Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Awakening

In a hidden Castle Nezera and the mystery woman take Kaname's body. They place him on a table that was already waiting for his arrival. They place the heart in his chest. She slices her hand and places it on top of the heart. She also gets the vial from around her neck and pours that on also. "Finally Father, you shall awaken once more. Not from that twit of Yuki, but from me your daughter." The mystery woman says. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Nezera asks." Yes. It will work. I see the heart hole closing more and more from my blood. He will be back to us soon." "If you say so." Nezera responds.

After she gives the blood to Kamane, the hole closes fully. He starts to wake. Kamane opens his eyes. He sees this pale, petite girl with long brown flowing hair like his. Her eyes reddish brown looking right into his. He takes in the sites around him. "Where am I?" He asks, in his calm cool manner. She answers. " You are in the castle that you lived in with the Hooded Woman. Who would also, be known as my mother. " Kamane sits up baffled. "I didn't know your mother had a child?" Kamane answers. "I know father. She never told you." she replies. "Father?" Kamane remarks. "Yes. You are my father. My mother never told you. When she had me, she sent me off to Nezera's house. I was raised there to be safe. Kind of what you did for Yuki. She says in a venomous voice." "My Child? What is your name? Yoshiko. So I have two daughters?" Kamane Asks. "Two?" Yes. I have a child with Yuki. I met her once in a dream state. "Oh, she is the new headmaster at Cross." "Oh how nice, she kept it going." Kamane remarks. " Why did you bring me back?" Kamane asks? "because they found a way of bringing you back, without taking your heart out of the furnace. I also wanted to meet my father." Yuki had the chance to do so, but she let you rot. Yoshiko states. She was too worried about her beloved Zero. "Yoshiko I sense hatred in your tone. Why?" "Because father, I find that unfair. That they left you there when they could bring you back." Wouldn't my other sister feel the same? Didn't she want to see and meet you? Instead, Zeros feelings where too important. She had to baby him. Isn't it her choice who she wants to be with? Yoshiko Snaps. " My dear before I died, I told them. I wanted them to be together. I am not angry with them. I know how she feels towards Zero. I always have known. It's why I through my heart into the furnace. I couldn't watch, as she would leave me for him. "Just like Mother. She says. with tears falling down her face." Yoshiko says. "Yes. I loved your mother very much, It hurt me a lot when she left me. I wanted to be the one to give my heart to the furnace, but she did it instead to save me." Kamane explains. "So where is Yuki?" Kamane asks. You want to see her? Why? Yoshiko growls. Don't you want to spend time with me? Your Daughter? We never met before. Don't I count? In his low smooth voice, Kamane responds. Daughter, of course, I just asked a question. I love Yuki as well. Yoshiko Growls and storms out of the room. She shouts Nezera show father to his room!

Yoshiko storms into her room, finding that her familiars have returned. The Two bats one black, one white. Kuro and Shiro what news have you brought me?" They are unsure who you are. They think your Rido's kid. They also don't know where Kamane was taken. They are looking though. Yuki seems to have gotten attached to Yagari. She confides in him over Zero. "Excellent its going as planned." Yoshiko states with an evil laugh. Kuro states. She isn't around Zero like before. She barely pays attention to him. Yagari has all her attention. Yoshiko says that's interesting, I didn't think she would fall for him or anyone for that matter. This is working out better then I planned. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door. "Come in." Yoshiko says. The door opens and Ichiru enters. "My pet you have done your job well. She isn't into your brother anymore. She seems to like the tall strong Yagari instead." Yoshiko states. Ichiru responds you mean what you controlled me to do. Either way, I got the job done She laughs. Now to work on my father. He still loves that twit. That might work for us too. It will keep Zero on his toes. "Ichiru says. You don't plan to make me hurt him again, do you? No, I think I am done with you for now. she states. Now go be a loyal pet and keep yourself busy.

Then Nezera enters the room. He mentions to her that, Kamane would like to leave the Castle. "Of course he would. I will show him out." Yoshiko states. Walking out of the room, down the stairs to the entryway. Father, I heard you would like to leave? Yes. Kamane answers. Of course father. You can leave. Do you want Nezera to come with you? It's not safe out there for you. Don't worry daughter I shall be fine. Thank you though. I will return. Promise father? she says in an innocent tone. Of course, he then walks over and kisses her head. I have some things to take care of. I will be back. Kamane remarks. "Ok, I will let my driver take you to were you need to go" Thank you. he replies. As Kamane leaves Nesera walks down the stairs. In an angry tone, Yoshiko declares " He is going to tell that bitch everything. Good thing I lied about our location. But I bet Zero will be very disappointed. When he sees my father walk through the door." "Indeed." Nesera replies.

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