Chapter 24 Reception

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Chapter 24 Reception

After the Ceremony, Everyone was headed to the ballroom. Zero and Yuki just couldn't take their eyes off of each other. It was like no one else even existed. When they opened the doors of the Ballroom, it was filled with tables, white lights, lanterns, and White Roses. There was a four-layer wedding cake. Everything was very Beautiful. It was time for there first dance. Ai and Seiya let, let Zero and Yuki dance to. "May I have this dance, my Lady?" Zero Asks. "Of course my love."Yuki replies. His arms around her pulling her close to him. This does remind me of our first wedding. I was so happy to be with you Zero, As I still am today. "Same here." he replies. I think this time you have even a bigger glow on your face. She smiles at him. Then they have the daddy-daughter dance, Ai dances with Zero and Yuki with Kaien. "Ai, I want to thank you for everything you did tonight. It was a wonderful surprise. Your mother is so happy and so am i." Zero tells her. "I am so glad Dad. You two belong together, and everyone should know you are together. Tonight proved that you two are. Everyone did pretty much already know though. This just really confirmed it." Ai Responds. I will always be with your mother Ai. No matter what. I know Dad. You will never betray her. Those words rang a bell. The Words Kaname always told him. Could it be this kid was so much like him? It sometimes scared Zero, but yet he still loved her as his own. The one thing Kaname didn't mess up.

Before the night ended Hanabusa gave a toast. I just want to congratulate Ai and Seiya. I am so happy and proud to be part of the Kuran family. I am so happy that the daughter of Kamane is my daughter in law. I also want to thank Zero, for raising such a wonderful girl. Also for being one of my best friends. Cheers Everyone to the Aido and Kuran Family. Yuki looked at Zero, hoping that didn't bother him. She was the true daughter of Kamane. Everyone here tonight was there to wish the Kurans congratulations. Never even thinking of Zero being part of it. That hurt Yuki a lot, knowing that Zero was more part of Ai's life than anyone in this room. She squeezes his hand and looks up at him. He smiles back down at her. He knew this day would be all about Kamane somehow. Ai and Yuki didn't feel that way so that is all that mattered to him. He had his real children, who were standing right by his side. He was happy with his family.

At the end of the evening, everyone started to leave. Ai and Seiya left for there honeymoon. They also left a note for Yuki and Zero. It was a key to the plaza for there own one-night honeymoon. To give back the night they never had. Yuki was fully excited." Well, I see you're happy about this huh?" Zero grins. Yes, I am. "All those years ago that was the night we should have made love for the first time." Yuki says in a low sad voice. I wasn't able to give you that Zero. That bothered me all these years. "Yuki its OK we have made up for that over and over don't you think?" Zero replies. "No, not really. That was a special night. The night I became yours and you mine. "Yuki replies. "Yes." Zero says but it was very special to me. It was the first time you ever said you loved me. That meant more to me than anything else. I knew the rest would follow. I understood why you wanted to wait." Zero said. "You always were so good to me." Yuki replied. Even when it must have been really hard to be. "I love you Yuki, I always have always will. You always excepted me the way I was. Without question." Zero stated." It was the least I could have done in return. So are we going to change and go to the hotel? "Zero asks. "Yes. I kind of hate to take this dress off though." Yuki says." You look great in it my love. How about one last dance. No one is here but me and you." Zero asks. "Sounds good." She replies. There is no music though. Who needs music. Yuki got a pain in her heart when Zero said that. Taking her back to this same ballroom so many years ago. Dancing with Kaname. Who didn't even hear the music when they were dancing. She closes her eyes and puts her arms around Zero. Just holding him close. 

Would she ever be able to be free? Would any moment just be theirs? She thought to herself. No matter what it always seems to have a memory or something of Kaname. Today was one day filled with them. I will not let him ruin this for us. Yuki thought. Clearing her mind and dancing slowly with Zero, As he twirls her around the Dancefloor. "Well, you sure have gotten good at this." Yuki says. "Why thank you." He answers with a smile. "You ready to go?" he asks. Yes, I am. Kissing him on his lips as they leave the ballroom.

They both change their clothes and head to the car. Where the driver takes them to the upscale Hotel. The key is for the penthouse suite. Oh, Zero its awesome.' I see." Zero replies opening the door. King size bed, fireplace, private hot tub, and terrace. "OK, what do you want to do first? "Zero asks. "Hot tub." Yuki says. I" was thinking the same thing." he adds. "Did you bring your suit ?" he asks. "No just my birthday suit, is that OK?" She replies with a smirk. "Yes, the best suit I ever saw." Zero replies with a smile. They smile at each other. Yuki heads to the bathroom to take off her clothes and get a towel. Zero undresses in the room and goes into the hot tub. "This feels really great." He shouts at her. "I will be right there" she answers him back. Walking out of the bathroom toward the hot tub wearing nothing but a towel. As she steps into the tub, she drops the towel and lowers herself into the tub. Zero's eyes just watching every step she makes. Her warm body swims over to his. Placing her hands on his chest. Putting her lips on his. Kissing him lightly. I waited all day for this. She tells him. Really he answers? Yes, I love being close to you alone. "Same here babe." he says. They enjoy the hot tub, letting the water pulse on their bodies. Wrapped in each other's arms. They stay in there for a bit, then they head out drying each other off. Heading to the king size bed. Zero lifting Yuki and carrying her there. There bodies still warm from the water. Zero undoing Yuki's towel, kissing down her neck, to her chest. Her hands rubbing his chest. As she gives out a light moan. Kissing his down his neck. They continue taking it slow with kisses and light touches. Like its the first time they ever spent together. Wanting to enjoy each others body. The only difference is they know just where to touch to make the other go crazy. They spent the night taking it slow and enjoying every inch of each other. Before actually making love. They took things slow, no need to rush anything.

The morning came, they were wrapped in each other's naked bodies. The sun shining on them. Happy to be together. They ate their breakfast in bed feeding each other in their white robes. Talking and making each other laugh. They spent all these years together and never got tired of each other. In a few hours, they knew they would have to go back home. So they spent the rest of the time in bed just enjoying each other in every way they could image.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now