Chapter 199 Do I give in? Or Walk Away?

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Chapter 199 Do I give in? Or walk away?

Zero knew. He had to let go of everything. He heard today. If he wanted the relationship to stay as good as it was, he couldn't let anything said today ruin it. He had his own things, he kept to himself. Seeing that Yuki forgave him for the terrible thing, he did days ago. Not holding it over him. Not using it to hurt him. She even let go and let him do fieldwork. She was doing her best. Now it was his turn. To return to the man, he was becoming. Let the past go. He also saw that Yuki had the chance to erase everything he saw here today and she didn't. She let him remember. She let them work it out. He saw her growing more and more. He also saw her fear. How evident it was in her when they were speaking. Of how she feared, he would leave her, when he knew the truth. That she told him anyway. She was opened and honest. How no matter, how hurt she was. She worked through it. He was relieved.

Back at the townhouse. Martha is fuming. She is so upset. She doesn't even know where to start. She is hurt beyond compare."How could you do this Kaname? Don't you know how much I love you? Why would you control her? I thought you were doing all that to me that night. NOT HER!" Martha shouts. "Please calm down. I was hurt and confused that night. I did it because I was jealous of Zero. The attention she gave him. The smell of her blood in the air. I did something stupid." Kaname admits. "I am not going to be like Zero, Kaname. I am not going to put up with this shit. If you can't give me all of you. Then I can't be in this relationship. I can't live in her shadow. That when she does something with him. You take it out on me. When I am in bed with you. I am with you. Only you." Martha states. 'I know. I am sorry. You knew what this was. When we started. This shouldn't be a surprise to you." Kaname remarks. "I did. I just didn't know I would be sharing a bed with her as well! Do you know how you make me feel Kaname? How much I want you?" Martha asks. "I know you want to be Queen." Kaname remarks coldly. "Damn that Mika. It's not like that. I wanted you to turn me into a vampire so I could be with you. As your queen. As your everything. That I could live with you forever. You don't see it. You just see Her!" Martha snaps.

 " I see a lot of things. Not only her Martha. I have to be very careful with what I do. I'm not like a regular Vampire. I am also sorry but you could never be Queen. Yuki is a pureblood. It's her title. If anything happens to her. It goes to our Daughter Ai. They are both Purebloods. Even if ... I was to ever marry. My Wife wouldn't be Queen. Unless she was a full pureblood. Not to mention You are a Vampire hunter. Like Zero. People won't except it so easily. Yuki just loves him so much. She doesn't even care anymore. Her brain is in a fog with him." Kaname remarks. "No. its not in a fog. She loves him. She wants him. Her heart is true to him. You don't seem to understand that. Even if I can't be Queen. I still want to be by your side. Obviously, you don't want that. I am not going to stay here and watch you fall apart over her." Martha responds. "it's not that easy Martha. It will take time for me to let go with anyone. If you can't hold out. Then I'm sorry." Kamane replies. "I am not staying here. I think. We need time apart. If you come to your senses. Call me. If you want to dwell on Yuki. Don't." Martha says. Walking out the front door.

Kaname just sits in his desk chair. He doesn't run after her. He needs time to think. If this is something, he really wants to or not. He knows. He isn't ready to marry anyone. That's not something he wants. He also knows. It's been so long he has been attached to Yuki. He doesn't think. He can live a life without her. His mind just fills with thoughts. What do I do? Do I let her go? Or try? Or just have someone to have someone. Instead of always being alone? His mind hurt just thinking about it. This was a big step. He needed time to think. He knew. She was right. He knew what he did was wrong. He just couldn't help himself. His mind went back to the other day when Yuki drank his blood. To how he yearned for that. He thought about how Zero hurt her, almost killing her, and she took him back. He knew. She would break the spell. Yuki was more powerful then people thought she was. She just hid a lot of it. Like Mika said. She was a bad bitch. She just didn't show it as Mika did.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now