Chapter 161 Regrets.

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Chapter 161 Regrets

Zero does his best to try to get some work done. All along just thinking about Yuki. Where did she go? He figured. She was hurt and needed some time alone. She didn't go to the park. She knew everyone knew that was her hiding spot. She must have picked a new one. Zero kept his ear out for the phone all day. Nothing. She never called him back. Kaname called once in a while to check in with nothing. Martha was with Kaname. Zero was sure that made Martha happy. He did it on purpose to get Martha and Kaname together. Yuki wasn't there. It would give Martha some lead way. To try her magic on Kaname. He knew. Kaname loved Yuki and always will. He just hoped this would help him move on some. Let Yuki go. Give them some peace.

Around five, Zero can't take it any longer. His nerves have the best of him. He is planning on going home. It would take him a bit to get home anyway. At least forty five minutes. He Call's Kaname one last time before leaving the Office. "Hey, any word?" Zero asks. "No. Nothing. No one has seen her either. The crew at the Cafe said. She got into a cab. I called Cross. No one has heard from her there either. I don't know. Where she went. I am sure she will come home. She probably just needed some time alone." Kaname states. "I know. I just worry. I know she has been going through a lot lately. Its just one thing on top of another. All surrounding Kharis. Its like we can't break free of her. She haunts me." Zero responds. "I know. I never thought things would get so out of hand. I thought once she was gone. It was over." Kaname replies. "We need to know who is leaking all this information. Who was at the wedding taking these pics and giving this info to the paper. Not to mention who reopened the damn rumor mill." Zero comments. "I have someone looking into it. I am sure. We will find out. It needs to stop. Otherwise, our lives will never be our own." Kaname states. " That's what I'm afraid of. " Zero replies. "I'm going to go out to dinner with Martha. We are getting hungry. I will also drive around the city and see if I spot her. I will let you know if I do. "Kaname remarks. "Great. I will do the same. You have a good evening. I am sure she will turn up." Zero comments. Happy to hear that he is with Martha. At least something was going right.

After the phone call Zero packs up and gets into his car. Giving one last attempt at calling Yuki. It goes to voicemail. " Babe. Please, I know you're mad at me. Please just call me back. Let me know you're ok." Zero leaves as his message. Feeling even more down. Not knowing what she thinks or feels. Makes him worry. He knew. He always gets the shit for it. Even though, he had nothing to do with it. So he didn't know what to expect from this. In one way he was glad she didn't run to Kaname. After what happened last night, if she ran to him now. Zero didn't think he could handle it. He knew in a way she was sorry about what happened. He saw her reaction when she woke up. Trying to figure out what happened. He heard her heart beat super fast. It did still hurt him though. He was doing his best to keep his cool. He felt bad for calling her a Whore. He never said anything like that to her before. It was just to hurt her, as bad as he was hurt. He regretted it. It was something he could never take back. He would never forget the look on her face when he said it. Pure Shock. Pure hurt. Yet she didn't answer him or yell at him for it. She just walked away. Which made him feel worse.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now