Chapter 99 Hit Below the Belt

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Chapter 99 Hit below the belt

Sunday is here, Yuki cooked up a storm. Happy. That in a few her family will be here. She tells Kaname and Zero to set the table. They do it without any remarks. Trying to let this go smooth. Having a nice afternoon. As they are getting things ready, the kids start to come. Ai and Seiya are the first to arrive with there daughter Erika. Kamane greets them at the door. Giving hugs and telling them how happy he is to see them. Next Aiko, Ren, and Yoshiko show up. Zero answering the door this time. Telling them to come in. Sit down next to ZJ and Anna. Dinner will be served shortly. That's it's also great to see them. Yuki still in the kitchen getting everything together. Yoshiko going in the kitchen, trying to break the ice. "Hi, Yuki, is there anything, I can help you with?" Yoshiko asks. "Sure. Can you take the salad and ice tea to the table?" Yuki states. "Sure." She replies back. Coming in after, she sits it down on the dining room table. "I am glad you came, Yoshiko. I wanted to say. That I was sorry for being so rude to you before. I was going through a lot of my own personal things. I took some of them out on you." Yuki admits. "Well, I am sure that took a lot for you to say. I accept your apology. I really do want things to go smooth. I do love your son." Yoshiko comments. "Good, I am glad. He has someone who cares so much for him." Yuki remarks. "I want you to know, I did for him. What you did for Zero. I gave him the pureblood powers. It will help him live longer." Yoshiko adds. Yuki looking at her with tears in her eyes. Just grabs and hugs her. "That means the world to me. You only do that for someone you love more than anything. Thank you, Yoshiko." Yuki says. "I didn't do it for you. I did it for him. I am glad. It means a lot to you though." Yoshiko replies. "Yes, more then you know. We better get this food on the table before they all get rowdy." Yuki says with a smile. Carrying the Roast out. They all sit down, and have a lovely family dinner. Yuki happy to know that Ren can have a longer lifespan. That he can now take care of himself like Zero can. She just stares at him through the evening. Smiling at him. Her darling sweet Ren. In the Middle of dinner, Yuki says. She has something to tell them. "Your father and I are back together," Yuki says. "Mom that's great news," Aiko says. "I am so happy to hear that." Ai says. Zero and Yuki smile at each other. " I can't believe it took this long." Yoshiko and ren say. Kamane just drinks his wine and eats his food . Pretending he is somewhere else.

When the dinner was over, they all left. Zero and Yuki cleaning up. Kamane went to his room. To get out of the way. "Zero did you know that Yoshiko gave Ren the pureblood powers? Like I did you? " Yuki asks. "No, I had no idea. Wow. that makes him pretty strong now. Almost as strong as me." Zero comments. "Yes, I am so happy. I feel so much better than I don't have to worry about him. If nothing at least that came out of all this. "Yuki states. "Are you and Yoshiko ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I said I was sorry. I think all should be somewhat ok now." Yuki answers. "Wow, you said sorry? " Zero says staring at Yuki. "What? I know. When I am wrong. I was big enough to admit it." Yuki replies. "I am proud of you." Zero states. Kissing her on her head. "Let's go to bed. Its been a long day. I just want to cuddle up to your warm body."Yuki smirks. "Sounds good to me babe." Zero replies. They both go up to bed leaving the night on good terms.

The next day, Zero goes to get his mail. There is another little tidbit for him. He opens the note. Reading: Do you know about the Deal, Your dear wife, and Kamane made? At your demise, they shall return to each other's arms. "What the fuck?" Zero says to himself. He goes inside. Yuki just looking at his face. "Zero what's wrong?" She says to him. "Here read it yourself." Zero hisses as he throws her the note. "Zero, what the hell was that for? She lifts the note to read it. Her face goes white. "Its true isn't it?" Zero says. Kamane walking down the steps. "You bastard! That's why your not fighting for her now. You made a deal. When I'm dead you two get back together. So you going to kill me now Kamane?" Zero Shouts. Going over to him, pinning him up against the wall. "Zero stop. Please!" Yuki says. "Why wait? Since you want him that fucking bad. Just go to him now." Zero shouts. "That's not true. Why do you always have to be an ass?" Yuki shouts back. "Why does he always have to be in our lives?" Zero growls. "Look Zero, I know you're mad, but can you let go of me." Kamane asks. not fighting back. Trying not to escalate the fight. "What's the point in knocking you out? She will only run to you. Clean you up. Make you feel better and make me the fucking bad guy."Zero shouts. "Zero that's not true. Please, I know reading that was a shock. I am sorry. Damn it. Isn't anything we say confidential anymore?" Yuki states.

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