Chapter 87 Closer

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Chapter 87 Closer

Its Wednesday before, they knew it. This time going to the ball makes Yuki feel on Edge. She sees. Zero getting ready. It just reminds her of the night, they met Kharis. The night that changed there lives. How the Jealousy took over that night. She just realized, how Zero feels."Why are you staring at me like that?" Zero asks. "Just reminds me of the last time. We went to the ball together."Yuki says sadly looking down at the floor. "Oh, Sorry. I forgot about that. Last time I went, you were shoving the Engagement of you and Kamane at everyone."Zero states. "Yuki just turns around. Walking back to her room. A sadness taking over her. The pain was still there. She noticed. How she cared. That he was with someone else. How there was this pain in her heart, from just thinking about it. Yuki goes into her room, and starts getting dressed.

 A knock at her door. "Yuki, Can I come in?" Zero says. "Yea," Yuki replies. "I wanted to say. I am sorry for earlier." Zero replies. "It's ok. We both have really bad memories of this place. I don't really want to go back there. Maybe we shouldn't go?" Yuki states. "We can do this. We will be fine. We are doing this for our son."Zero comments. Yuki looks at Zero. Places her hands on his arms. "Zero, when you told me, you didn't want to go to the ball that day, I should have listened. If I did maybe none of this would have happened." Yuki states. "Yuki if it wasn't that night, it would have been some other. They had it planned."Zero comments. "I know. It just bothers me. Yuki says. "Let's finish up getting dressed, so we can get this over with. I will see you in a little while."Zero states. Zero goes back into his room to finish getting dressed. Realizing that Yuki's feelings were there. He saw them when she touched him. How it bothered her, to remember that night. He pushed it in the back of his mind for now, as he wasn't looking forward to the night either. Spending time with Kamane. Watching them together would be painful.

When they were both dressed, they meet downstairs. Of course Zero was down there first. Dressed in his black tux, Looking sexy as hell. Doing that on purpose to see if Yuki would notice. Yuki comes down the stairs wearing a White long, off the shoulder dress with sequins and beading. Her hair long with curls flowing. She looked gorgeous. Zero just stared at her. Seeing why he was so in love with her. She stares at Zero, looking him up and down. Noticing. How hot. He actually looks in that black tux. His white hair and lavender eyes that always made her crazy. "You look very handsome tonight Zero." Yuki states. Thank you, You look gorgeous Yuki. She smiles as she notices the limo pull up into the driveway. Knowing Kamane was in it. "Guess its time to put on a show."Yuki states. "Yea I guess so." Zero responds. Yuki seeing a sad look in Zeros eyes. She knows. It will hurt him to see her with Kamane. She sighs. Then they head out to the car. Putting on her white fur shawl. 'Yuki you look lovely." Kamane remarks. She smiles back. The car ride over to the ball very uncomfortable and quiet

. "You both ready?" Kamane asks as they arrive. "Guess so." Yuki steps out of the car, with Kamane holding her hand. Zero behind them. They walk into the ball, where all eyes are on them. The King, The Queen are here. Everyone staring and talking. The ball was for Ren and Yoshiko, yet everyone's eyes were on Kaname and Yuki. Zero goes to take a seat at the table assigned. While Yuki and Kaname start to dance. Yuki beaming in Kamanes arms. They made a wonderful looking couple. People just ohh and awed at how beautiful they are together. Kamane holding Yuki tight, whispering in her ear. It wasn't all an act for the couple. They really did like being together. They had enough chemistry to light the place on fire. Zero just watched. He knew. It was for there Son, still hated it. He knew. It just gave Kamane an advantage of being that close to Yuki. Not like he needed it. He thought. They just had that weekend... I'm sure. She was even closer to him then. He thought to himself. How it burned him inside and out. He notices. That every now and then, Yuki would give a glace over to him. To see. How he was doing. He would just look away and act like nothing was happening. Yuki was with Kamane and enjoyed it. Yet. She felt bad for Zero. The old feelings of trying to protect him were there. What she was trying to avoid was back tonight. 

"Yuki. I see you glancing over to him. Are you ok?" Kamane asks. "I don't know. I know this hurts him and ...The old me wants to protect him. It hurts me to see him sitting over there alone. Ren is our son." Yuki says looking down at the floor. " I See. Well then. We should go sit at the table. So he isn't alone." Kamane remarks. Yuki smiling up at him. They both go over to the table and sit down. Yuki sitting in the middle of the two men. When she sits next to Zero. She places her hand on his thigh giving it a light squeeze. Letting him know, I'm here. It makes Zero feel a little better. Also a little shocked to see she cares. While they are sitting there, they announce the engagement of Ren and Yoshiko. The both Ren And Yoshiko gleaming with pride and happiness. Yuki just watches how Ren and Yoshiko interact. She sees Herself and Zero in them. Which in a way makes her feel a little better. She looks at Zero and gives him a smile. He nods back.

When the night is finally over, the limo picks them up. Kamane dropping both Zero and Yuki off. Before they go inside, Yuki lightly places her hand on Zero's arm, as he opens the house door. "Zero, are you ok?" Yuki asks. "Yea I'm doing the best I can." Zero admits. "Zero, I wanted to dance with you so bad, but I know. I couldn't. Would you dance with me here?" Yuki asks. Zero looking at her, seeing a tenderness in her. He hasn't seen in a long time. " Sure, He puts his arm around her. They dance on the lawn in the moonlight. She places her head on his chest. They hold each other close.

When they are done, they both go inside. Zero heads to his room. Taking off his jacket. He then just lays down on the bed. Yuki goes to her room and takes off her dress putting on her nightie. Still thinking about Zero. She walks to his room and opens the door. She sees him laying on the bed. Wearing the black pants, white shirt unbuttoned, pulled out of his pants. His thin long body just laying there. His eyes closed with one of his hands above his head. She takes in the site. Feeling the bloodlust build in her. She sees his eyes are closed as she sits next to him on the bed. As much as her body is raging, she doesn't want to wake him. She starts to get up from the bed, as she lifts herself up. He grabs her arm. "Where are you going?" Zero asks. " I Didn't want to wake you." She says, the lust in her eyes. "Are you needing something?" Zero asks, watching her eyes dance with colors. Trying to control herself. "I really wish. You wouldn't control yourself."Zero says looking at her. "Zero." She says as her heart beats fast and her throat burns. 

She moves over to him, sitting on top of him. Her eyes completely red now. She licks and kisses his neck. Which makes him moan. Her hands in his white silvery hair. She Tugs at his hair, as she sinks her fangs into his sweet pale neck. Her body rubbing up against his, while she is drinking. Zero completely under her spell at this point. The feeling of her body, driving him insane. She kisses down his neck and licks the holes closed. Her eyes now turning back to normal. She just flattens her body, long ways on top of his. Wrapping her arms around him. Offering her neck to him. He licks her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. Then places little kisses on her neck to her shoulder and back up again. Licking and then gently placing his fangs into her. His arms around her pulling her close. He drinks till he is full. Then they just lay in each other's arms falling asleep.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now