Chapter 100 Stolen

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Chapter 100 Stolen

The next day. Zero and Yuki are getting ready to go to the cafe for work. They are running a little late, as they overslept. Since Yuki came home a bit late last night. While Yuki is dropping the kids off at Hanabusa's, she checks the mailbox. There is a note in the box. Addressed to her. She opens the letter. It says. Do you remember the "Girlfriend that Zero took around?" He played you just like Kamane. It was just to hurt and make you Jealous! Yuki laughs. Reading it. Going inside. Zero grabbing his things. Ready to leave. "Babe you ready?" Zero says. "Is this true?" Yuki says. Handing him the letter. "Oh, shit. Yea. I am so sorry babe. I wanted to see if you had any feelings for me. If you would care." Zero states. Yuki looking at him with lust in her eyes. " So you never really kissed or touched her?" Yuki asks? "No. The only kiss was that time in front of you. To get your reaction. I couldn't do it anymore, once i saw you so upset. It's why. She never came around again." Zero states. "So that hot body standing in front me. She never had?" Yuki says, with an evil grin. "No. I swear." Zero says. Looking at her wide eye. "Good. That makes me feel so Happy to know." She says. 

She then walks over to him. Pushing him down on the couch. Taking the lunch bag out of his hand. "Yuki everything ok?" He asks. "Yes. More then ok. I wondered about that girl for so long. Then she disappeared. I didn't have the guts to ask you, where she went. Just knowing. She was fake, and not really close to you. Makes me so happy. I want you right here. Right Now!" Yuki says, with a smirk. She sits on Zero's lap, kissing him passionately. Taking off his clothes. He takes her's off too. They make hot passionate love on the couch for hours. Laying in each others arms under a soft blanket. "Should we try to go to work?" Zero says. "No. Lets just stay here like this." Yuki replies. "Well that note didn't seem to have the effect. The person wanted it to."Zero laughs. "No. I was more relieved to know. It was fake. Then you lied. Which don't do that again." She says as she smacks him. "I won't. I was at a loss of what to do. I just wanted you. Any way i could of gotten you." Zero admits. While they are both lying there. The phone rings. It has been ringing off the hook for hours. No one paying any attention to it. "Are we going to get that?" Zero asks. "No, I want to just lay here with you. When its time for the kids to come home, we will get up." Yuki comments. "Ok, I think for a few hours. They can live without us." Zero responds. They both fall asleep in each others arms. There naked bodies pressed against each others.

A few hours later. Yuki gets up. Looking at the time. She realizes. The kids will be home any minute. "Oh, No. Zero get up." She says as she shakes his sexy naked body. "What babe? It's so nice on this couch. Do we have to move? " Zero responds. "Yes. The kids will be home any minute. They don't need to see us without clothes on." Yuki says. Throwing him his boxers. "Oh crap. Ok." He responds. Putting his boxers on quickly. Yuki throwing Zero his clothes, as she finds them. "Zero where did you throw my bra?" Yuki asks. "Um, check the stairs. I know. I threw it that way." Zero laughs. As they are struggling to put their clothes on, there is a knock at the door. They finish getting dressed.

 Zero answers the door. "Hey, Hanabusa. Thank you for dropping off the kids." Zero says. Out of breath. "No problem. I just do it every day. You ok?" Hanabusa asks. "Yep better than I ever been. We got another note today. Let's just say, it didn't go like the person planned. It went more in my favor." Zero says with a grin. "Well, that's good. I noticed the cars didn't move. Kamane and Yagari have been trying to call you all day. They said they had some news. That no one was answering the phone." Hanabusa states. "No, we were a little busy. I will give Yagari a call." Zero comments. "Yes please do that. I will see you tomorrow Zero. Enjoy your night." Hanabusa says

Yuki is in the kitchen. Getting dinner ready. Zero walks in to talk to her." Babe, we need to call Yagari. He has some new information." Zero states. "Ok, invite him to dinner. We have plenty." Yuki comments. Zero goes into his office and calls Yagari. "Hey, Hanabusa told me you had some news?" Zero asks. "Yes, would it be ok to tell you in person? It's a little delicate. Kamane was here. I was waiting to tell you all in person."Yagari states. "Well, call him and tell him to come for dinner. We have plenty. You can tell us here." Zero remarks. "Ok, great. I will be there in a few." Yagari comments. Zero walks back into the kitchen to let Yuki know that Kamane will be joining them for dinner as well. "He said. It was delicate?" Zero states. " That makes me worry." Yuki replies. "Whatever it is, we can handle it babe." Zero comments putting his arms around Yuki's waist as she cooks. "Zero. Can you please watch the food, I would like to go upstairs, and get cleaned up before our guests arrive." Yuki remarks. "Sure. You look good with my scent all over you though." Zero grins. "We will have more time later for that." Yuki grins back as she heads upstairs. Yuki gets cleaned up pretty fast. Changes her clothes. When she is done, she goes back downstairs to get the food ready. 

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now