Chapter 190 Shattered.

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Review, please. Had to add some Drama :)

Chapter 190 Shattered.

A few weeks later. Yuki is at the Cafe. Doing her best to get done early. Wanting to go home early so she can make a special dinner for her and Zero. It's been six months. They have been back together. She wanted to do something nice. She takes some bread and some cakes from the bakery. Packing them up to take home with her. Grabbing only Zero's favorites. Thinking of him the whole time. With a huge smile on her face. She couldn't love him anymore then she does right now. He managed to steal her heart again. This time making her even more vulnerable to him. She gave her self-whole heartly. Just like she did before when they first started out. Actually even more so. Kaname wasn't in the middle of it anymore. She really just wanted Zero.

Yuki goes home and starts dinner, Putting the table together with flowers. Setting out the tableware. Getting everything she needed for the dinner. The kids Staying at Hanabusa's tonight. So Zero and her would be alone. Not wanting to bother Kaname. Who was working on his own relationship.

Meanwhile Zero is at work. He was out on the field most of the day. Loving it. He comes back to his office. To take a breather before doing some paperwork and heading home. His mail for today sitting on his desk. He sits down in his chair going over his mail. One large envelope sitting on his desk. Zero takes a look at it. No return address. Just addressed to Zero Kiryu. Zero opens it. A note Saying. Your sweet Yuki. Do you know? What she does with Kaname? Zero takes a look at the photos in the envelope. His heart sinks. His mind races. Steam coming out of his head. All that he worked to put in the back of his mind. Gone. There was no stopping his rage. Going to one picture to the next. Of Kaname and Yuki making love. The sight of it made him shake. "That BASTARD. He did it again! They were playing me the whole time. She was fucking him the whole time. HOW could SHE!" Zero says. Grabbing the photos and letter and heading home. Nothing able to calm him. He just thought of that video over and over in his mind." How could she do this? When did she have the time?" Zero said to himself. So many questions running through his mind.

Zero races home. Slamming the car door. Going to the front door trying to open it with the key. Which normally isn't a problem But at the moment his hands are shaking and he can't keep still. Zero walks in Going into the kitchen with vengeance. "Zero. Your home. I am so happy." Yuki says trying to give him a hug. Zero pushing her away. "Don't Touch me. Don't ever touch me again." Zero snaps. "Zero? What's wrong? What happened?" Yuki says innocently. "Don't lie to me. You know what happened. I told you already. If you ever did this with him again. I was gone. I meant it! Damn it." Zero shouts. "Do what?" Yuki says taken back. Zero throws the pictures at her. "ZERO! I swear to you. I didn't. I haven't been with him. Zero this isn't true. Why would I? We make love all the time. We are happy. Why would I ruin that?" Yuki says walking after Zero."Because it's what you do. You can't keep your hands oFF that dirty bastard. I guess I'm not enough. No matter how much we screw. You still want him!"Zero Snaps. "That's not true. I didn't do it. ZERO! Please listen to me." Yuki shouts. Running after Zero who is now outside. Trying to get into the car. "Zero please." Yuki shouts, trying to grab Zero's arm. As she does He pushes her hard. Letting her fall hard on the concrete. Zero just driving off. Not caring at the moment about anything.

Hanabusa runs out to see what happened. Yuki on the floor in tears. Sobbing. Hanabusa going over to her. Helping her up. "Yuki are you ok? What happened?" Hanabusa asks. "I didn't do it. I swear. I didn't do it." Yuki keeps repeating. Hanabusa helps Yuki inside. He notices she has a limp. "Are you ok Yuki?" He asks. Yuki still beside herself. Saying the only words she could think. "I didn't do it."

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now