Chapter 6 Sealing there vow

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THIS CHAPTER IS LEMON! finally so please beware before reading! mature content! Please review.

Chapter 6 Sealing there vow

Its been a month since Ai has been born. She is the apple of her mother's eye. Yuki takes care of her fully. No nanny, just herself and of course Zero. When she lets go of her. Zero finds delight in seeing how good a mother, Yuki has become. Seeing her mature more day by day. At times. he is a little jealous of all the time. Yuki spends with her. but then shrugs it off. He works a lot anyway. The time he gets home, Yuki is tired. She always manages to cuddle up to him. She stays as close, as she can to him, while in bed. They still haven't consummated there marriage. Zero isn't rushing her. He knows. She just had a baby. That she needs time to heal. He feels. I waited all this time. What is a little bit more.

One day. Zero comes home early. Tired from all the hard work. He has been doing. They sure do keep him busy. He is very good at his job. They have no problems with him. Even though, they still don't know that Yuki and Zero are married. They never let that out, as they know it would cause problems. People already started talking. Knowing that Zero lives at the Mansion. So does Hanabusa most of the time anyway. He guards Kamane. He is also doing scientific testing. To see what will bring him back. He is practically always there. So is Yori.Who is always helping him. Zero doesn't mind, since when he is gone Yuki still has people in the house with her. He knows. Hanabusa would protect her if need be. When he walks in the door Yuki is in the kitchen making something for dinner, holding little Ai in her arms. Singing to her, as she cooks. He stares at them. Near the stove, and listens to her lovely voice. 

"Zero your home early. " She says. As he goes to kiss her on the cheek. Yes, babe, I thought. I would take an early day. I'm tired and beat. I also miss you two. I would like to spend some time with you guys. "Sounds great Zero. I miss you as well. Would you mind holding Ai as I cook? "Yuki asks" "Not at all." Zero replies. Thinking she is letting go of her...i'm shocked. "What are we having?" Zero Asks. Some pasta, with a salad. I didn't know you were coming home early, or I would have made something else. "Nonsense. That's totally fine with me." He Replies. Zero holding the little girl in his arms. Smiling at her as she smiles at him. Her big eyes looking right at Zero." She gets cuter every day Yuki." Zero says. "I know. Zero she is just lovely. Oh, Zero did you notice?  Asks Yuki. 'Notice what babe?' Zero asks in return. Yuki walking up to Zero. Very excited. Look at me, I'm back to my normal self. I'm skinny. Zero taking in the site." Yes, babe. I noticed." Zero saying to himself. I noticed a while ago. How your curves were back. Actually a little better than before. Nice full round bottom and bigger breasts. Zero Shakes his head trying not to think about it. "You ok Zero?" Yuki asks. You look a little dazed. Yes. I'm fine babe. I am also back to normal with other things now Zero. "Really?" Zero asks A little confused. "Yes. All the baby stuff is over. My body is now mine again." Yuki states. Zero quickly realizing. What she means. Oh ok. That's good Yuki. I bet you're pleased. Oh. Yes very. Thinking to himself does that mean...we get to ...hmm don't get your hopes up. You know how this goes. Trying not to think about, what he really would like to do. He just holds the baby. Feeding her before, their dinner is ready. 

"Zero. I think after dinner, we should put Ai to bed. Then maybe have a little alone time." Yuki says. Her voice quivering. "Sure. Sounds great." Says Zero. Oh My god. He thinks to himself. Maybe it is going to happen. Which makes him excited and nervous, all that the same time. "Dinner is done." Yuki States. Zero puts the baby down in her bassinet. Then he sits at the dinning table, as Yuki gets there plates. She sits down at the table. Smiling at Zero. He gives back a small playful smile. Sliding his hand up to move his hair out of his eyes. "This pasta is good." He says. As he at the moment doesn't know what else to say. But doesn't like the sheer quietness in the room. "Thank you." Yuki replies. I am glad you like it. After a pretty quiet dinner, Zero helps Yuki clean the table and the dishes. He washes, as she drys. His hand touches hers, as he hands her the plate. A small shiver goes down her spine. She lets out a small moan. His eyes open wide to the touch and sound. He feels a tingling throughout his body. The want. The need of her. He tries to compose himself. He knows they still have to put the baby to bed. "Ok." He says. Dishes are done. Time to put that little tike to bed. Yuki smiles. Zero lifts the baby out of her bassinet. Ai cooing at Zero, looking straight into his eyes. He holds her close as him and Yuki go upstairs. They give Ai a sponge bath together. Dressing her for bed and giving her, her bottle. They lay her in her crib, turning on the mobile. Watching as she closes her eyes. What a beautiful site. Zero and Yuki smile at each other. Heading to her room.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now