Chapter 191 Flaming Temper.

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Chapter 191 Flaming Temper.

Hanabusa helps Yuki upstairs to her room. Helping her on the bed. Yuki still not really talking. Just repeating. "I didn't do it." In her own daze. Hurt to the core. Hanabusa doesn't really know what is all going on. He just knows. Zero just Shattered Her. Hanabusa covers her with a blanket and heads back downstairs. Trying his best to call Zero. Leaving one message after another. "Zero, Dude. Please, whatever you think she did. I don't think she did. She is heartbroken. Please listen to this damn message and come home." Hanabusa sitting on the sofa. Not sure what to do.

At the same time. Zero is driving to Kaname's. The rage taking over his entire body. He Doesn't even feel himself. When he gets there he parks the car. Walking up to the door. Not even knocking Just removing it from its hinges. Throwing it to the side and walking into Kaname's Office. "What the hell is wrong with you now Kiryu?" Kaname asks angrily. "You know what's wrong. You're always in the middle of us. You just can't see us happy. You had to Fuck her again. Didn't you. You couldn't stop yourself. "Zero snaps. "What? What are you talking about? I haven't touched her." Kaname hisses back. Zero throwing the pictures on Kanama's desk. Splattering them all over. Kaname getting up and looking closely at each of them. "There is proof. You did." Zero says. Kaname still looking closely. "Really? Have you really looked at these photos Zero?" Kaname asks. "Of course I have. Your hands are all over my wife. Her mouth is somewhere I never thought she would be. She never did that to me!" Zero Shouts. "You know. For someone being the president of the association. You surely don't see all the facts!" Kaname growls. "What the hell do you mean.? What more do I need to see? It's there black in white. You got what you wanted. I am not going back to her. After that last photo of where her mouth is. I wouldn't kiss her ever again NO matter what!" Zero snaps. "Zero. If you look closely on her back. You will see a beauty mark. Yuki doesn't have a beauty mark on her back. I think after you sleeping with her 1,000 times you would know that."Kaname says calmly. 

"Wait what? Give me that!" Zero huffs grabbing the photo looking at the beauty mark. "Zero, come with me. Just please keep your voice down." Kaname walks Zero upstairs to his bedroom. Slowly opening the door. Martha sleeping in his bed. "If you will look at her nightgown. The way the body is. The Beauty mark on her back." Kaname says quietly to Zero. " Zero looking closely at Martha. It's her in the pictures. The picture was altered. They quietly walk out of Kaname's bedroom. Going back to his office. "The pictures have been photoshopped. That's not Yuki. That's Martha."Kaname reveals. " Zero slumps in his chair. Feeling remorse. "That wasn't Yuki?" Zero says. "No. Not at all. For your information, Yuki never did that to me either. If that helps your fears."Kaname states. "Nothing does at the moment. The things I said to her. I pushed her."Zero responds. "You did what? Kiryu you're a big ass at times. Did she get hurt?" Kaname asks. "I don't know. I just drove off." Zero says in a low tone. " I just screwed up what we got back. I never thought they were fake. Mika is a crazy bitch. But she always sent things that were true to haunt us. Its why I didn't second guess. I just reacted. She kept telling me. She didn't do it. I didn't believe her. I pushed her away." Zero says defeated. "Look. I don't know what took place. I wasn't there. I feel something is wrong. You need to go home. Check on her." Kaname states. " I will. Will, she even let me in? How am I going to fix this Kaname?" Zero asks. "She loves you. I mean really loves you. I am sure. She will forgive you." Kaname admits. "I wouldn't if I were her. The way I acted. I would just throw me out." Zero confesses. "She won't do that to you. Even if she did. A few days later she would run to you. You two make me sick. Go home Zero." Kaname responds. Zero getting up from his chair. Walking slow. Like someone shot him through his heart. He looks at the front door sitting in the living room. PIcks it up and trys to put it back up. "Sorry about that. I will have someone come tomorrow to fix it. My temper got the best of me." Zero states. Kaname just nods. There was no sense. He knew. How these two operated.

When Zero left. Kaname was worried about Yuki. He sent his wolf to be by her side. He felt she needed someone with her. That what Zero did. Hurt her terribly. She was finally his. Finally, let go, and Zero didn't believe her. He also thought about the letters. Like Zero said. Mike was Crazy but she always sent things that were real. These were not. They were made up. Just to get to Zero. Which they sure did. Did Mika know about the time at Cross? How could she? No One Knew. And how did she gets picks of him and Martha in bed? He would have the place swept for bugs in the morning. He really didn't like his business out there. Little alone stuff like this. These pictures were private. They were not good for him or Martha.

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