Chapter 138 The Meeting.

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Chapter 138 The meeting.

Later in the day. Yuki goes home to the townhouse. Kamane sitting on the sofa doing homework with the Anna and Rai. "Welcome home. Did you get everything you wanted out of this morning?" Kamane asks."Yes. I did. I wanted to thank you. I also wanted to say sorry. I know. That wasn't very fair of me" Yuki replies. "I knew. What you were doing. I didn't mind. I have to say that kiss was something else."Kamane admits. "Yes, Well they always were. I just don't want to play with your emotions." Yuki replies. "I'm ok. I know. How things are. I know. What we are playing. We will have to go talk to Yagari. To let him know, who is on the board now. Besides us." Kamane comments. "Sure whenever you're ready." Yuki remarks." Tomorrow afternoon should be fine. How do you think Zero enjoyed this morning?" Kamane Chuckles. "I am sure. He understands why I did it. I am also sure. He is pissed that I did it. I know. She is lurking around. She asks too many questions. That should have thrown her off a bit." Yuki responds. " I did see her watching us. When you leave here? Are you going to make it clear? You are no longer with me?" Kamane asks. "No, Everything will stay the same. Just like before. Just I will live in my own home with Zero. I am not going to go around announcing we are married. People will ask too many questions. I also know that doesn't look good for you. So, I will keep it quiet. Just what happens if you find someone Kamane?" Yuki asks.

 "I never really thought of that. I don't really want anyone else but you." Kamane responds. "I know. You also need a life. You need someone to spend it with, to be happy with. I hate seeing you so upset and down. I hate ruining your life." Yuki remarks. "You're not ruining my life. You're the best part of it. I know. What your saying. I am just not ready for that now. I am happy with our son. He makes me happier then I have ever been." Kamane states. "I know. Its why I would never take him away from you. You are a wonderful father Kamane. It makes me so happy to see you with Rai. I really do enjoy raising him with you." Yuki replies. " Same here. I wish. We would have raised Ai together as well. Maybe even a few more." Kamane states. "We can't go back. It is what it is. We just have to deal with what is real. " Yuki states. Walking to the kitchen to start dinner. They spent that night as a family. Eating dinner and spending time with the kids. Putting them to bed together. Before Yuki heads to her bedroom. She gives Kamane a big hug. Holding him close to her. "Thank you for everything. I don't know. What I would do without you." Yuki whispers in his ear. Giving him a smile while walking to her room.

The next afternoon, Yuki is getting ready to head to the association with Kamane. They both head outside into the car waiting for them. "Are you ready for this?"Kamane asks. "Yes. We worked hard for this." Yuki answers. "You do know? Zero will be there." Kamane remarks. "He works there now. Yes, I know. He won't listen to me. He is as stubborn as ever." Yuki admits. "Glad you know it. Anyway, you know not to show any emotion around him. All eyes will be on us here." Kamane comments. "I know the drill. I am good at not showing emotion. Remember?" Yuki states. "True. You are. Just not so good when it comes to Zero. You both lately let your emotions take over. I think he is making you as hot-headed as he is." Kamane remarks. Yuki giggling. "I am not that bad."

Once at the Association, Yuki and Kaname head to Yagari's office. The Door is open waiting for both of them. Inside the office, Zero, Yagari, and Martha are waiting. "Hey come on in." Yagari states. "Thank you for having us here this afternoon. I know. We need to go over who the new council board will be. There will be a few changes. We want this to run smoothly this time. We don't need any problems. I want peace between Vampires and Humans."Kamane comments. 

"We know that is what you been striving for. We want it that way also." Yagari states. Zero and Martha just listening. Martha watching Yuki and Zero. Who hasn't even said hello to each other. Yuki is beside Kamane holding his hand. Zero is paying more attention to Yagari. "So who is going to be on this board?" Zero asks. "First The head of the board will be me and Yuki. We found since we are King and Queen, we should be at the head of this. To show others, how its suppose to be done. Going through others wasn't working out very well. Second, we think Prue bloods should be on the board. with us. So Ai and Yoshiko will also be on the board. We also want to add two Aristocrats to make it fair So we picked Hanabusa and Takuma Ichijo. Their family was on the board before. So this should make them happy. PLus they are also both very fair and want, what I want."Kamane states. "That sounds very good to me. What does the president of the hunters association Think?" Yagari says looking at Zero. Yuki just stares at Zero. Doing her best to keep her cool. Acting as if it doesn't bother her. Inside dying.

 Kamane just squeezes her hand, letting her know he is there for her. "I think if Kamane feels this is what he wants. It should be fine." Zero remarks. Looking back at Yuki. Knowing he is going to hear it for this. While the men are talking Yuki excuses herself. Heading to the bathroom for some air. She goes into the bathroom, where two other ladies are. She gives a light smile and heads to one of the stools.

"Do you know? Who that is? One of the ladies asks. "OMG yes. Do you know? She used to be married to our president of the hunters association?" The other lady states. "No, really?" The other replies. "Yea, He left her, for another woman. The queen was dumped by the hunter. I even heard. He had a child with his mistress." The lady responds. "Oh, my. I just know now, she is married to the Lord Kamane. I guess. She finally wised up. Took a mate that matched her. I Guess the first time she liked the Hot bad boy. Image." She replies. Giggling to each other. Yuki listening in the stool, tears filling her eyes. Pain in her heart. Will Kharis ever stop haunting her? Is this what people were saying? Yuki waited for the two ladies to leave the restroom, before coming out of the stool. A deep sadness taking over her. She knew. She had to get back act like everything was ok. When deep down she was a total mess.

Yuki walks back to Yagairs office, putting on a brave face. Her eyes red. She gives them a final wipe before heading in. "Welcome back my girl." Kamane says. Noticing something is off. Yuki gives him a smile. Not looking at Zero. She stands near Kamane going for his hand, Needing him more now then she ever has. He accepts her hand pulling her close. "I think. We are done here? Is there anything else you need to discuss?" Kamane asks. "No, I think we are fine with all that was stated here today. We have no problems with who you picked. We can see why you picked them."Yagari comments. Zero glancing at Yuki noticing her eyes. Noticing her change in demeanor. Also noticing, she won't look at him. She is now acting as if he isn't in the room at all. Kamane says his goodbyes to all. Yuki gives a small smile and walks out first. While Kamane Shakes there hands.

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