Chapter 116 Come Home To Me.

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Chapter 116 Come Home to me.

Yuki spends the night with Zero. They make love. Quenching every desire they have for each other. Zero feeling alive, knowing her bond to him is too strong to resist. Now finally knowing, what was causing her so much pain. That it was to lose him. It had nothing to do with Kamane. He just let his imagination take over like always. He knew. That he was no better then Kamane in a way. That he pushed the blood blond to work in his benefit. That he did help cause all this pain. Yet he didn't care. He got what he truly wanted. His possessive nature over her still there. His love stronger than ever. Holding her close to him after what seemed an entirely. His heart finally whole. He promised himself that night. He would never let her go. No matter what. That he would do his best to become the man, she really wanted. Even though he knew, parts of himself could never really change.

When the morning came, he just watched her sleep. Hoping that now, they could finally move on from all this mess. He knew something was always in their way, but he didn't care, as long as he was with her. He knew. He never wanted to feel, what he had felt this month. The loneliness. The need for her and she wasn't there. He knew. This is what she went through when Kharis took him away. He understood. Why it took her so long now to finally give in. How much, it truly hurt. This big empty house just filled with memories. Once filled with a happy family. Then all of a sudden nothing. All he worked so hard, all his life. Gone in an instant. He never wanted to feel that way again.

While laying there, Yuki starts to get up. She just opens her eyes looking right at Zero. Giving him a light hug. "Good Morning sleepy head." Zero says. "Morning. I was thinking last night was a dream. It was so perfect." Yuki replies. "No. It was real. It was us. The way. We should always be." Zero responds. " I love you Zero. I always will. I want you to always remember that." Yuki states. "I feel the same. I am yours forever. You are coming home now? Aren't you?" Zero asks. "Yes. I guess so. There is no sense staying away. I can't seem to fight you anyway." Yuki replies. "Good. Glad to hear it. I want you to come home." Zero responds. "I need to get dressed so I can pick up our children. Why don't you come with me?" Yuki asks. "Sounds great. I will be happy to get out of this house." Zero comments. "When you get to cross you might notice a few changes. Aiko is being girly." Yuki replies. "Girly? What do you mean?" Zero asks. "Well, you know. How she is rough and a tomboy. Not really anymore. I believe her and Nezera are dating." Yuki implies. "You got to be kidding me. What the hell is she doing with him?" Zero snaps. "Well, you know that Nezera knows the twins since they were ten. He always was fond of them. Looks like a lot fond of Aiko." Yuki Chuckles. "And your ok with this shit? He is a freaking Demon! He is worse then Yoshiko!" Zero Shouts. "I have been around him the last month. He isn't as bad as your making him out to be. He was like my bodyguard all month. I am not sure, what he thinks is going to happen. But he said he sensed something. " Yuki states. "Sense something? That his friends are all freaking nuts? He has demon wings and hands. What the hell could our daughter see in him? What that hell is wrong with her? Holy shit! What would our grandchildren be?" Zero snaps. "I didn't mean for you to come undone. I just thought. You should know. He isn't a bad kid. Look no matter, what we say, it's not going to work. She loves him. He is very protective of her. He is very protective of Ren as well. They all been at Cross for a long time without us Zero. Life happens. They are not babies anymore. They are in there late twenties. Aiko can take care of herself. I am sure. She will be fine." Yuki remarks. "I don't know about this. You thought Ren with Yoshiko was bad. I think this is worse. God Damn. Kaien will let anything in there these days. 

What the hell is Ai doing? I thought. She had better sense. I know. I dislike Kamane, but if he ran the place I don't think it would be going to shit like this!" Zero hisses. "Kaien and Ai want everyone to get along. They are trying for peace." Yuki admits. "You know sometimes screw peace. Leave the misfits out!" Zero grunts. " You thought I overreacted about Yoshiko. I think this is even more so."Yuki giggles. "I am glad you think this is funny." Zero snaps. "Oh, shh. Come over here and give me a kiss. I missed you so much Zero. Even your grumpiness." Yuki Confesses. "Good. Cause I am. Who I am. I can't change it all. I missed you also. So much I felt like I was going to die. I hate this place without you. Let's go get our kids. I want to talk to this Nezera while I am there. What the hell does, he want to do to my baby." Zero says. "Everything you, want to do to me." Yuki replies. "NO! NO! NO! EWW. Get that shit out of my head." Zero snaps. "Not only that silly. He wants to protect her, Love her. Be with her. Gezz Get your mind out of the gutter already." Yuki Giggles harder. "No, Get over here. " Zero chuckles back. Giving Yuki a tender kiss.

They get dressed and get ready to go to Cross. Zero still very upset about the news. Aiko was his baby girl. He might not admit it like Yuki. But he felt the same about her, as Yuki did Ren. She could handle herself. Be a badass like her father, But he still worried. Would this guy really take care of her? Or was he up to something. Now thinking as Yuki did about Yoshiko. There was always something.

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