Chapter 112 together

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Chapter 112 Together.

In the morning. Yuki wakes up to the smell of coffee, pancakes, and eggs. As she just starts moving around. Zero walks in with breakfast in bed. "I thought. I smelled breakfast." Yuki says. "I thought. We would have breakfast in bed. Maybe stay in bed all day. Watching tv and being together. "Zero replies. "That sounds good. Its still snowing outside. It's our last few hours before the kids come home." Yuki says. "Yea. Let's enjoy the quiet." Zero comments. Eating their breakfast and talking. Just enjoying each others company. After Breakfast Yuki goes to take her shower. She then puts on some warm cozy pj's. Heading back to there bedroom. Zero with the TV on taking a nap. She crawls into the bed next to him. Wrapping her arms around him. Giving him a kiss on his head. She takes a nap with him for a short few hours. The time they get up it's already two in the afternoon. "Guess. We fell asleep." Zero says. 'We didn't get much sleep this weekend. We did other things. 'Yuki says with a grin. "True. What do you want for lunch?" Zero asks. "Anything is fine. Maybe just a sandwich. I am happy with anything. Zero, do you think we should call the kids? I mean it's been two days. We haven't talked to them. I am wondering if everything is ok." Yuki suggests. "Naw, Let it go. They will be home tonight before you know it. Let's enjoy the rest of the day. Kamane would have called if anything was wrong anyway." Zero remarks. Remembering. He needs to put the phone back on the hook. "I am going to go get us food. You stay here and relax. Find us something good to watch." Zero add. "Ok. I might find some love sappy one. " Yuki laughs. "Great, at least I can fall asleep in bed." Zero chuckles.

Zero hurries downstairs. Putting the phone back on the hook. Before Yuki notices. He then heads to the kitchen. Getting two turkey and cheese sandwiches with two glasses of soda, and a bag of chips. He goes back to his room handing Yuki hers. Then he slides into bed. Watching TV. They spend the rest of the day, just lying in each other's arms watching TV. Taking cat naps here and there. Before they know it its eight at night.

They hear a car pull up. Zero heads downstairs to get the children. Kamane doesn't even come in. He just drops them off. Already in there PJs. Yuki gets up and comes down stairs as well to greet the kids. "Mommy," Rai says running to Yuki. "Hey, my sweet boy. How was your weekend?" Yuki asks. "It was great. Daddy played with us. I got to shoot him." Rai says. "I would have loved to see that." Zero responds. "Oh, dad. It was just playing on the play station. We got some new games and Uncle Kamane played with us. We went out to the movies and did a few things. Its was fun. " ZJ states. "Why didn't Kamane come in?" Yuki asks. "He was tired. He thought it best to just go home. It's late too." ZJ says going up to his room. Yuki hugging and kissing Anna and Rai. "You guys want to come to watch tv with us before bed?" Yuki asks. "Yes, mommy!." They both shout. Running upstairs to Zero and Yuki's bed. "Guess play time is over." Zero says. "Maybe. But now it's family time." Yuki answers. Giving Zero a smile. Zero lets Yuki go upstairs. He locks up. Thinking to himself, that the talk he had with Kamane worked. He didn't come in. He stayed away. Zero saw that as a good sign.

Before Yuki, went to her room, she stops by ZJs To give him a hug and kiss. To tell him, how much she missed him as well. She then goes to her own room. Two little kids jumping all over her bed. She just smiles and jumps in with them. Zero right behind her. They each grab a kid and kiss and tickle them. Spending a few hours with them before the kids fall asleep. Zero then carries each of them to there own room.

Once alone again, Zero gets back in bed. Thinking about what a great weekend they had. Alone and even now with the kids. He is wondering. if she still wants to go away. He is afraid to ask but knows. He should. "Babe, are you still going to go away?" Zero asks. "Yes. I will be leaving tonight after work. I was thinking. I would take ZJ, Anna, and Rai. I'm going to go to Cross. Ai will take care of the kids. While I just get myself together. I am sure. ZJ would like to see Ren and Aiko as well." Yuki states. Zero's nerves set in. Hearing. She is taking all the children. "Yuki, are you leaving me?" Zero snaps. "No. I already told you. I am just going away. Getting away from it all. I just need time. You can see and call the kids anytime you want." Yuki answers. "You're taking my whole family with you. It feels like your planning on not coming back. If you need time away, why take all the kids?" Zero asks. "Because just taking Rai isn't fair to Anna or ZJ. Going to Cross, they can spend time with there family. They won't need me. Kaien will be the doting Grandfather. Ai is there with Erika. Ren and Aiko. I want Rai to meet his whole family." Yuki replies. 

"So you pretty much just want to be away from me and Kamane?" Zero hisses. "You can never make things easy can you Zero? I just need some time away." Yuki states. "Did this weekend mean anything to you?" Zero asks. "Of course. This weekend was incredible. It made me fall in love with you. Remember How much I like being with you." Yuki comments. "Then don't go. We can work something out with Kamane. Letting him see this kid just on the weekend. Maybe a day during the week. You don't need to run away." Zero snaps. "What the hell are you so afraid of?" Yuki asks. "That you won't come back. Every time you go to Cross. Its to run away. To forgot. It's like pulling teeth getting you back here. You close yourself off. I have to try my best to get back in. I am not sure. How many more times I can do that." Zero shouts. "Then maybe don't follow me. Don't try to get back in. You never know. You may just like being here without me. You may find the peace that you need." Yuki hisses back. " Why can't you just make up your mind? Who do you want? How hard can it be? Is it me? Or is it him? You have been with both of us now. You know the difference. Yea I know. I'm NOT Kamane. I can't live up to the Great Wonderful, Manipulative Bastard, that he is." Zero shouts. "You really think? That is what this is about? Why do you always? Just make it about him? Yes! I do know the difference. OF a calm peaceful, loving Trusting relationship. VS an obsessive, controlling. one. Yet, I am still here with you." Yuki shouts. 

"Yea, never bring out the good points. Or all I ever did. That I never left. Just bring out the possessive part. LIKE he isn't? " Zero shouts. "Why? Why did you have to do this? We had a great weekend. You always have to ruin it!" Yuki says trying to walk out the bedroom door. Zero going over to stop her. "Please, I just don't want you to leave. Don't you know? It's my biggest fear. I love you Yuki. I need you." Zero says Holding on to her. " I Love you too. " She replies holding him. They go over to the bed and lie down. Zeros thoughts getting the best of him. Knowing he did it again. He couldn't keep his mouth shut. Maybe she was right. Maybe time away would be good. He always made it all about Kamane. Even when he wasn't the problem. Would he ever learn to just let it go? What she said about the relationship with Kamane. The trusting loving peaceful relationship. Is that what she felt? Wasn't ours like that? He thought to himself. Lying in bed next to her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now