Chapter 113 Please don't go

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Chapter 113 Please Don't Go.

The next day, Yuki gets the kids ready to go to Hanabusa's for school. She even lets Rai go there today. That way, she can get things done at the Cafe. Her bags are already packed. So are the kids. The talk last night didn't seem to change her mind. Probably just made it worse. Zero is falling apart on the inside. He knows, not to show it on the outside. That last night's outburst did nothing. Just made him look exactly like Yuki always says. Obsessive. The thought of her leaving killed him. Nothing could change or fix that. He knew. She kept saying she would be back. Just part of him thought once there, she wouldn't return. He hoped. That all he did this weekend would help him. He knew. He made the blood bond stronger than ever. That no matter what, she couldn't break it now. That made him happy and sad at the same time. Using what brought them so close against her. He saw all the points. She ever mentions of why she didn't want to come back to this relationship with him. He understood it. He just couldn't help it. He spent so many years looking over his shoulder. In the shadows of Kamane. He just couldn't let it go away.

At work, Yuki works in the kitchen, trying her best to make as much as she can. So there will be items here to sell, while she is gone. She also knows. That Zero has gotten really good at making the bread. So he can handle it. He goes in and helps her trying to be around her. Trying not to fight and make the last few hours together nice. Something for her to think about. When gone. She is still close to him even after there fight. She will lightly touch his hand, or even kiss him. He notices. That the kisses are still there. It makes him feel good. That he didn't mess up the whole weekend. He also notices. That Kamane didn't come to the to Cafe today at all. Which makes him feel even worse. Even Kaname could stay away and shut up. But not him. He always had to rattle the boat. His talk with Kamane worked. The man stayed away. Trying his best to make this situation work. The man. He despised was doing better than him. As always he thought. It just made Zero feel lower.

At closeing time. Yuki goes to the door. Putting the closed sign on a little early. Going over to Zero, placing a large Hot passionate kiss on his lips. "I won't be seeing you for a bit, So maybe we should be together before I leave," Yuki Suggests. Zero wastes no time, in picking her up, bringing her to his office. Laying her down on the sofa. She looks up at him loving. Kissing him again. Her arms wrapping around him tight. They make love on the sofa in the office. This time taking there time. When done, they get dressed and head out to the car to go home. Zeros emotions even rawer than before. Yet again. He keeps it to himself.

Once home, Yuki sets the stuff down to dinner. Zero quietly just watching as his family is all at the table. Talking and laughing. How he will miss this. Hoping it's not the last time. His insecurities taking over. like that always do. When supper is done. Yuki cleans up and tells the kids to grab any last minute items they may need.

"Zero I made a lot of stuff for you also. So you have dinner, when 'i'm not here. Just place them in the oven, when you come home from work." Yuki says. "Thank you. Please call. So I know you got there safely." Zero replies. " I will. I Promise. I will make the kids call you every night also." Yuki states Giving him another kiss. The kids go up to Zero and give him hugs and kisses, before getting into the car. Zero waves goodbye as Yuki gets in and drives off. Leaving him alone. He goes back into an empty quiet house. The one. He dreaded. The one. He remembered from when they were apart. He just sits on the couch, in the dark. Thinking. How wrong this can go, but there isn't anything he could do about it. She insisted on going.

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