Chapter 160 Where did she go?

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Chapter 160 Where did she go?

Yuki puts down the paper. Not really knowing. What to feel. None of that was news to her. She was relieved that Zero's statement wasn't in there. Or that she drank all night long. The thought about Zero and Kharis still being together hurt her. She knew it wasn't true. The bitch has been dead for years. It did hurt her that everyone thought Anna was Kharis. Her head was still spinning. Now her stomach matched. She told her crew that she would be leaving early. She needed to get out of the Cafe. She had enough for one day. She packs her stuff and heads out. Not even going back to the Townhouse. She gets in a cab and drives off.

At the association, Zero is pretty upset himself. This morning he was already set off. This just clinched it. "God Damn it Yagari. This just makes things worse. She is trying to get over it. And then another thing pops up. So, I left? How many people get divorced? WHy the hell is mine news?" Zero barks. "Because you are back here. Your back as the president. She is the Queen of vampires. Not to mention who your daughter just Married? Didn't you think that would make people talk? She is the son of your mistress!" Yagari states. "SHIT SHIT SHIT! I didn't like them getting married in the first place. Not even caring about Kharis. The kid has a past. I am not sure what, demons he has in his closet. I just know there are some. My freaking daughter won't listen to me. She is as hard and hot-headed as me!" "Well, you know Yuki didn't cheat on you there." Yagari laughs. Zero giving him a glare

." Hey man you know it was a joke. She wouldn't do that to you." Yagari replies. "Yea really? SHe almost did with Kaname. Last night." Zero responds. " OH, Shit. Sorry, I didn't know. I remember that kiss was hot. I told you to watch out." Yagari admits. "I am taking your advice. I am taking her home. Just when shit like this comes up. It makes it harder for our relationship. She gets weird on me. I think its all the pain. She remembers again all that happened. All I did. I am doing my best to let last night go. It just eats at me. " Zero confesses. "Look. just take her home. See what happens there. I think its all this stress. How much can one relationship take before it breaks? Before one or both just say fuck it?" Yagari asks. "Not sure, but it's getting there. That's what I'm scared of." Zero answers. "Are you telling Yuki about this paper?" Yagairi asks. "Yea, I been trying to call her. And yet again she isn't answering me. She never use to do this. She would always pick up on the second ring. Knowing it was me. Now when she is mad at me. She just lets the phone go." Zero replies. "Maybe she is busy at work? You never know." Yagairi states. Martha walking in with lunch. "Hey, Zero. I picked up some lunch at the Cafe. I thought you would be hungry. " Martha comments. "Oh great. Thank you. Have you talked to Yuki today?" Zero asks. "Yes. I did at the Cafe." Martha states. "How is she? I tried calling her about the paper. She isn't answering me." Zero responds. "Oh. Sorry. I kind of told her about the paper. I am sure she read it by now." Martha replies. "SHIT. Now I know why she isn't answering it! I am going to call Kaname. Give me a Sec." Zero states.

Zero calls Kaname, Asking if he saw or knew where Yuki was. He said at the Cafe I think. That was the last place she told him. She was going. Zero then hangs up and Calls the Cafe. Where the workers state she left early. She didn't feel well. Zero's Heart drops. "Martha I need you to do me a favor. Go to the townhouse. There is a park across the street. See if Yuki is there. If so take her here. IF not give me a call. Tell Kaname to look for her there." Zero asks. "Sure. No Problem. I will head out now." Martha States. Yagari just looking at Zero. "Where do you think she went?" Yagari asks. "I have no idea. She normally goes to that park. When she is upset. She likes to sit there. IF she isn't there. Then I don't know.

In about thirty minutes. Martha calls Zero." Zero I am sorry there is no one in the park. I looked all around. Yuki isn't here. I went to tell Kaname. He is doing his best to locate her. He isn't really sure where she is either." Martha responds. "Fuck. Sorry, Martha. Keep looking if you find her just call me." Zero replies. Not able to leave his desk. He was president. He had major things to take care of. He couldn't just walk out the door. He had to let Martha and Kaname try to find her. Where the hell did she go? Is she that mad? What now? Zero thought. Just tired of all of it. He knew. That paper would hurt her. Them saying he was with Kharis again. What a freaking mess.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now