Chapter 141 Cold.

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I find there fight a little funny. :) You will see why when you read.

Chapter 141 COLD

Kamane gets up and walks over to the Cafe. Wanting to see, how Zero is taking this. What his version of this mess was. Kamane walks in going up to the counter. Taking a seat. "Hey, I wanted to thank you for calling me. For letting me know. She was ok." Kamane states. 'No problem. That time it wasn't your fault. I thought you should know. I know. You worry about her just as much as I do." Zero replies. "Yes, I do. She is still pretty pissed off at the moment. You didn't seem like, her most fond person this morning." Kamane states. "Yea I gathered that. I am trying to stick around. So she doesn't push me away again. I hate that cold shit. She does." Zero admits. "I saw that coming. When she left yesterday. It was there this morning also. Things she was saying didn't look good for you. Then again you know how you two are. She will get over it." Kamane remarks. 

"Great. She is doing that again. I am suffering from something that wasn't even my fault. I was controlled. That doesn't seem to ever set in with her. She only sees me standing there telling her goodbye. She even got over. What my brother did to her. But not this." Zero states. "It hurt her deeply Zero. I think more than either of us even realizes. If you put yourself in her place, would you get over her telling you goodbye? Walking out with someone else? Did you like? When she was with me?" Kamane comments. "Hell no. I still see that damn video from time to time playing in my head. So, I guess. I can imagine how that hurts. I know it wasn't only that though. She is pissed at me working there. She was saying if I wanted to be a hunter, then maybe she should stay with you." Zero confesses. "What? Damn you did make her mad anytime she is using me against you. She knows. How much that bugs you." Kamane remarks. "I don't think. She was using it. I think, its how she felt. Between my working there and what they said about her. It just made her think. it would be best. I did what I was supposed to. And she did what she was meant to do. It really screwed things up. If it wasn't for this blood bond and to be honest the sex bond. I think she would have walked away last night. I just used it as I always do." Zero admits. "Before yesterday she couldn't wait to be with you. She missed you terribly. So, I am sure. That's still there. She is just upset. She will get over it." Kamane remarks. "You are not like you were before. Your not fighting for her?" Zero asks. "No. How many times can a man be rejected? I know. How you two work. I'm sick of it. Like you said you will use the sex bond to get her to your side. She will give in and its over. Where does the hell that leave me? Nowhere! We have a great relationship. She confides in me. She trusts me Finally. I am her best friend. I am not going to through that away. You two play your little games. I'm done." Kamane replies.

Yuki walking back into the Cafe. Going over to Kamane and giving him a light hug. "What was that for?" Kamane asks. "It was just you, being you. Thank you for listening. It meant a lot." Yuki States. Zero just watching. How there relationship isn't sex. It's a lot more. " Let me get you a hot cup of coffee and some breakfast." She responds. Just walking by Zero. "Damn, she is still pissed at you."Kamane remarks. "Shut up." Zero responds. Kamane chuckles. He enjoys his breakfast. He watches the coldness Yuki throws at Zero. Kamane just sips his coffee and gloats. Loving the idea. That he is on the other side of this, and he didn't cause it. He didn't have anything to do with it. He knew. Yuki used him to get back at Zero. He didn't even care about that. He was used to it. "Yuki I will be going home. I will see you later tonight. Please try to have a nice day." Kamane states. "Thank you. You too." Yuki responds Hugging him again.

Yuki walks into the kitchen and starts making her bread. Leaving Zero at the counter. He knows. She is still flaming mad. He knows. The sex didn't fix anything. Maybe made her even madder that she couldn't resist him. Zero heads in the back to the kitchen. "Yuki are you going to ignore me all day? I am here to spend time with you." Zero states. "Don't bother. I know you rather be at the association. So just go." Yuki says with an attitude. "That's not true. I want to be with you. I want to be normal. Do you think? I like this situation?" Zero asks. " Who the hell knows what you like or want anymore? You don't tell me. You just make your own decisions. You knew from the start, how I felt about you working there. You didn't care. It's not like this is a new thing. Its been part of our marriage for years. I asked you many years ago to give it up. You did. We were happy. You were safe. Now you throw that away again and go back there. I'm tired of saving your sorry ass." Yuki shouts. "Well thank you. I never really needed you to save my Sorry ass. You just always feel the need to. You always want to protect me. I am a hunter. A very strong one. You just make me out to be this hopeless ass that can't do anything for himself." Zero hisses back. Yuki gives him a glare. "That's not true. I am sorry if my love for you, makes you feel that way. I am sorry if you coming home full of blood dying in my arms. Haunts me. You never see my side of anything Zero. It's always what is hurting you." Yuki shouts. "Oh come on! That's not fair or true. I know I jump too fast. But I know. That bothered you. I am sorry. How many freaking times? Do you want me to say I'm SORRY!" Zero Shouts back. "I guess if you're not with me. You won't have to say you're sorry. EVER AGAIN!." Yuki snaps. 

"You don't mean that. You're mad at me and your saying things just to hurt me. LIke I normally do to you. I see it. I'm not blind." Zero comments. "Whatever! I am telling you this right now. If when all this shit is over and I can come home. If you choose to be a hunter, then I'm not coming home. I don't care if the blood bond kills me. I can't stand to the worryment. Your spell you put me under will not work. I will let it eat away at me and take me away. before I come back to you. And watch you get hurt." Yuki Comments. "That's not fair! You are letting your fear take over." Zero states. "This whole damn relationship isn't fair ZERO. You are one to talk about fear taking over. What about Obsession? I told you many times how our relationship works. You wanted it. NOW you have it! So before you come near me again. And want to screw. You think long and hard about your choice. Otherwise, keep your thing to yourself." Yuki hisses walking out of the Cafe.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now