Chapter 4 Thier Wedding

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I do not own any of these photos. I am just sharing.

Chapter four

✕Its been 6 months since there last conversation about getting married. They told their close friends. Who is very happy for them, but are also afraid. Afraid what the Pure Bloods will do. What the Association, will say. Both will not be very happy with them getting married. So they decided to have a ceremony, with only there close dear friends and family. No one else. They wouldn't tell anyone either for a while. It's been three years. It's time for a change. The child will be born at any time.

So one night they invite there friends and family. To the Mansion for a dinner party. Not telling any of them. What is really going to happen that night? Except for Yori of course. Yuki excited for the first time, in a very long time. Gets a cream lace knee-length dress, cream heels, and some flowers to put in her hair. The garden is decorated with white lights and white roses. Candles and gems, hanging from each tree. Three tables decorated with dinnerware, flowers, and candles. One with a three tower cake, and white roses and lights all around. It's very romantic. As the people, start showing up, they are kept in the house till they all arrive. Yori spent the day with Yuki. Helping her in any way she could. Then Hanabusa, Akatsuki, Takuma, Ruka, Kaien, and Yagari, arrive. Once all are there, Yori escorts them to the garden.

Will you all have a seat out here, please? They all look in awe, as they see the lights, candles, wedding cake, and gems sparkling in the night. Wait. Kaien says. Is this? What I think it is? With tears pouring down his face. Yori Winks at him. "Ruka would you please come with me?" Yori asks. Sure of course. What do you need? "Well, Yuki would like you to be her bridesmaid. If that's ok with you?" Yori asks. "Ohh." She shouts. " Yes! I would love to! So they are getting married? " Yes." says Yori but we need to keep it just to us. "Oh I understand," says Ruka. No worries the secret is safe with me. While Ruka heads upstairs to get ready, Yori goes back outside to talk to the quests. "Hello everyone. We are so glad. That all of you came here tonight. You are going to witness something very special, but we need you not to say anything to anyone. What happens here tonight must stay here. Its why. We only picked a few of you to attend. Yagari stands up. They really are doing this, aren't they? "Yes." Says Yori. Well, I'm not one to stand in the way of happiness, or as they say hell (when you get married) He laughs. So no peeps out of me. Says Yagari. Kaien crying waterfalls already. I knew it. He shrieks. Yori goes up to Kaien. Asking him, if he will affiliate the wedding. WHAAAAAAAA .He Cries. Me? more tears fall. Yes, I will! I will be honored.

Zero walks out into the garden. Wearing a black suit, white crisp shirt. Tall and lean looking very sexy. His Lavender eyes gleaming with excitement. White/grayish hair still in front of them. He walks up to the tall tree. Decorated with flowers, gems, and white lights. Looking gorgeous, in the moonlight. He stands under it waiting. With Kaien who is nervous and very happy for the both of them. "Are you Nervous?" asks Kaien. "No. Why would I be?" Says Zero I am marrying the love of my life. Kaien cry's Louder and harder having to blow his nose. "Oh god." Says Zero. "There he goes again. I am not sure. Why Yuki wanted him to do this. She knows how he is. Rolling his eyes. Whatever makes her happy. Please Stop Sniffing one is going to be able to hear anything you say if you keep this up." Zero barks. Hanabusa says. There is the old Zero. We know and love, As he laughs. I knew you couldn't keep him hidden for too long. "Very funny Hanabusa." Zero replies as he shakes his head.

Meanwhile, Yuki is upstairs with Ruka and Yori getting ready. "The Flowers are in your hair. You look so pretty." Ruka says to Yuki. Thank you. Are you nervous? "No, not really. I'm excited and ...and happy. There is this great warmth in my heart at the moment. I am marrying my best friend." Yuki smiles at Ruka and Yori. "I am so happy for you. " Says Ruka."I never thought. I could feel like this. I can't wait to see him." Yuki states. "Well, you don't have to wait very long Yuki. It's time to walk to the garden." Says Yori. Ok, Yuki " said softly" They walk to the garden doors, lit up by tons of white lights and white roses draping down. The doors open and Yuki starts waking down the aisle. Cream lace dress with a small v-neck, auburn hair filled with curls draping down her shoulders and back with white flowers as a crown in her hair. Her sweet soft brown eyes starting at Zero the whole time. Zero looks up at her, as the door opens and gasps. He says softly to himself. "My wife is gorgeous. I am the luckiest man alive." She walks down to Zero and Kaien. Who is still sniffing away. Watery eyes filled, but he manages to clear his throat. 

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