Chapter 158 The Talk

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Chapter 158 THE TALK.

Zero leaves for home, So he can get ready for work, His mind racing. Everything they worked so hard for. Almost destroyed from last night. For the first time, Zero didn't blame Kaname. He blamed Yuki. It was her going after him. Which made things worse. Was it just all that was taking place? Or did she really want to be with him? He hurt as much as she did. The last few months were ripping them apart. Not only the relationship but themselves. He hoped once they were back to there everyday life. Things would go back to normal. If they didn't then he would have to move on. Even though just the thought killed him. He knew He would have to. Neither of them could continue to live like this.

Back at the townhouse. Yuki gets washed and dressed. She gets ready to go to work. Still thinking about everything that has taken place. Her head still spinning, Her heart confused. The thought of hurting Zero bothered her. Yet when she remembers Kaname's touch, she yearns for more. She knows. She needs to talk to him. To make sure of what happened last night. Her memory foggy. Not really knowing. What took place. Just knowing. She had to tell Zero nothing happened. Or things would never move on. Since when did she try to lie to him? What has there relationship become? Her heart sinks.

After getting ready she walks downstairs to see Kaname back from bringing the kids to school. "Are you oK?" Kaname asks. "I think so. Are you?" She asks walking over to him. "I am getting there. Yuki, what was that last night?"Kaname asks. "I wanted to forget him. I wanted to forget our life together. I wanted to feel normal and happy. I feel that with you. You make me feel safe. Loved. taken cared of. I wanted you so bad." Yuki admits. "What do you feel this morning?" Kaname asks. "Shame. Pain that I would hurt Zero like that. Did we go through with it?" Yuki asks. "No. I knew you would regret it. So, I didn't." Kaname states. " I remember most now but the last part. I wasn't sure if we went all the way. What I do remember is driving me crazy. I remember your hands all over me." Yuki confesses. "Yuki, please. Last night was almost the end of me. It took everything I had not to go through with it. There is no point. Your only going to go back to him. Our feelings grew stronger because we live together. You need to go home." Kaname remarks.

 "I am going home. I want to try to make it better. Yet I want to stay here with you." Yuki comments. "Look. Go home. See how your feelings are once there. With him all the time. Your family back. Give it a try. If you feel afterward you really don't want him. I'm here. I just can't be your one night stand. I need more from you." Kaname admits. "That sounds fair. I will be leaving Friday. I do still want our friendship. Kaname, please. I need you in my life. No matter how it is." Yuki states. " I Told you. Nothing will change. I meant it. It's funny. How we live together and still your little butterfly never left me. You're always with me Yuki."Kaname states. " I always will be. I love you. I wish things were so different." Yuki states. " So do I. More then you could imagine. I hate seeing you go. I just know it's for the best. I can't have you leave me for him again." Kaname states. " I Know. Yuki grabs her purse and heads to work. What Kaname said was true. She needed to try. She knew. She loved Zero. She knew. Her bonds with him were strong. She just always tried to rebel against them. Trying to take control of her own life. It just never working. She was very upset and drunk last night. The whole thing could just be from that. She was fine before last night. Her feelings for Kaname did grow stronger. It wasn't as much to get back at Zero. Then her want to be close to Kaname. It just happened to do both. She walked into the Cafe, wondering what her life has become. The cafe was the only stable in her life. The only thing that made her truly happy lately. Everything else was just falling apart at the seams. She just went on to get ready for the day. Hoping things would get better.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now