Chapter 168 Shocked Hurt.

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Chapter 168 Shocked N Hurt.

In the Morning, Yuki wakes up in Zero's arms. Still a little upset from the newspaper article. Just trying to move on as she told herself days ago. She knew. Zero's want for her was strong. She just wondered if he ever wished. She had more. The paper made her doubt herself. Doubt her body. Which she never has before. She looks next to her at this sexy, tall, slender man beside her. How perfect. He was to her. How his lavender eyes could look right through her. His silver hair shimmered in the light and his lips where the most kissable lips ever to image. If he felt half the way she did about him, She knew. She was fine. How no matter, how long they been together. She just couldn't get over his touch. There wasn't one part of his body, she didn't love. That she didn't crave. 

Zero wakes up, Opening his eyes to Yuki. Just smiling at him. Watching him sleep. "Is Everything ok?" Zero asks? "Yes. I was just watching this gorgeous man sleep." Yuki says. "Oh really? Gorgeous Heh?" Zero says with a grin. "Very. " She replies as she kisses his lips."I have to get dressed. I have to go to work." Yuki says. " Me too babe. I just really like laying here with you." Zero admits. "Same here. Maybe tonight we go to bed early?" Yuki asks. "Yes, that sounds good. Are you ok from last night?" Zero asks. "I will be ok. I just wish it would stop. I guess. IF it's not going to. I am going to have to get a thicker skin. Which I had years ago. I don't understand why this gets to me so badly." Yuki admits. "It being never ending doesn't help babe. I mean. They keep throwing things at you. Always me of course. It just brings up the past. It just hurts you."Zero states. "It Does. Very much. I can't react like that anymore. It's tearing us apart. Its been so nice being home. I don't want to ruin it." Yuki replies. "It will be fine. We know its Mika. She is just playing her games. She likes to see us squirm. Last time, I was the one to give her the show. You and Kaname let it all go. Now she is getting under your skin. You need to do what you did the last time babe." Zero comments. "Your right. I will do my best." Yuki remarks.

Zero drives Yuki to work. They leave on good terms. Yuki kissing him goodbye. She feels. She needs to talk to Kaname about Rai. They need to make out a schedule. She isn't really looking forward to it. She just knows. She needs to. She goes to the Cafe to make sure everything is under control. Grabbing a few bagels and cream cheese. With two coffees. She heads back outside. Walking to the townhouse. When she opens the door. She sees Martha standing over Kaname's desk, giving him a kiss. Yuki stands there. Frozen. Never thinking. She would ever see this happen.

 "Hi, Yuki. I was just leaving. Have a nice day."Martha says heading out the door. Yuki standing there looking at Kaname. "Hey, How is my girl?" Kaname asks. Yuki walks over placing the coffee on Kaname's desk. Still staring at him. "I know. What you just saw, must hurt. I am truly sorry. I wanted to tell you first." Kaname states. "Tell me what?" Yuki asks. "Martha and I are dating," Kaname replies. "Oh. She spent the night?" Yuki remarks. "Yes, "Kaname replies. Looking at Yuki's face, which is now white as a sheet. "You do know she is the leak?" Yuki remarks coldly. "Yes, she told me. Yuki sit down. I know. This is a shock for you. It's not to hurt you. I just need something to take my mind off things." Kaname adds. "This is how you get your mind off things?" Yuki snaps. "Yuki. I have been going crazy since that night. I can't live like that anymore. I need someone to share my life with. Someone that can be there. Not wanting someone else. It hasn't changed my love for you. I don't think anything will. It just helps with the loneliness. I have desires too."Kaname states. Yuki your trembling."Kaname adds. " I will be fine. I came here to talk about Rai." Yuki says. trying to contain her emotions. Not even able to admit, what she just saw. "I don't want to take Rai away from you Yuki. Now that I am trying to work on a relationship, I think its best. That I have Rai on the weekends and maybe a day during the week. 

That way he doesn't see too much. If this doesn't work out. It won't affect him."Kaname says. "Yuki shaking harder. "Whatever you feel is best." She replies. " You don't look ok, Yuki." Kaname states. "I'm fine. I need to get back to work. I will send someone to get the boxes you packed for me. You have a good day." Yuki replies. Doing her best to keep her feelings hidden. "If you need to talk. if you need anything. I am here for you. I hope you know that." Kaname states. "I do." Yuki replies. Giving him a small peck on the cheek before leaving.

Kaname knows something isn't right. Her short answers, her trembling. He could sense something was wrong. It was the last thing he ever wanted to do, that was hurt her. He just needed to let go a little. He needed some freedom. A life that didn't revolve around her. At the same time. Part of him was dying inside. Even to let go of Yuki in a small way hurt him as well.

Kaname knows, she is hurting. He knows. She isn't opening up to him at the moment. He feels its probably the shock of walking in on that kiss. The shock he was with someone else. He figured. He would call Zero. To let him know. "Hey, what's up?" Zero says. "Your wife just left here. I believe she is pretty upset." Kaname states. "What happened now?" Zero replies. "She walked in on Martha kissing me goodbye."Kaname responds. "Oh. I'm sure that was a shock for her."Zero states. "Yes. it was. I think maybe you should call or visit her. She isn't opening up to me."Kaname answers. "She didn't go off on you?"Zero asks. "No, not at all. To be honest her answers with me were very short. She didn't express her disapproval. I Could just read she was upset. She was shaking. Trying her best to hide it." Kaname admits. "If it was me she would have torn me a new ass." Zero states. "She is married to you. She isn't to me. Plus you two have an explosive relationship. We don't." Kaname responds. "If you say so. Something isn't right. SHe still would have yelled at you." Zero replies. " Maybe she was just too taken back. I am not sure. I just know. I feel terrible. I didn't want her to find out like that. I wanted to sit down and talk to her. Like we always do." Kaname states. "You don't owe her anything, Kaname. I am glad to see you found someone." Zero comments. "Thank you. I feel like I am betraying her. Like I cheated on her. I just can't shake this feeling." Kaname admits. "I know. You're not though. You just only know her all these years. It will fade in time." Zero answers.

Zero is very happy that Kaname is moving forward with Martha. it feels he has a good chance of moving on with Yuki. He doesn't really like Yuki hurt by it. He does know. That she is close to him. He knew she would be. It will be ok in time. it would take everyone a bit to get used to it. He also felt this would tell the tale. Would Yuki care so much she would stop it? Tell Kaname she wanted him? Or let go and go with him? He knew this plan could backfire. Either way Zero would know where he stood. Maybe finally moving on. Finally going back to the life they once shared.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now