Chapter 98 Feelings

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Chapter 98 Feelings

Kamane goes to the Association. He heads straight for Yagari's office. "Hi, I am so glad your here. We got a little bit of news. The fingerprints are of a woman." Yagari states. "Oh, really? That's interesting. I am not sure, who would want to do this. They sent us each some very interesting things. I got a video which is right here, So did Zero. It wasn't of any taste to be brought here though. Today Yuki got a note. Maybe you can use them as evidence? Kamane comments. "Sure. Let me see."Yagari takes a look. Watching the video, and reading the notes. "What the hell is this last one? About a baby?" Yagari ponders. "I'm not sure. We are wondering the same thing." Kamane states. "Look I know. This isn't my daughter. I spoke to her. I Know Yuki, and her don't get along. She has nothing to do with this. I just want to make that clear." Kamane states. "I know. It's not her. We already checked into that. We know its a female. To be honest, she may be someone related to Kharis." Yagari remarks. "That would make sense. But no one really knows what happened to Kharis but a few people." Kamane remarks. "Well. She still disappeared. Some people wondered why. She just took off." Yagari mentions. "I can understand that." Kamane responds. "Also, this Video was taken outside in the park. There is someone following you guys. Watching every move you make." Yagari states. "Yes. I had our houses, and the cafe swept for bugs. There were a few in each. I bought them here as well. They also had to be watching us for quite a long time. Its been a while since a lot of this happened. " Kamane admits. 

"I see Zero, trying to get back with Yuki on the tape. Letting out all he knew about your involvement. That didn't seem to get him, what he wanted." Yagari Answers. "No, it didn't. It made things worse. Someone is enjoying watching it as well. They seem to be doing better now. I was just with them. They are getting closer from what I noticed." Kamane reveals. "Are you going to keep it that way? Yagari asks. "Yes, The pain and hurt caused by fighting it isn't really worth it. It didn't get Me or Zero anywhere. Kamane Admits. "I am glad you feel that way. I am really tired of watching my friends tear each other apart. Not to mention, how much do you think Yuki can take? The only one that really gets the shit from it. Is her." Yagari responds. "I know. It's why I'm backing off." Kamane admits. "Well good. If I find out anything else. I will let you guys know. Just be on the lookout. If you notice anything or get anything else. Keep me informed." Yagari states.

Back at the house. Zero and Yuki are talking. Zero is fighting to just try to move on. Not letting anyone else know. How that damn Video, is still under his skin. It just replays over and over in his own head. Even when Yuki tries to get close to him. He doesn't push her away. Knowing that if he did, it would make things worse. Just in his head, it makes him crazy.

"Yuki, How about this Sunday we have a Sunday dinner? We haven't had one in a very long time. I think it would be nice to have all our children here." Zero states. "We were just at the wedding with them. That would mean, I have to be nice to Yoshiko and invite her. I don't know if I am up to it." Yuki states. "You know. She didn't do this. Can't you just give her a try? You were doing well before all this other stuff too place. She isn't like Kamane. She isn't going to play him. Give her a chance."Zero asks. " Well, that's something coming from you. I guess. Your right. If I want to see Ren or any future grandkids. I'm going to have to be nice to her." Yuki states. "Yes, please let's have some peace in this family. For once. It's been a long time. They may like, that we are back together. Are we going to share this with them?" Zero asks. Wondering if Yuki is going to make it public. "I will share it, as long as you really want to. Are you sure? You still want to be with me? I know. That video is eating at you, Zero. I have known you far too long. I see it all over your face. When I get close to you, you try to not show it. but at times I can feel it. If you're not sure, there is no point in telling anyone." Yuki Admits. " I Love you, Yuki. I do really want to be with you. I want to go back to, what we had. That video makes it hard for me. I am working through it. I am not going to let it stop us." Zero states. "Good, cause I want to be with you too. I forgot. What it was to be this close to you. I tried to only see the bad side to it, so I would stay away and not get hurt. Now I see the great side of it. I don't want to lose it again. " Yuki says. "I know, we went through a lot. It will take time for us to heal from everything. I don't want to lose it either." Zero comments. Going over to Yuki and kissing her head. Holding her close in his arms.

Later that Day, Kamane returns and tells Zero and Yuki everything that he learned. Now Yuki knows for sure. It's not Yoshiko. Feeling kind of bad that she put all the blame on her. Letting her feelings for Kamane cloud all her judgment. She then calls up the kids and invites them to Sunday dinner. Each saying they would make it. She made sure to tell Ren, to make sure Yoshiko would come.

Yuki tries to keep herself occupied. With getting things for the dinner on Sunday. Thinking maybe Zero did have a good idea. This gave her something to do. Instead of dwelling on what is taking place. She made cookie trays, cakes, Cupcakes. You name it. She kept herself busy.

Meanwhile, Zero and Kaname were in the office. talking. When it came to this, they were doing there best to work together. Even though Zero would like to throw him through a wall. "Do you have any idea who this could be? Zero asks. "No, not really. I didn't know much about Kharis. She came to me asking for help to get you and Yuki apart. I might of went along with the idea, but I didn't create it. She had this long started before, she even talked to me. She stole your sperm. She was watching you for a long time." Kamane states. "Yea that still gives me the creeps. If I would have known something like that would happen, I never would have had them tested that day." Zero admits. "I don't blame you at all. I had mine tested as well. When I got out of the ice coffin. I was wondering if everything was still working. All was fine. It's very disarming to know someone could get a hold of that." Kamane confesses. "What do you think, that last note meant?" Zero asks. "I don't know. Why make another child? What would be the point? Kharis did create one. You were not very happy about it. Why make another?" Kamane asks. "I'm Not sure. 

What if I'm not the father?"Zero answers. 'Well, that's even more messed up. She was supposed to love you, why make it with someone else? All I know is something very strange is going on. We need to talk to the person to know what is really happening. We just need to Know, who that person is first." Kamane responds. It was a good idea about the dinner. You got Yuki focused on something else. I am sure this would drive her mad."Kamane adds. "Yes, I was hoping that would help out some. It just never seems to fail. We take two steps forward and ten steps back."Zero admits. "How are you two getting along?" Kamane asks. "Why are you asking? Hoping she comes back to you?" Zero responds. "No, I was just asking." Kamane comments. "Well, we are doing pretty good. Closer then we have been in a long while. It's taking time. This isn't helping any. It only seems to bring out the bad points in all of us."Zero remarks. "Yes, I noticed that. We just have to try not to make it get to us. I know that is easier said than done. We have to show this person, no matter what they say. We can handle it." Kamane advises. "Yea I know." Zero states.

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