Chapter 166 Words Cut like a knife.

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Chapter 166 Words cut like a knife.

It was finally time to go home. Zero grabbing his brown trench coat and briefcase, heading to the parking lot. He wasn't sure. What he was going to find. When he picked up Yuki this evening. He had a plan on trying to make this evening a nice one. To try to let the shit go. This afternoon was nice. He loved her getting closer to him. Her little surprise stayed with him all day. It was a happy thought among all the others. He had going. He reaches the Cafe. Where he parks the car. SLowly getting out. Walking into the Cafe. Yuki behind the counter. Her eyes glisten at the sight of him.

"Hey, babe. I am here to pick you up." Zero states. "Ok. I just have to lock up and get my purse. I will be right with you." Yuki responds. Going to lock the backup and then heading to the front. Where she and Zero step outside. Zero watching for any sign of that damn paper. But nothing. Yuki seems to be in good spirits. SHe gets into the car, holding Zero's hand while he drives. She just smiles up at him. "I see you're still in a good mood," Zero asks. "Yes. Of course. I thought of our afternoon all day." Yuki responds with a smile. "Me too. It was really nice. I have something planned for this evening. I think you and the kids will like it." Zero states. "Oh really. It will be nice doing something as a family. I didn't get to go see Kaname today. I was too busy. I still need to get my things. I also need to talk over what we are doing with Rai." Yuki admits. "It's ok. The boxes of your stuff I had taken cared of. You won't have to go over there to do that. Just need to talk to him about Rai. I thought. I would save you some time." Zero comments. "Thank you. I hate packing. " Yuki replies.

Once home, Zero waits for the kids to come home from school. He see's when Hanabusa lets them go. That Rai is still here. There is no sign of Kaname. His normal pick up. Isn't happening today. He figured. Martha and Kaname were on their date. He had no time to pick up Rai. Not to mention, where would Rai stay while Kaname was out on the date. Zero was happy. He knew. Yuki didn't really want to give time up with Rai. He just hoped tonight would work out for Kaname and Martha.

Once the kids were home. Zero went inside. "Hey Kids. How about we go out for pizza and a movie tonight?" Zero asks. The smaller kids jumping up and down happily. "Yes, daddy." Anna replies." ZJ just looks at his father puzzled. "Everything ok ZJ?" Zero asks. "Yes, Dad. I think. It would be great. It's just not like you. Maybe pizza but a movie? You know. There are people at the movie right?" ZJ Laughs. "Very funny. Smartypants. Yes, I know there are people at the movie. Gezz." Zero responds. "I just know. You are not very social Dad. You don't like things like that." ZJ states. "I'm ok. I thought. It would be nice since we don't spend that much time together. I know your mother wants to spend more time with you also." Zero admits. " Zero it is a school night." Yuki says. "Mommy please," Rai asks. "Ok. You all win. Let's go." Yuki says smiling at Zero.

 "The kids really know you well." Yuki Snickers. "Yea Yea." Zero says walking to the car. Everyone gets in and they drive off to the pizza shop. Getting pizza, and soda for dinner. They all sit down at a booth talking about there day. Enjoying the time together. Here and there, Yuki will touch Zero. Either on his hand or thigh. He sees the closeness still there. She still can't kiss him in public since they are still not showing they are together. So she will do little things, just to show closeness. While at the pizza place, they get ice cream sundaes. Making the kids happy. Not to mention Yuki. She loves stuff like that. Feeding some ice cream to Zero. Looking at him like he is the only man in the world. Zero loving it.

After pizza, they go to the movie theater. The kids picking the movie. Zero letting them. Not really caring what they pick. He just wanted to be with his family. Rai and Anna all excited over the popcorn. They get there seats, Yuki sitting next to Zero. One smaller kid sitting on the side of them and ZJ on the other side of Anna. The lights go down when the movie is about to start. Yuki holds Zero's hand and places a light kiss on his cheek. They smile at each other watching the movie. An hour and a half later. The movie is over. They get up to leave. Yuki taking the smaller kids to the bathroom before they go.

On her way to the bathroom, she walks by a paper stand. Seeing Kharis and Zero's kiss plastered on the front page. She grabs one and reads it while the kids are in the bathroom. Taking it all in. The kids come out and Zero walks over to see if they are ready. He see's her putting the paper down. Getting the kids. He just looks at her. To see her reaction. He can tell, It bothered her by her actions. She spots Zero and just walks over to him with the kids. "We are ready to go." she says. "Ok. everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yea. We should get home. It's getting late." Yuki responds. They walk to the car putting the kids in. Zero gets in to drive and Yuki on the passage seat. She is very quiet, as the kids in the back are not. Talking about the movie they just watched. Zero stares at Yuki but gets nothing. She is just looking sideways at the other cars going past. Laying her head on the car seat. Looking like she is in deep thought.

They get home, and Yuki gets the smaller kids and puts them to bed. ZJ going to his room. Yuki then goes into the bathroom for her shower. Which she just looks at herself in the mirror. She gets into the shower and just sits there. The words in the paper going over and over in her head. Zero notices that it's quite awhile that Yuki is in the shower. It never really takes her this long.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now