Chapter 194 Breaking down.

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Chapter 194 Breaking down.

Zero walks downstairs, walking past the dining room table. That Yuki had all ready for last nights dinner. He goes into the kitchen. With the cakes and goodies, she took home for him. The food still in the oven. His heart sinks. She was making all this, while I was acting like a fool. Zero says to himself. Hanabusa walking into the kitchen.

"Is she ok?" Hanabusa asks. "She is awake. I think a little confused. She was wondering why her back hurt. God look at all this food she made. Not to mention the table and flowers. What a jerk I am." Zero states. "I will clean all this up for you. You tend to her. She might not remember Zero. Kaname's Wolf was here last night to comfort her. While you were on your way home. I am sure. He took some of the memories away. So she wouldn't hurt. She might not remember you pushing her. Causing her all this pain." Hanabusa adds. "He didn't take away that I left or why. Just the pushing?" Zero asks. "Yes. That would be the thing that would hurt, her more. She always said you would never do anything to hurt her. Kaname kept it that way. The other he figured she would get over. She knows how you are." Hanabusa remarks. "So, I lie?" Zero asks. "Not really. Just say she fell, Which she did. And got really hurt. No need to add you pushed her so hard she could have landed through the house." Hanabusa responds. "I guess your right. Why would he protect me?" Zero comments. "He isn't. He is protecting her. He knows how much she is in love with you this time. How much of herself she gave to you. He doesn't want to see her spiral out of control again. He would do anything for her. Even help you." Hanabusa admits. 

"Maybe he is right. Without her knowing that. I might be able to get things back to the way they were." Zero states. "Probably. I am sure Kaname will be here shortly. To check on her. He can also heal her. Its one of his powers. he didn't come last night, because he tried not to get in the way. I also told him we had it under control." Hanabusa replies. "You had to tell him?" Zero huffs. "He called me Zero. He asked. I couldn't lie. He is my friend too. He was very worried. He said you were really undone. He felt she was in pain. It's why he sent his wolf. He saw everything through his eyes anyway. he would have known I was lying. You don't lie to Lord Kaname." Hanabusa comments. "Whatever. I am going to bring some food and coffee up to Yuki. Spend some time with her. When he comes. Tell him to just come up." Zero states.

Zero walks upstairs A little relieved that Yuki didn't remember he pushed her away. Not really liking the idea of lying to her. But he also felt it might be a good thing. This time. It wasn't That he did it. It was the fact he pushed her away from him. He knew that would hurt her badly.

Walking into the bedroom. Yuki is just laying there. Still very pale, and weak. She just smiles at the site of Zero. Which only makes him feel even worse. "Zero where did those pictures come from?" Yuki asks in a low tone. "Babe I think you should save your strength. Kaname will be here soon to heal you."Zero answers. "Zero, tell me." Yuki asks again. "I don't know. I found them on my desk. I opened them, without even really looking closely and I flipped out." Zero admits. "Who was it then Zero?" Yuki asks. "It turned out to be Martha. Someone photoshopped your hair and face onto her body. They did a really good job except they left her beauty mark. Which Kaname noticed. "Zero responds looking at the floor. "Oh. Was it what she was doing to him? That bothered you? That I have never done that?" Yuki remarks. "Yes. To think his...Thing...was in your mouth. Drove me to the brink of insanity. That I would kiss your lips after that. I couldn't control myself. I lost all control I ever had. I saw red. It was bad enough he had the other. " Zero admits. "Zero, why would you think if I didn't do something like that to you? I would him?" Yuki asks plainly. "I know you two, Did things we haven't. That he taught you a lot of new tricks. When you were together. I thought that was just another one. Something special you only shared with him. Which made me madder!" Zero confesses.

 "Zero, If it was something you wanted. You should have asked. I honestly never thought of it. I was happy with what we shared." Yuki admits. "I am too. I never really thought about it. Until I saw those photos. We can pick this up when you're feeling yourself. Right now all I want is for you to get better." Zero says. trying to get off the subject. "Zero, I would have preferred you coming to me and just asking if, I did that. Not coming home attacking me." Yuki says with tears in her eyes. "I know what I did was wrong. I am sorry. Normally things sent to us. Are real. So, I ran with it. I flipped out. Can you ever forgive me?" Zero remarks. "I love you Zero. Of course, I can. Just please next time someone sends you something. Just ask me before telling me you're leaving me."Yuki remarks tears now falling down her face." Yuki please don't cry. Yes, I can promise you that. I am going to put a stop to this. This can't go on. I will go to Nezera. I will stay calm. I need him to fix this. I need her to stop!" Zero comments. "That sounds like a good idea. Yuki says.

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