Chapter 181 Trying to Rattle You.

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Review Please. How do you like their relationship now? Zero is doing better with his temper. :)

Chapter 181 Trying to Rattle you.

Its been a few days. Yuki and Zero go out doing normal couple things. Not caring who sees them. Yuki knows. Kaname isn't himself. She just tried to brush it off. Trying to let go of anything that would bring her back to the person. She was months ago. Never wanting to go back there. She was finally happy. She and Zero got back what they had. To be honest they had more now. Their relationship grew. It was better than before. Neither of them wanted to lose that. Yuki did want to go to see Kaname. She just stopped herself. Feeling it wasn't her place anymore. Then thinking we are best friends. Friends comfort friends. Then thinking. He has Martha for that. She didn't know. What to do. She just went to the Cafe to work. Trying not to think about it.

After Lunch, She sees Kaname walk into the Cafe. He looked down and just not himself. He walks over to the counter. Sitting down. "Kaname, what a wonderful surprise."Yuki says. Giving him a hug. "I was going to visit you. I just didn't know whether or not to." Yuki added. "What do you mean? You know you're always welcome at my home. Our home." Kaname replies. "Kaname. You're not single anymore. I don't want to do anything to hurt Martha. You need to think of that also." Yuki states. "Yea. I guess. Your right." Kaname remarks. "Want some Coffee?" Yuki asks. "Sure. I wanted to say. I am sorry about the other day. I really didn't want that to come out in the paper." Kaname states. "It's fine really. I like the freedom." Yuki replies. "You are really happy with him? Aren't You?" Kaname asks. "Yes. Very. I let go. I finally let go. I was always scared to. I would let go some but always hold back. I didn't this time. It's wonderful. I am still scared at times. Things creep up in my memory. I just don't let them get to me. The real him would never hurt me." Yuki admits."I see." Kaname responds. "Kaname, You need to do the same. You need to let go. Or let Martha go. You're hurting her. She loves you fully. Please don't do what I did."Yuki comments. "I don't know if I can. I enjoy being with her. It's just not the same. She isn't you." Kaname remarks."And Zero isn't you. But that doesn't mean you can't be happy. You can fall in love. I want you to be happy. Kaname we both know we have no other choice." Yuki responds. "It doesn't make it any easier. If I just didn't Let him bite you. If I had never had him turned." Kaname admits. "Kaname, My love. You can't look back. You can't say if you didn't. It doesn't work that way. You need to let go. I am here for you always. We just have to be friends." Yuki admits. "I can't just fall in love with her. I mean it takes time." Kaname states. "Don't you feel anything for her?" Yuki asks. "I care for her. I don't want her hurt. I like being with her. I am just not in love with her." Kamane remarks. "Any sparks?" Yuki asks. "Not like what we had. But it's not bad. We are compatible."Kamane answers. "Compatible? Do you always have to be so formal?" Yuki says with a giggle. " I wasn't formal when we were in bed." Kaname responds. "True. You know what I mean. LET GO! have some fun. Please, Kaname." Yuki pleads. "For you. I would do anything. I will try." Kaname responds by looking into her eyes.

At the Association Zero is at a meeting. He is at this meeting for over an hour. When its over. He is happy to get back to his desk. When he sits down, he sees a letter on his desk. That wasn't there before. On the envelope, it says Zero Kiryu. He opens it. To find. I thought you should see how your dear Yuki really feels. The second note Containing the letter, Yuki Wrote Kaname many months ago.

My Dearest Kaname,

I miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by. I don't think of you. That I don't need you. I miss your voice and your gentle touch. I am staying away for both of our benefits. I want you to move on. I hope you are doing better than me. That night I came on to you. Still plays in my head. I don't want you to think. I did it to hurt Zero. I did it because I wanted you. I was drunk yes. But for the first time in my life, I let myself go. I did something. I really wanted to do. Be with you. To forget Zero. To forget all the pain in my life. I love you Kaname. I just wished. I would have shown it more. When we were together. I was scared and hurt. I never wanted to hurt like that again. So, I shut myself down. I hid my feelings. I am not writing this to make you feel bad. Or to hurt you. I just wanted you to know. How I truly felt. I know it can't go anywhere. I know. I'm stuck. As much as I miss you. I wanted to let you know. I will be staying away. If I don't, I may ruin whatever you have with Martha. I don't want to do that. I want you happy. I want you loved like you should be. With the person loving only you. Giving you all the attention you need and deserve. I just can't watch it. It hurts too much. I know. You watched me with Zero for years. I am sorry for all that pain. It was never my intention. I wish you nothing by happiness.

Love You Always and Forever,


Zero taken back. Reading the date that was marked on the envelope. He sees it was months ago. Before there relationship grew into what it is now. It still hurts him to see how much she really cared for Kaname. Not to mention the word Stuck? "She feels she is stuck with me?" Zero thinks in his mind. Then thinking. The last few months don't feel stuck. It feels amazing. The person who sent this was trying to get me crazy. Trying to get me to overreact like I always did. I'm not going to let them. I am not ruining. What we have. Zero thinks. Was this Mika who sent this or someone else? Someone jealous of there relationship. How would Mika get this letter if Kaname had it? He would never be that dumb to let it out of his sight. Either the letter wasn't real, or Kaname himself sent it to Zero. To hurt him. Because he is hurting. Zero wasn't falling for it. "She isn't leaving me for you, Kuran. Get over it!" Zero says to himself. Your stupid games are not going to work. But would Kaname send it? it would hurt Yuki also. He would be going against her. Which he never would do. That would only leave one more person that would do so. Martha, But why? If you're so in love with Kaname, why send this to me? "Zero thought. Not really sure. Zero let it go. He folds up the letter and puts it in the Office Safe. Planning on keeping his mouth shut about it. Whoever was playing the game, wasn't winning with him this time. He was over it. He finally felt Yuki loved him and wasn't leaving him for anyone.

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