Chapter 81 Pain

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Chapter 81 Pain

Its now been Six Months. Not much has changed. She will go to the Cafe but doesn't really do most of the stuff. She use to. When it's slow, she just sits near the window. Looking out. Caught up in her own thoughts. Zero still doesn't know. How she feels. What she is really thinking about. She doesn't talk very much to him, or to anyone. She completely shut herself off. Which she does very well.

Hanabusa comes in to see Zero. "What's up? I see Yuki just staring out the window. She ok? Hanabusa asks. " To be fully honest with you. I have no idea. She does that often. When its slow times, she just sits there. I think. It being so close to where they lived together. It makes it harder. I think. I am not sure, what she really is thinking. She doesn't confide in me anymore. She isn't mean to me. She doesn't mistreat me. But she isn't close to me. I killed that. We live in the same house. I never see her. She stays in her room." Zero comments. "What about the blood bond? Does she let you drink? " Hanabusa asks. "No. She doesn't offer and she doesn't take. I have been doing my best to just deal with it. I am using the guy you told me about. With the blood donations. I think. She does the same. She learned to control it, or she doesn't crave me anymore. It doesn't matter." Zero replies. "Zero once you have a blood bond with someone, it doesn't break like that. That's your soul mate. She had it the whole time. She was with Kamane. She still drank from you and you her. She must have just closed herself off to that as well. She is hurt." Hanabusa states. "He hasn't been around for six months. She hasn't changed. I think. She misses him." Zero states. "You do know? She does know where he is? He is at Cross. Their bond is strong enough that she can sense that. She hasn't gone to him yet?" Hanabusa comments. "No. Not that I know of. She is either here, or at our house in her room. He hasn't come to her either." Zero replies. "I Have heard, he is really taking it bad. He doesn't come out of his room at Cross. He is broken."Hanabusa states. "So is she. I managed to break him, but I did it to her as well. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I was so upset that night. I just let it fly. " Zero confesses. "Zero you're just guessing at what she is feeling or thinking. Maybe you should ask? Or at least try to get closer to her. When you left her, Kamane picked up the pieces. He was her friend for a year before it turned into more. Just start it slowly. If she pushes you away, At least you know you tried." Hanabusa suggests. " I Know. Its just kind of hard to get close to someone, who doesn't want it. I will try though." Zero states.

Later in the afternoon, it's not very busy. Yuki grabs her coat. Leaving the Cafe. She goes to the park to sit on the bench. Just staring at there old home. Zero notices. That she left and goes after her. "Hey, need some company?" Zero asks. "If you like." She responds. "Do you come here often?" Zero asks. "Yes. It's peaceful and quiet." She responds. Yuki, are you ok? I know. You're very quiet. You don't talk much to anyone. You know if you need someone to talk to. I'm here." Zero responds. "I don't have much to say. Why depend on people anyway. They only use what you say or how you feel against you." Yuki comments. "I know your hurt, but not everyone does that." Zero replies. " I Don't care to find out anymore." She says just staring at the house. "How are you sleeping?" Zero asks changing the subject. The same. I get a few hours if that. The rest of the night, I just sit there thinking. " You know. I don't mind being your pillow if you need me." Zero remarks. "Thank you, I'm fine," Yuki responds. 

"Ren would like to have lunch with us tomorrow. He asked if we both would come." Zero states. "I really don't feel like it. I really don't want to be around Yoshiko. She is part of him. She will do to him. What Kamane does. It's in her blood. She is a pureblood. There is nothing good that comes from that relationship. If I tell Ren, that he will only fight me. So why bother." Yuki states. Cold and without any feeling. "Yuki you're a pureblood. I was with you." Zero remarks. "And where did that get you?" She says. With a blank stare. "Tell Ren, I'm not feeling well. He will understand. He is a good boy. I did something right in this life. It's just too bad, she will ruin it all." Yuki comments. "I know you're upset, but it doesn't mean she will be like Kamane. They have a nice relationship. They don't have anyone in the middle of it. " Zero replies. "Really Zero? Don't you remember? What she did to us. Do you think she changed? If something comes up, and she doesn't get her way, that she won't hurt him? Don't be Naive Zero. "Yuki says. Zero just sitting next to her, seeing. How cold and hurt she is. He knows. She can get let this when things happen. How she turns herself off. He just wishes, she would get close to him. He wants that more than anything. Its why, he caused this.

The next day, Zero goes to see Ren. They go out to lunch. Yoshiko is there with Ren being close. "How are you and mom?' Ren asks. " Son relationships are hard. They have there ups and downs. We are at a down at the moment. She barely speaks to me, when she does things are pretty negative." Zero admits. "I thought you two would have gotten back together by now. When I saw you that Christmas together. The bond you shared. I thought my father would have lost sooner." Yoshiko admits. " I thought so too. I think your father, had his hooks in her pretty good this time. I just messed it up for everyone." Zero states. "My father isn't doing very well. He is truly hurt. The thought that Yuki is hurting, makes him very upset. He might have messed up, but he does truly love her." Yoshiko states. "I know. That was never a doubt. Its because we both love her so much, That we do the dumbest things. We only wind up hurting her in the end." Zero confesses. "I would have thought, she would of went to see him by now or the other way around." Yoshikio States. "Not that  I know of. I don't really know, what her true feelings are toward him. Hate? Love? Both. She doesn't go into it." Zero replies. " I am sorry Zero. I hope you two can at least go back to being friends. You two did have a great relationship. Everyone saw the bond. I do have to say though, there is one with my father as well. I guess that does really make this hard." Yoshiko confides. "Yes. More then you can image. "You do know? That Yuki knows where my father is?" Yoshiko admits. "Yea. I was told. She would from there bond."Zero states. "Yes. She has one of her butterflies with him at all times. I think. That might answer one of your questions. She does still care." Yoshiko responds. "I Guess so. I think she is scared. He would do something stupid again." Zero hisses. "Could be. I just see it there all the time watching over him. He knows its there. I think its the only thing keeping him sane." Yoshiko states.

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