Chapter 37 Power

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Chapter 37 Power

Back at the castle, Kuro and Shiro return to there master. My babies, you are back. What do you have to tell Mommy? "Well, Yuki is treating both men very badly. Kamane is still in love with her. She cares but still is very angry. They had a big fight. She told him off. Zero also explained to Kamane that Yuki needs to stay mad for her powers to work. He said he could fix that." Shiro explains. Kamane also whispered something to Zero. They might be on to us." Kuro states. Yoshiko says "If that's true Kamane will be here very soon." Shiro also says Kamane asked her not to kill you." At least I know he thought he loves that twit." Yoshiko replies.

She hears a knock at the door and Nezera says "Kamane is here. Lady Yoshiko. "Thank you Nezera. I will be right down. Father your back?" Yoshiko says. "Yes. I told you I would be. I would like to talk to you." Kamane says. "Of course Father. Come in. What would you like to talk about?" Yoshiko asks. "Something your probably not going to like. "Kamane states. "I want you to stop whatever your planning on doing to Yuki. This is ridiculous. "Kamane says. "Why would I ever do that? "She answers. What makes you think I'm planning anything anyway?" She asks." Don't play dumb with me, Yoshiko." Kamane says. "I know what's going on. I know what you did. How could you kill an innocent child?" Kamane asks." Child? What child?" Yoshiko asks. "Yuki was pregnant when you had Zeros twin attack her. She lost the baby because of it." Kamane responds. "Oh, so that is why she is so angry. Not because of Zero. Oh, that's too bad." She responds. "Stop this!" Kamane raises his voice, window cracking in the background. You can't help her father. "She wants to kill you, I haven't even had time to get to know you. I asked her not to, but I am not sure she will even listen to me. At this moment she will not listen to anyone." That doesn't bother me Father. If she wants me to come to get me. If she thinks she can. Yoshiko, you don't know what you're getting into. She is pretty strong. Her anger takes her over the edge. Father, please don't worry about me, I am the daughter of two very powerful pureblood vampires. So is she, She has my powers as well Yoshiko. She is my Sister. She is just as powerful as I am. She just hasn't learned to use them all yet, once she does there will be big problems. Yoshiko bends down to pick up the glass that broke from the window. She squeezes it in her hand." You came here for this didn't you Father? TAKE IT!" She shouts. Kamane grabs her hand and licks the blood taking as much as he can." Thank you, dear daughter. "Kamane says. I wish you would stop this. Not until There is no more sign that Yuki was even in exitance. "Very well."Kamane says. Turning toward the door and walking himself out.

Kamane heads back to Cross. Going straight to talk to Zero. Zero may I have a word with you? "Sure I guess." Zero answers. What's wrong?" I went to see Yoshiko. I got what I needed. She seems to know the whole while, what I was after though. She does have her bats follow us. So be aware. Watch what you say and do. I did get the blood. Do you have any problems with me sharing this with Yuki? "Kamane asks. "No, if it's going to make her be able to have feelings please do whatever you need to. I am not sure how much more of this I can take. She started with me again while you were gone. All she does is bark at me. There is only so much I can hold in. "Zero replies. "Zero, I am going, to be honest with you, I am not sure this is going to make her come back. The things she said to me, where what was in her heart. What she really felt. The only difference is now she has the guts to tell us how she really feels. She doesn't hold back like the child. She was before. This might only make her powers stay, not make her come back. With these powers, she might become worse. "Kamane says honestly. "At this point, I don't know what to do, Kamane. We can't go on living like we are. There is no us, and from the looks of it, she doesn't want you either. So this can't really get any worse. So just go for it." Zero says. "Ok, I thought. I would ask." Kamane says.

Kamane goes to find Yuki. Not really sure what he is going to find. He knocks on the door. "Come in." Yuki says. "Yuki can I have a chat with you?" Kamane asks. "Sure." Yuki says." You want me to be honest with you, and upfront. So I am going to be. I have a way for you to keep your powers without always being angry. Plus I can give you even more powers. To make you the strongest Pure Blood Vampire ever." Kamane says." Kamane I love you, but I can't sleep with you again. It would kill Zero. I have done enough to him the last few months." Yuki says. "You don't have to, All you have to do is drink my blood. I have already talked to Zero. We are not going behind his back. He gave his approval. You can have your feelings back and be yourself. "Kamane says." And if I don"t want to go back? "Yuki says. Well, that's up to you. But this way you have the choice. "Ok, I will do it." Yuki says. Come sit by me Yuki. "Wait." Yuki says if I do this, and Zero takes my blood will he get them as well? "Of course." Kamane states. "You know how it works. Whoever drinks your blood will get the powers. I take it you're still feeding him?" Kamane mentions. Yes, not as often but I still offer. I know he needs it, I still need his. "That's good. You still want his. "Kamane says. Yuki sits next to Kamane. Looks into his eyes and he unbuttons his first two shirt buttons. Exposing his neck. She moves closer to him putting her soft hand on his face. He closes his eyes. She lightly moves herself onto his lap as she licks and bites into his neck. He holds her tight. She holds him. Drinking the powerful blood within him." Kamane. You do always protect me." She says to him". Always My Yuki." he replies. She looks at his lips, the yearning to kiss him. He senses it and Kisses her before she realizes it. Ka..mane... She whispers. She stops herself. Says thank you. Lightly getting up from his lap. I will be going now. He lightly touches her arm. Sending shivers down her spine. Before I go Kamane, I can do anything I want now right? The powers won't go away? "My dear Yuki the powers are yours. They will not go away. No, matter how happy you are. I promise you." Kamane says. "Thank you again." Yuki says.

Once she leaves Kamanes room, she runs to Zeros. "Zero, Zero are you in there?" Yuki shouts." Yes, What's wrong ?" he replies with a concerned voice. She walks into his room and grabs him, throws him against the wall. Kisses him passionately. Her hands roaming his body. Her heart beating fast. He is taken back, trying to breathe. "Yuki whats got into you?" Zero breathing heavy asks. "I can be myself. Do want I want. I want you!" Yuki admits. Zero shocked just staring at her. Really? Yes. You dummy. I missed you so much Zero. Her power showing through, as she rips his shirt off kissing him everywhere. His hands all over her. Engulfed in passion. Yuki cracks the windows. Her power taking over her body. She rocks her body on Zero, pleasuring him like never before. In Shock and happiness. They spend the night together. Wrapped in each other's arms.

"I take it Kamane gave you his blood?" Zero asks as they lie in each other's arms. "Yes. He did. The power is incredible Zero. I feel it running through my veins." I notice every time Kamane gives you a power you, manhandle me." Zero laughs. "Are you complaining?" Yuki asks. "Hell no. Whatever that was, was awesome. I think the room shook. "He laughs. "Zero, drink from me." Yuki says. "Are you sure?" Zero replies. Yes, You will get the powers as well. You will be unstoppable. "Protecting me again?" Zero asks. Always my love. "Is this my Yuki? "Zero asks. "I'm not fully myself, but I'm here. That was building for a while. I wanted you, but I couldn't. Its why I didn't let you sleep here all night. It was so hard to lay next to you." Yuki says. "Well, you had a good way of hiding it. I was figuring we were over."Zero admits." Giving up on me?" Yuki says. "I wasn't sure what to think." He replies. I know. I'm sorry. I need this power Zero. Even without taking her down. I can't go back to be what I was. I take you any way you are Yuki. I love you. I love you to Zero.

Meanwhile back at the Castle Yoshiko is crying in her bed. Knowing what her father just did. Her plan spoiled. She ran right back to Zero soon as she got her powers. GRRR what will tear them apart. Screw that. She has taken my father from me. She didn't even go to him. She fought her feelings for him and went back to the white-haired Grump! Hmm, but for how long will she fight my father? If the passion for him is still there, it will show its ugly head sometimes. I hate her anyway. She just takes my fathers attention away from me.

In the morning Kaien, Hanabusa, Kamane are in the kitchen getting some coffee. Zero walks out of the bedroom. They just stare at him." Ok. What did I miss?" Zero says. Yuki behind him. Getting some coffee. I don't know. You tell me. The whole building shook last night. Yuki spits the coffee out of her mouth. Placing her hand in front of it grinning. Zero grins also. "Maybe there was a tremor?" Zero says with a smirk. "It was surely something. Goodness. It broke a few windows too". Hanabusa states. "Kamane looks at Yuki. Her eyes gleaming. Someone may need to learn, how to control some of her powers." Kamane says with a smile. "Would you teach me?" Yuki Replies. Of course. The other men looking at Zero. "Whatever! Stop staring at me. She is my wife. Good grief. "He snaps. The men laugh and say well the old Zero is back. Yuki just smiles at Zero. A site he hasn't seen in months. He goes over to kiss her and doesn't care who sees it." I am happy to see you smile ." he says to her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now