Chapter 197 Demonic

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Chapter 197 Demonic

They all stand there trying to take in everything that Mika just said. Kaname keeping his cool. Knowing after this is done. He is going to have to erase Martha, Yagari and Aiko's Memories. None of them can remember what just took place. Zero still thinking about what Mika just said. He knew Yuki was behind the murders. He just let it go. More interested in the other thing she said. But knowing this wasn't the time to dwell. Martha also thinking about what Mika said about Kaname controlling Yuki. To feel everything he did to her. The rage inside her building. Her thinking to herself. How could he?

Yagari happened to call Nezera before this started. He just knocks on the door. " Come in." Yagari states. "Nezzy Poo! It's great to see you!" Mika states. "Mika, what did you do now?" Nezera asks. "Why you asking. You know how I am? I was just getting to know my new friends. Love mister Hot-headed. He needs to come to our world and redecorate." Mika laughs. "Mika I want you to stop this now. I told you if you came here you had to behave." Nezera replies. "Behave? What type of word is that? You know me better than that!" Mika responds. "If you don't behave you need to leave."Nezara responds. "You are always spending time with that thing you call a wife. You never hang out with me anymore. It's always her. She isn't anything special. I guess you like hot-headed bitches. I can do that. I specialize in that." Mika responds. "KNOCK IT OFF!" Nezera shouts. "MAKE ME. You are no better than I am. Who the hell are you kidding? Trying to come here and pretend your good. Did you forget you're the son of the demon king? Did you forget you're a murder just like me? HOW Much you loved it. Now you're a pussy whip man after that dork of a wife. What is it with these Kiryu's? Do they have special powers in bed or something? 

That you and Yuki can't resist them? What the hell is so special with them two?" Nezera stands there anger filling his body. He can no longer hold it. Purple flames engulf him. The small slender boy turns into a large buff scary demon. Large black hands, Gaint black wings, He is 2 feet taller then Zero and Kaname. They are just looking up at him. Standing back and watching. Zero not even sure what the hell he is watching. Just feeling my daughter married this? What the hell is wrong with her? Love is really blind.

"Finally my Nezzyyy Shows his true self. My Demon Prince!" Mika states. "Mika Go Home." Nezara says in a deep demonic voice. "Aiko. How do you like your real husband? Fun isn't he? " Mika asks with a giggle. Aiko Stands right next to Nezera. "I know what my husband is. How stupid you think I am? I did my homework before I married him. We have no secrets. I know what his true self is." "Aiko responds. "You told her the truth? That's not the Nezzy I know. What the hell is wrong with you?" Mika asks. "MIka this is the last time, I am telling you to go home. Go through the portal and don't come back."Nezera states. "Maybe for now. I will go but you never know. I might return. Not to mention. It was your father who hired me. In the first place. He said I could have as much fun as I wanted to. I Kept my word. So I guess you should take up all this with him. See what he has to say." Mika responds as she goes through the portal. "Stay away from my Father Mika!" Nezera says. "He is still in your world now Nezzy. You will have him on your hands for now." Mika says disappearing into the portal.

"She is gone now. You won't have anything to worry about for a little while at least. I am very sorry for everything she put all of you through. It's just the way she is. She doesn't know how to control herself. She loves to see misery in other people."Nezera states.

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