Chapter 157 What Did You Do?

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Chapter 157 What did you do?

Zero letting himself in. Going straight to Kaname's office. Opening the door to the sight of Kaname all disheveled. "What the hell did you do?" Zero snaps. " Damn it Kiryu. Next time Knock will you!" "You didn't answer my question. You smell of sex and look like you went rounds. What the fuck happened?" Zero barks. "Stop your barking at me. Nothing happened" Kaname states. "I would like for you to take your wife home this week. I think. Its best for you two to live in the same house" Kaname states. Zero noticing, the glass in his hand shaking. "Something happened to make you come undone. Since when do you want her to leave?" Zero snaps. "Look. Either you do as I say or forget about her. I think. The separation has gone on long enough. If you don't go back soon. I don't think. She will come back to you." Kamane admits. "What happened Kaname?" Zero asks. "Nothing that concerns you. I am going to take a shower and go to bed. Your wife is in her room." Kaname states. Walking towards the door. "Why do you keep calling her my wife? Since when do you acknowledge it?" Zero states. "It's just better that, I keep reminding myself. She is your wife. I am tired and it has been a long day. Please excuse me." Kaname says walking out.

Zero left standing there. Wondering even more. What took place? Did he sleep with Yuki? Did they have a fight? Since when did Kaname want her to leave? What made Kaname come undone like that? In all these years, he has never seen him like that. He was a shell of a man, trying to keep himself together. Zero walks out of Kaname's office walking upstairs to the bedroom. When he opens the door. He finds Yuki out cold in bed. Wearing her nightgown. Her black short dress and bra on the floor. She is peacefully sleeping. He lays next to her. Still wondering. What happened. Did Kaname think as Yagari did? IF she stays here any longer. It wasn't going to be playing a part. It was getting too dangerous for everyone involved. He knew. The kiss at the wedding looked real. It seemed the more Kharis showed her ugly head, it just pushed Yuki closer to Kaname. He knew something bad happened tonight. He just didn't know how far it went. Yuki was out cold so he couldn't ask her or talk to her. Did she even want to talk to him? If she slept with Kaname could he forgive her? This time they were together. HIs thoughts where taking over his mind and body. He felt rage. He kept seeing Kaname standing there shaking. His clothes all messed up. Lipstick all over his face. He never saw him look like that. Did she ravage him? If so why didn't he gloat? Why did he want to send her home? He could have told me to get the fuck out. She didn't want me anymore. In The past, Kaname would have loved to tell Zero to fuck off. That Yuki wanted him. Zero couldn't wait till morning. To ask Yuki himself what was going on. Then he thought. She was so damn drunk. Would she even remember? This was a disaster! One that had to end.

Zero lays there. Thinking all night. His heart and mind hurt. Still in his tux from the wedding. He didn't even take off his shoes. While laying there Yuki wakes up. Not even noticing that Zero is there. She pulls the covers down checking herself. Smelling herself. Her heart pounding out of her chest. So loud. Zero hears it. Tears rolling down her face. "What happened Yuki?" Zero says coldly. Yuki taken back. Just noticing. He was there. tears streaming down her face. She crawls over to Zero sitting on his lap and putting her arms around him. Her head on his chest. "What happened Yuki?" Zero Asks again. "Nothing." She responds in a low voice. "Something had to happen. WHen I got here Kaname was a total mess. Your lipstick was all over him. Did you have sex with him?" Zero asks. " No. I didn't have sex with him." Yuki says even though she doesn't remember if she did or not. Still a little confused herself. Her head splitting. "What the hell got into you last night?. I never saw you like that. No one else would know. Since he is supposed to be your husband. But in reality, you were acting like a whore. Since you are my wife." Zero growls. 

Yuki gets up and goes into the bathroom. CLosing the door behind her. That statement hurt her. The whole evening hurt her. All she kept thinking is did I sleep with Kaname? Her head spinning out of control. "Yuki come out of there and talk to me. I need to know. What the hell happened. " Zero says opening the door of the bathroom. Yuki sitting on the toilet trying to gain composer. "I told you nothing happened." Yuki says. "Stop lying to me! You say I don't tell you anything anymore. Well, the same goes for you. What the fuck is going on? That damn kiss last night was real. That wasn't a game. What I saw when I came here was real. You totally made Kaname undone." Zero shouts. Whatever you did to him. Sure rocked his night! Zero adds. Yuki trying to remember. "Please Zero stop. My head is spinning." Yuki pleads. " That is what happens when you keep drinking all night. What was up with that? You never drink." Zero snips. "Excuse me! FOr coming undone. For losing control. You can stand here in front of me acting like your normal Asshole. But for me to have ONE fucking night. That I lose control is unacceptable to you. Its been forty years. I THINK IM DUE!. " Yuki shouts back. "Maybe that's true. I can understand the drinking. But what you were doing to Kaname, Was unthinkable!" Zero claims. "Really, because I wanted one night in my life. To forget you. Forget the pain. Forget all this bullshit that has taken place? I wanted to be normal. TO be with someone, that when I look at them. I don't see pain! I don't see the last ten years in front of me. Taking hold of me and chocking the life out of me."Yuki explains.

 "Well, I am sorry that you see that when you look at me. I had nothing to do with what happened last night. She kissed me." Zero states. " I know. That wasn't what got me. It's that, people know they can use you against me. IF they want to take me down. Just go to you. That you can make me feel defeated." Yuki admits. " I am sorry. That they use me for that. But you do the same with Kaname to me. You use him to hurt me. You do it well too. Do you think I like to watch you kiss him? Be all over him? It's as bad as the Kharis shit!" Zero snaps. " I didn't use him last night to get at you. I did it because I wanted to. I wanted to feel normal. I wanted to let go." Yuki admits. "So you did sleep with him?" Zero asks. "No. I didn't. We didn't go through with it." Yuki remarks. "The fact that you even wanted to. Eats away at me. That you would do that to me." Zero says. "I got up this morning in a panic. Not remembering what took place. The fear that I did something. That I broke our vows. The pain it would bring you. I about died. I'm sorry. " Yuki says tears streaming down her face. Getting up from the toilet and going over to Zero. "I'm So Sorry." She says. Putting her arms around him. " I want you to come home. To stop this. I don't want you around him anymore. I know your friends that's fine. Just no more living together." Zero announces. " Ok. It may take me a few days to get the stuff for me and Anna. But I will come home. Friday I will come home for good." Yuki states. "That's fine with me. In the Meantime, I will be here every night. We will sleep at the Cafe." Zero states. "Ok." Yuki answers. Holding him tight. Her emotions all over. "I have to go to work. I need to change and get ready. I need to head home for that so I will leave now. I will be back later tonight." Zero states. "Are we ok?" Yuki asks her voice trembling. " I guess. That will depend on how we get along once we are living together. If we go back to normal or if they stay like this. I just want you to be honest with me. IF once we are together again. If you still want him. Tell me. We can't keep doing this. "Zero admits. "I know." Yuki answers. As Zero lightly kisses her on the cheek. Then heading for the door.

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