Chapter 32 Realization

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Chapter 32 Realization

In the Morning Yuki goes to talk to Yagari. "Hey Girly." Yagari says. "I Need to ask you a favor Yagari." Yuki says. "Anything." Yagari replies. I need you to follow and look into the new kid Nesera. He is the hooded man that got in my way. Probably working with someone to get revenge on me and Zero. I need to find out why and with who. Yagari looks at Yuki. You don't know that he is Rido's son? "He is your Cousin." Yagari States. "No, no one told me." Yuki answers. They don't want me to get upset or some bullshit. They are always hiding stuff from me. Its why I am coming to you. I need the truth. I know you won't bullshit around. Yagari Nods. " will do my best to find out more and I will come straight to you with any information I get." Yagari says. "thank you." Yuki answers. Yuki, Nesera has an older sister Yoshiko. No one ever saw her. So we don't know what she looks like. To be honest this is the first time we even saw him. "Isn't that odd?" Yuki asks. "In a way yes, but not really. Some vampires like to keep to themselves." Yagari explains. "Maybe they were ashamed to be related to Rido." Yagari says. "It's not their fault." Yuki states. True but everyone thinks differently. I will try to get more info for you. "thank you" Yuki replies.

At the other end of the building, Zero is at Kaien Office. Kaien I need to speak to you. "Come in Zero." Kaien says. I need you to spend Ai, Seiya, and the twins away. Make it look like they won some Vacation, and need to go. Yuki and I found out last night that Nezera is the hooded man. "Aww." Says Kaien "Ok, I will do as you ask." replies Kaien. "She didn't go off on him?" Kaien asks. No, she was the total opposite of what I thought she would be. She was calm. She did it with thought out haste. I saw a little bit of herself in there last night. I also noticed she does still care. She is the one pushing herself away. She is scared to get close. " Zero, she won't get close till this is over." Kaien Says. She is trying to protect you. "I noticed that also." She said that was why she stayed away from the twins." Zero adds. It was her idea that they leave. She wanted me to go with them also. Kaien nods. "it's her way of protecting you Zero." " I am seeing that now." Zero replies. "Also I wanted to let you know that Hanabusa is headed home today." "He wanted to go check on Kamane and also his wife."Kaien States. Plus he has the lab at home where he can test the blood that Yuki gave him. He will be back in a few days. "That's fine, maybe that's a good idea." Zero answers. "If that's all Zero?" Kaien asks. I need to go train Yuki. "Yes that's it." Zero states.

Walking back to the dorm He senses Ichiru. "Oh, No, he cant be this dumb to come back here." Zero thinks to himself. Yuki is training, I will see if I can find him before she notices. Zero heads down to the Dungeon. The scent of his twin there. Ichiru I know your here. "Come out." Zero says. "I'm Not hiding." Ichiru says. "After what Yuki did to you, You should be." Zero states. Why do you care? Let's be honest, we are not that close. "I thought after what I did to your darling Yuki, you would want me dead as well." Ichiru States. "At first I did." Zero answers. When I saw what she was doing to you, it bothered me. I didn't want her to kill you. She is going to Kill you Ichiru. You know that right? "So be it." Ichiru Responds. She will have to get through her first and I doubt she will. Yuki is strong, but she is stronger. "Who are you talking about?" Zero asks. "You will find out dear brother. soon enough." Ichiru replies with a grin. "Why do you hate me so much?" Zero asks. Ichiru standing there looking like he is trying his best to fight whatever is inside of him. Ichiru what is wrong? "Zero, it's not me" He says in a shudder trying to fight himself. "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "I'm Sorry." Ichiru says turning into a bat and flying away.

Zero confused walks back to the dorms. What did he mean? Who is she? As he is walking and talking to himself he bumps into Yuki. "Hey, You ok?" Yuki asks. "No, I'm not." Zero confides. "What's wrong?" Yuki asks. I don't want you to freak out on me, Yuki. I just saw Ichiru. "Where?" Yuki asks. In the Dungeons. "Something wasn't right." Zero says. It was like he was fighting with himself. He told me its not me and that he is sorry. Yuki looks at him and states. "He is being controlled." Only purebloods have this power. So if he is being controlled who is doing it? Yuki asks. "I don't know." Zero states. "Who is his sister hiding in the shadows." Yuki asks. Zero's eyebrows raise. "How did you know that?" he asks. Zero when are you going to learn not to hide stuff from me? I am tired of you treating me like a little girl. I'm not that damn kid that use to go here anymore. Can you please realize that! Yuki shouts. " I am learning that." Zero says It doesn't stop me from wanting to protect you. Zero haven't you learned you can't protect me. No matter how much we try to protect the other, IT never seems to work. We just have to be honest with each other. And try to fight our own battles. "Yuki you're wrong." Zero replies. Yes, we can be honest with each other, but we need to work together. We can always help protect the other. You have to stop shutting me out. Zero snaps. "I Cant" If you're not with me your better off. Yuki says. "There you go again, You are trying to protect me." Zero snaps louder. ITs just its ok for you to want to protect me, but I can't protect you. "OH stop it." this is going nowhere. It like the same shit over and over again. Yuki shouts. "You want to get yourself Killed Zero?" Is that what you want? "Do you even care anymore if I do Yuki?" "God Damn you Zero." Yuki says holding herself back. "If I didn't care you would know it." She shouts. "OH really?" Zero Snaps back. How the hell would I know? You treat me like I'm invisible, or the guy you met on the street. There is no feeling. It's like looking into a glass of water. Zero shouts. "Of course I have feelings I'm not dead." Yuki snaps back. I just can't right now. I can't be that stupid little bitch I use to be. It only ever got me hurt. I will not do that again. Yuki, that's not true. You were warm and filled with life. You were so bubbly and happy. You took me out of my shell I hid in.

 " I'm not that person anymore Zero." Yuki states. I don't know if I can ever be that person again. I would prefer that you were not here. Something is going down and I can't watch over you. I also want to do this myself. You don't seem to understand that. Yuki says. "You also don't seem to understand. I'm not leaving you." Zero responds." "Whatever." There is no getting through to you." Yuki states. "I need to ask you something and I want you to be honest." Zero asks. Do you want me to leave because you're protecting me or because you don't want me? "Yuki!" Zero shouts. I need to know. Yuki looks up at Zero. You know you have the hardest head at times. "I want you to say it Yuki." Zero shouts. Yuki stands there, her body trembling. She closes her eyes and says because I am protecting you. Zero relieved to hear those words. Walks close to her and tries to touch her. "Don't" Yuki shouts." I have to stay Strong and fierce. I can't do that with you Zero. Is that why you won't touch me? Zero asks. Yes, I cant. I can't lose my power. She says in a trembling voice. "Do you still want me?" Zero asks. "Yes, trembling inside and out now" "But I can't give in. You have to understand now. Yuki says. "I Do. I just wish you would have told me before." Zero responds. "This is hard for me Zero." But I must do it." You can stay just please don't do anything reckless. Yuki says. "I promise you I won't." Zero says. Just promise me the same. " I can't." Yuki admits. When the time comes, I will not be able to control all the power. It's another reason. I don't want you in the way. I could hurt someone. I am not meaning to. When I do finally let go, it will be out of my control. Yuki admits. "Then maybe we should just let it go." Zero says. " I can't, I need to know who did this to us." Why they did it to us. "I understand." Zero replies back. I need to go. You get some rest Zero. Do you want me to come with you? Zero asks. No, come when the nightmares start. I need to stay this way. Remember that Zero. "OK" I got it.

Zero now knowing that the only real reason Yuki is doing this is to Protect him. He thought so before but hearing it made it real. Made him feel there is a chance. That she just has to get this done. He also just laid in bed wondering who this Pureblood was and most of all why they were doing this to them.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now