Chapter 72 Stormy

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Chapter 72 Stormy

Xby CounterflixPowered by CounterflixXby CounterflixPowered by Counterflix✕✕Powered by Counterflix✕✕Powered by CounterflixThe next day. Yuki gets up. She goes to get Anna, giving her breakfast. Getting her ready to take to work. She then carries her down the street to the Cafe. Opening the door and putting the open sign up. The smell of fresh bread, cakes, coffee brewing in the air. She takes the little girl in the back with her. Then she starts making the sandwiches for the lunch specials. Letting the little girl sit in the high chair eating, while Yuki works. Talking to her the whole time. Yuki spends the day, with the little girl giving her special attention. Holding her, while she takes orders and mends the cash register. ZJ sitting in a booth eating his lunch. Playing his DS games. When a few more hours pass. Zero comes to pick up the kids. The holiday vacation is over. ZJ has to go back to school. Zero walks in seeing the place packed. ZJ helping with giving orders to customers. 

Yuki holding little Anna as she does so also. "Wow, it's pretty busy in here."Zero says. "Yes, its the busiest time of day." Yuki replies. "Need some help?" Zero asks. "Oh yes, that would be great." Yuki responds throwing him an apron. After an hour or two, the place starts to clear out. Yuki and Zero sit down to take a break. "Here have a glass of ice tea." Yuki says giving it to Zero. "Thank you. Wow, that was a lot of people. I see. Why now you said you have no time for any more babies." Zero replies. "Yes, the weekend is even worse. I spend most of my time here. Its why. I didn't go back to the Main house so often. Why I wasn't into buying a house. I am really ever there. I also have to do the books. Which is driving me mad. You know. How I love math." Yuki admits. "Yea I remember. If you need help with them. I Don't mind taking a look. I Use to do them for you before." Zero explains. "Oh, would you? That would be great, give me more time for other things too. You know if you want the job you can have it? We have an extra office in the back for it. It would get you out of the house and I can see baby Anna more." Yuki suggests. "That sounds great. I am all for getting out of that house. I am not sure. How you did it all those years with the kids. It drives me nuts at times." Zero admits. " I just loved being a mom, I didn't mind. Thank you for letting her stay today. I enjoyed being with her. I didn't let work get in the way. I just added her to it. She didn't seem to mind either. She got a lot of attention from the customers saying how cute she is." Yuki says. "Yea I saw you holding her, as I walked in. You haven't put her down." Zero answers. "Zero have you noticed her hair got darker and her eyes? They are not red anymore they are brownish. She reminds me a Little bit like Ai." Yuki says. "Yes, I noticed that also. I was actually happy about it. She doesn't look like her anymore. " Zero states.

A few more months go by, Zero works for Yuki. He sees her every day. He goes to work in the spare office. They have him doing the books. They put a playpen and some toys in there for baby Anna to take her naps. Zero really didn't care about the job. He just wanted to be around Yuki. When she told him. She spent most of her time here He knew. That would work in his favor. That they both could spend time with the kids. Also each other. Making it look like nothing, Just Zero trying to get out of the house. He sees. That Yuki opens the Cafe very early in the morning, makes all the food with the help of Yori. She stays very late at night closing up. Getting things ready for the next day. She doesn't really spend much time at home or with Kamane. He would come into the shop to say hi, when he wasn't working. He worked at Cross as a teacher and also did work with the Association. He also had a very busy life. It was nothing like the life Zero and her shared. When they were together. Yuki was pretty much free to come and go as she pleased. The more he worked there, the more he understood and saw a new Yuki. He understood. Why she didn't want to get married again or have more children. She didn't have the time to give to it. She didn't want to. She enjoyed being free. Being a businesswoman. She was in control. The relationship, she had with Kamane didn't wear her down. Kamane understood that as well. He was happy just being with her. Zero also noticed the intimacy with Kamane was also different. 

They would kiss and hold hands, but nothing like Zero had with her. Not all over each other or at least not showing it in public. If he didn't have a relationship with Yuki in the past and know what it was like with her. He would never know this was her. The close loving warm person. She was in their relationship is no longer Yuki. She isn't bad or mean to Kamane. She just isn't the person. She use to be. The relationship doesn't define her. She still does have a soft side. He still sees it a lot with kids. She is nice to Zero. They get along a lot better than before. She can stand to be around him now. Will talk and even confide in him at times. Its been close to two years. He has been back and nothing romantic has happened. She treats him just like a friend. They will do blood exchanges, but still just through the wrist. That is the only thing they still have. They only take blood from each other. Zero knows. That still means a lot. She still does crave his blood and never stopped. There has to be some love still there even though, she doesn't act on it. This has been the longest they ever kept their hands off of each other. Normally no matter what. It would take a lot for Yuki not to mess around with Zero. Now they could nap with each other and her hands stay to themselves. He could hug her. She will hug back, but still nothing romantic. Zero kept wondering to himself. Could it be the desire, she was full of for me now gone completely? Was she that good at hiding it? Or was Kamane so good at keeping her desires for himself? It didn't seem like Kamane had to worry about Yuki cheating on him with anyone. She wasn't interested. If she wouldn't cheat with Zero, then he had no worries at all.

One day it's storming pretty bad and it's closing time. Zero and Yuki are cleaning up. Getting ready for tomorrow. "Wow Zero. Its really coming down out there. You should stay till it stops. You can't drive in that." Yuki states. "Yea you live down the street and it's not good for you to go out in that." Zero responds. I can stay here till it stops.. I am used to it. I am always here. I guess. I will go to the kitchen. I will make some more goodies while I'm here. That way in the morning, I won't have that much to do." Yuki states. "Ok do you mind if I help?"Zero asks. "No that would be fine. I remember when you use to help before. It was nice." Yuki says. "Yea it was. That was a long time ago. We would put on the radio and dance while we cooked." He laughs. "I notice. You don't put the radio on anymore."Zero declares. "Yes at the beginning I couldn't bear to. Then I just got used to not putting it on."Yuki admits. "Oh well, I think we come far enough to put it on now. Don't you?" Zero asks. "Yea I guess so. Why not?" Yuki says. Zero puts on the radio. Yuki rolling out the bread. Zero putting them in the loaf pans. They spend a few hours doing this even forgetting what time it is. Soon its two am. "Guess we should clean up and head home. It's going on two in the morning Zero. You need some sleep. If you like the upstairs apartment is vacant. You can just hang there tonight with Anna. That way you get some sleep." Yuki states. "That sounds good, Thank you."Zero responds. As they are putting away the last of the items. Their song comes on the radio. Cold plays Hmm-hmmm for the weekend. Yuki's face goes pale. He sees her close her eyes and take a deep breath. He goes over to her and says "May I have this dance?" She looks up at him and says "Sure." Zero moves in close and puts his arms around her. She does the same. Placing her head on his chest, closing her eyes. He notices. That the song got to her. She is doing her best not to show it. But it did bother her. Even when the song is over, she doesn't let go. They keep swaying back and forth, her eyes closed holding him. Zero keeps his hold around her. He keeps her close, not breaking it till she does. It takes Yuki a few minutes. Then she realizes and let's go. "Oh, Sorry, I'm not sure. What got in to me. I guess. I'm just tired." She says brushing herself off and going back to cleaning up. First taking the radio off. '"I Guess. We are done here. You can lock up Zero. I'm Going home." She says. "Night Yuki, See you tomorrow." "Yea night." She responds.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now