herself in the presence of others. She was trained for many years, on how to behave and act for these interactions. She also has gotten good, through the years on holding back her emotions. At being cold and dark. Maybe even better then Kamane. Kamane could still hold his emotions. He could be cold. Showing nothing, but he has changed. When it comes to Yuki and his family, he shows how much he cares. He has lightened up a lot. Yuki loves seeing that side of him. Its what makes her like being with him. He now opens up to her. He has changed a lot. He isn't like Zero either. He doesn't dwell on the past or on Zero. He never mentions him. Only if its something important. He tries his best to let her forget him. He knows. The child being born killed Yuki inside. It was the last straw to seal there fate. Anything she felt for Zero died that weekend. It made her move on with Kamane. Feeling that this is where. She should of been the whole time. Feeling this was her true destiny. Embracing it and facing it head-on.

The yearly ball is tonight. Kamane and Yuki are going. This time together as a couple. To announce there Engagement. Last time she was at the ball, she lost Zero. She knows. He will be there. She is glad. He will hear this. It makes her feel good to slap him in the face with this. Kamane about revenge. He just lets Yuki do her thing. It may be revenge, but the whole vampire society will know that Yuki is his. That makes him gleam with pride. While going through the closet at Yuki's home. Looking for shoes, He finds a big white box filled with letters. Letters Yuki wrote him. When he was sleeping in the ice coffin. Letters that Only Yuki and Ai knew about. When she couldn't visit him for any reason, she wrote him instead. He sits in the large walk-in closet and starts reading them. All starting with my Dearest Kamane and ending with I love and Miss you terribly, Yuki. He sees. How much she really did love and care for him. How she would tell him in those letters, how she was feeling. Everything going on. It makes him feel closer to her. Like he really can get her to fall in love with him again. Just needing the time to do so. He has come along way. He still knows. She isn't in love with him like before. Her guard is still up.

Yuki walks in on him reading. "What are you doing?" She asks. "I am reading years worth of very sweet letters. You wrote me years ago." He replies. "Oh, I totally forgot. I even wrote those. I just put them in the back of the closet. There are tons of them in there. You know. I wrote one every day. Even when I was feeling my lowest. It made me feel close to you. Like you were still here with me. I really did miss you. It was the only times, I could say how I really felt without hurting anyone." Yuki admits. " I see that. I am sorry. I put you through all that. I will do my best to make up for all those years. Yuki." Kamane replies. "You have, I am very happy with you Kamane. You make me smile. I love. I don't have to worry about your feelings. That when I tell you something, you know. I'm telling you the truth. Even if it hurts you don't throw it back to me days or months later. You accept it. I have to say. I got really tired of always saying. I was sorry for how I felt. It's like a weight has lifted off of me." Yuki admits. Kamane just taking in what Yuki is saying. Knowing. Who she is meaning. "So are you getting ready for tonight? You do know. That us telling everyone there tonight we are together. Means they will be thinking. We will be getting married eventually?" Kamane says. "Yes, I know. You already know. How I feel about that. It's not for that. It's just to say we are together. I am off the market. There Pure Blood King and Queen will be together. They will all get what they wanted all these years." Yuki says. "Yuki, whatever you do tonight, please. Stay as calm as you can and don't react. This will not be the place to set anyone on fire. I don't normally tell you what to do. I know. You don't want me to control you. This isn't about controlling you. This is about telling you, please. There will be a lot of people there. They do not need to see any of that. We are like you said, King and Queen. We do not act like that. If you have to burn someone please do not do it here." Kamane says. "I know, I have no intentions of doing any of that. Tonight is about us. About being the Royalty that we are. I wouldn't mess that up for anything or one. I promise you." Yuki comments. " Thank you, I am going to start getting ready. I will finish up my letters later. Thank you. I loved. What I already read so far. Makes me feel closer to you." Kamane says as he kisses her far head. Yuki just smiling back. " I will go put on my new dress and shoes. I do love these clothes. They are so fancy and pretty." Yuki remarks.

Yuki goes to put on her gown. A Beige Trumpet/Mermaid V-neck Sweep Train Tulle Evening Dress. With Beading & Sequins. It shimmers as she moves. It hugged her shape letting every ounce of sexiness show. She put her hair up with a few small pieces that fell down on her face in curls. With a Tiara on her head, and strappy nude heels on her feet. The large diamond rock, kamane gave her on her hand. Shimmering and shining away. On her other hand, she still has her wedding band, It holds a lot of special memories. So she just moved, it to the other hand. Telling Kamane once the divorce is final. She will take it off completely. Kamane walks into the bedroom, looking dashing. His tall, slender body looks very sexy in the black tux. His white crisp shirt peeking through. As he looks at Yuki, she takes his breath away. She looks stunning. She is the woman. He always dreamed of. He waited a lifetime for this moment. It was finally here. Just staring at her. Watching her Curves in the dress as she shimmers. "I have something for you." He announces. "Oh. What did you do now?" She grins. Kamane handing her a large white box with a big red bow. Yuki placing it on the bed opening it. It's a White fur shawl. " I couldn't have my girl get cold. I thought that would match your dress perfectly and keep you toasty." Kamane remarks. "Oh, Kamane is gorgeous. I don't know. What to say. Thank you." Yuki states. "I'm not done yet. Here is one more." He says as he hands her a smaller white box with a large red bow. She opens it to reveal a diamond tennis bracelet. "Kamane, Its breathe taking." She says. "Yes, but not as breathe taking as you look at this moment. Let me put it on you." He takes her arm and puts the bracelet around her wrist. Lightly snapping it together. Sliding his hands up to her shoulders and pulling her close. Kissing her passionately on the mouth. Her hands laying on his chest, she kisses him back. "Are you ready to go?" He asks in his smooth cool voice. "Yes, I am." She remarks putting the white fur around her. Taking a look in the mirror, before she leaves. Admiring herself.

The limo is parked outside waiting for the couple. Kamane opening the door for Yuki to get in. Then sliding in after her. Holding her hand on the way there. "Are you ready for this?" He asks. "Yes. You keep asking me like I'm going to change my mind or something." She states. "I am just making sure. This is what you really want. I don't want to push you." " Kamane I'm not that little girl anymore. I can handle this now. If I didn't want to be here, I would have told you a long time ago. Just like I told you. I don't want to get married." Yuki explains. "Alright. Then let's do this." He responds.

Once at the ball, there are people and limos everywhere. They get out. Walking up the stairs into the ball. People gasping as they see the couple together, and how stunning Yuki looks. Hanabusa there at the ball with Yori, Glaces over and even his mouth drops. Going over to the couple. "Well if I may add you two look exceptional together." Hanabusa confesses. "Thank you." Kamane says. Zero and Kharis already at the ball. They are nowhere near each other. Zero can still sense Yuki's presence. His eyes search the room for her. Spotting her, her arm around Kamanes walking in the room. His mouth drops, and his hearts beats fast. He is taken in by her beauty. He always knew. She was pretty, but he never saw her like this before. She was radiant in that dress and fur. It suited her to the T. He can't take his eyes off of her. The ball is going and the music is playing. Kamane takes Yuki by the hand. Dancing with her. Showing everyone. They are together. The rock Kamane gave her gleaming on her finger. After a few dances, one of the head Counsel members gets up to speak. "I would like to Announce with great happiness, The engagement Of Kamane and Yuki Kuran. The King and Queen of this ball. " The head Counsel man states. All eyes on both Kurans. Everyone clapping and wishing them well. In the Distance hearing someone say. She finally ditched that Vampire hunter for the King. It's about time. Zero standing there, Eyes red with anger. Body twitching. Doing his best to fight, but it not working. Kharis fighting within. The hurt and anger written all over his body moments. She grabs him and heads out the door before her charms wear off. It's been hard for her to control him as it was. Then when he would see Yuki in person it was even harder.

The ball is over and Kamane and Yuki head home. "How did you like tonight Yuki? Did you get everything you wanted out of it?" He asks. She smiles and gives him an evil grin. "Why yes I enjoyed it more then you can ever imagine. It was better then I had hoped." Yuki comments. "I'm glad it suited you. Everyone was staring at how beautiful you looked tonight. It makes me feel very special, to be the one next to you." Kamane remarks. Yuki just smiles at him, Knowing. That she had other motives tonight. She succeeded at making Zero squirm. She knew. No matter what to see that Kamane got his wish would kill Zero. Even if he didn't want Yuki, The thought that she was with Kamane would still get to him. She knew his breaking points. She used it against him. She figured if she was going to be with Kaname, she might as well use it for some of her own needs. She was happy that her plan went well. She saw as Kharis had to lead him out the door.

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