Chapter 103 You Have to Be Kidding Me!

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Chapter 103 You have to be kidding me!

A few days have passed. Yuki wants to go to Yagari. She knows. She should tell him, everything that has happened. She just has been so preoccupied with the little boy. The child has gotten very close to Yuki. Not really giving her any time, or chance to do anything. Yuki tells Zero that she will be going to see Yagari. That if he would like, he could come with. That she will try to the leave the boy with Kamane. To see how it goes. Zero and her get into the car. They drive over to see Yagari. Yuki taking note this is the first time in a few days, she has actually been alone with Zero. She puts her hand on his thigh. Giving him a smile. "Are you ok Zero?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I'm fine babe. You don't have to worry about me. I know you're going through a lot. I'm here for you. "Zero answers. "I know, but we haven't had a lot of time with each other lately. I am very sorry about that. I so want to be with you. I just don't seem to get the chance." Yuki admits. "I know the little boy is taking up a lot of your time. He needs you right now. I understand." Zero replies. "Thank you for being, so understanding about this. I Love you Zero." Yuki comments. "Love you too babe."Zero replies.

When they get to Yagari's Office, Yuki is a bit nervous. Not knowing, what to expect next. Tired of all this interfering and craziness. "Hi, Yagari. I am sorry. I haven't gotten here earlier. Its been a little crazy. We found my son. He is messed up by all this." Yuki states. "No problem. I have Nezera coming to see me also. He said. He thinks. He can help with this situation." Yagari states. "What could he do? From what we experienced, this woman isn't human, nor vampire. She is something totally different. We couldn't hurt her. We couldn't Kill her. Nothing we did worked. It was crazy." Zero comments. "We got my son. Kamane and I destroyed the home and lab. That is about all we did. She is still out there. She can come to get us at any time. There wouldn't be a thing any of us could do." Yuki admits. "Well, Nezera is on his way here now. Let's see. What he has to say. Maybe he can help. Even if it just backs her off for now." Yagari states. "I am at a loss. My home is turned inside out. So has my life. Zero and I are trying to get to where we were. There are always these interruptions." Yuki Says. "I know. I'm Sorry about all that. I am sure having another child appear isn't fun." Yagari states. "No, not really. I mean, I'm glad to have him. It's just, he changed our lives around. He wasn't planned. It just makes me and Kamane have to spend more time together. I don't mind, but I was trying to move on. It just sets everything back." Yuki admits. Yagari just nods. While standing there, there is a knock at the door. "Come in Nezera. "Yagari says." What can you offer us here today? What info?" Zero asks. "Well, I heard you been having a problem. I believe. I know. Who the person is. You guys think. She is Kiko. Kharis Twin sister. Well, my mother never had a sister or sibling for that matter." Nezera states. "Wait? What? Kharis was your mother?" Zero remarks.

 Yuki and Yagari look at him in shock. "Yes, She was my mother. I wasn't very close to her. I was her only child. She had a few problems trying to conceive me. Its why, she couldn't have anymore." Nezera comments. "Well, then who is this person?" Yagari asks. "Her name is Mika. She is a friend of mine from way back when. She isn't what you would think. She isn't a vampire, nor is she human. " Nezera replies. "Well, we kind of figured that out already. We couldn't kill her." Yuki states. "Yes, that would be a waste of time to try. She is a demon, who is already dead. So nothing you would do to her. Would work." Nezera Answers. "Well, that's just great. How do, you do. Now what?" Yagari remarks. "I know. You can't kill her. I do have a way of keeping her under control." Nezera explains. "Ok, How? I'm game for anything at this point." Yuki states. "Well, the one way to keep her under control is me." He announces. "Really?" Yagari chuckles. "Yes, She is afraid of me, because I am not what you would think." Nezera remarks. "Well do we even know, where she is now? Yuki burned down her house. Where would she go?" Zero asks. "She is at Cross with me. Its how, I knew this was all going on. She came to me."Nezera explains. "What the hell is Kaien and Ai taking in anyone these days?" Yagari says. "Well, I want to be there, when you tell her. Whatever you're going to say." Yuki comments. "Ok, that's fine. Meet me there in an hour." Nezera replies. walking towards the door to leave.

On the way home, Yuki and Zero don't really know what to think. How can this small kid, control that thing they encountered? Why would she listen to him? What makes him so special? Was this a setup? So many things went through there minds. Once home, They go to Kamane. Letting him know. What is going on? That he may want to join them. He responds in saying yes. So they all get into the car heading to Cross. To witness what is going to take place. This small boy controlling that thing.

Once at Cross, the three of them get out of the car. They walk to the moon dorm, Where Nezera stays. They head to his room. Knocking on the door. Nezera answers the door. "So glad you can all make it. We need to head to Mika's room. It's just down the hall." Nezera explains. So the four of them go to her room. Nezera knocks on Mika's door. " It's me. Let me in. " He states. Mika opens the door, to let him in. To find a surprise. He brought Yuki, Kaname, and Zero. "I never would have thought. You would bring them to my room." Mika states as she fully opens the door. What they see open the door, is nothing what the saw before. She is around ten years old, blond hair in piggy tails. She is wearing a pink shirt with cut sleeves with a navy blue skirt. No Kharis here at all. "You mean to tell me this? Is the thing, we can't kill? She is around ten? Is this for real?" Yuki blurs out. "That's not very nice. Just because, I look young doesn't mean anything. I would watch it, if I was you bitichy." Mika answers. "Really? This coming from a ten year old. Obviously, you never learned any manners." Yuki replies. Kamane and Zero just watching as this unfolds. Not believing their eyes. "Your one to talk about manners. At least I didn't set your house on fire." Mika replies.

 "Ok enough! This is just going round and round."Nezera shouts. " I want this to stop Mika. You need to leave these people alone!" Nezera hisses at her. "There is no need to be so mean." She replies in a small scared tone. Kamane Zero, and Yuki watching as this small slender boy, just made the monster tame. While they are watching, Nezera, black large demon wings come out of his back. His hands turn to demon claws. "What the fuck?" Zero remarks. Yuki smacks him. Telling him not now. shh! Let's not get in this." "There is no need to get so angry Nessy. I will do as you say. I promise. I just didn't think you would care about these losers." Mika states. "Well, I like it here at Cross. I don't want to do anything to ruin it. Yoshiko already tried this game. It was a bust. I'm not into this shit. You need to stop. Nezera says. Glaring at her. "So we are just supposed to believe, that she is going to listen to you? Just go away?" Kamane asks. "Yes, the way everyone is scared of you, In your world. They are of me in mine." Nezera answers. "Your world?" Zero asks. "Yes, I am not from here. We are not like you. If we wanted to, we could make this place disappear. Trust me. You don't want to mess with us Zero. You may be badass here, but not where I come from. Not even Kamane would have a chance to defeat us.."Nezera comments. "Then I guess, we should say thank you for helping us." Yuki remarks.

 "No problem. I have no intention or need to hurt you. Not sure why my friends always seem to want to though." Nezera replies. " I am going back to our world. It's more fun there. This place sucks. I thought Hotheaded and Coldhearted where going to be more of a match. Bitchy tried, but it was flat. I'm out of here." Mika responds. A portal opens and she disappears. "What the hell was that?" Zero asks. "Beats me. At this point, I really don't care." Kamane responds. "Let's just get out of here. Kaien really needs to scan who he lets in this place." Yuki says as she stares at Nezera. They all walk out of the room and down the hall. Walking toward the exit. All three not sure of what just took place. What did they witness? There is another world? Like this one isn't screwed up enough. Not only do we have humans, and vampires fighting. There were even other demons in the mix. They head home, still very confused about the happenings of today. Trying to let it go. To move on. If they could.

"Do you really think its over? I still can't believe. We got our asses handed to us by a ten year old." Zero states. "I am not sure. We need to be on the lookout. Just in case. And tell me about it, a ten year old. I still can't get over that one." Kamane states. Yuki thinking more about the child now. "'How was the little boy today? When he was with you Kamane?" Yuki asks. "He was pretty good. He was always looking for you though. I am sure being left with Hanabusa this evening didn't help. " Kamane answers. "Did they raise him in the other world? Or this one? "Yuki asks. "Who knows. No wonder. He is confused." Zero admits. "Let's just get back to our normal lives. I am going to have Hanabusa look into, what can kill them. There has to be something. In case they or anyone else comes back. We need to be prepared. This time we all could have gotten killed. We got lucky. She was just playing with us. If her intentions were worse, We wouldn't be here."Kamane states. They nod as Kamane gets into his car to drive home. They realize there is more to be afraid of. There is a lot out there that in unknowing.

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