Chapter 175 Happiness

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Chapter 175 Happiness?

The next morning. Yuki and Zero wake up in their own bed. Getting home late last night. Spending most of the evening together talking and making love. Zero seeing Yuki getting closer to him than ever before. He just hoped this lasts. They wake up in each other's arm. Just enjoying the other's warm body laying next to them. "Good Morning," Zero says. "Morning," Yuki replies. "Last night was pretty special. I really enjoyed it. "Zero replies. "Me too. I still can't stop kissing you." Yuki responds. "That's fine. Kiss all you like. I kind of missed them." Zero comments. "Are we still on for dinner tonight?" Yuki asks. "We sure are. Dress casual though. I have something in mind." Zero states. "Ok. What about Anna? Rai is going to Kaname's tonight. What about her?" Yuki asks. "I will call Kaname. Maybe he will take her for the night as well. I want to ask him a few things anyway. "Zero states. "No, Fighting, please. Can we keep things calm?" Yuki states. "I promise you. It will be nothing. No fights. I don't want to do anything to ruin what we have right now." Zero admits. Getting up and dressed. "I will pick you up later." Zero states. Leaving for work.

Zero more than happy when he gets to his office. His mind and body at peace. Something he hasn't felt in years. He realized just like he could make Yuki high or low. She could do the same to him. Making him at his highest at the moment. His mind just going back to last night. With that hot passionate kiss. How she made him feel. How she really wanted him. He was on cloud nine.

When he got into his office. He wanted to call Kaname. For two reasons. One to see if he would take Anna for the night. Second to see his side of yesterday and his version of Martha. He figured. He would keep tabs on things. Seeing how things were going. Since he wasn't ever really going to be out of there lives. Him showing up was no surprise to Zero. He just thought to be honest that it would have been Yuki going to him. She actually surprised him, with staying away. He knew she was trying her best to put it in the past. Where Kaname yet again showed up. It made Yuki happy though. She was finally at peace. So he would except it. Like he really had a choice.

"Hello." Kaname says. "Hey, I know you have Rai tonight? I was wondering if you would take Anna to?" Zero asks. "Sure. What's Wrong?" Kaname asks. "Nothing. I want to take Yuki out. Just me and her. I need someone to look after Anna. I figured it would be best if, she went with Rai. They are close." Zero states. "That's fine. It will be just me and the kids tonight." Kaname replies. "Martha won't be over?" Zero asks. "No. I don't let her be around when Rai is here. I don't want to confuse him. In case it doesn't work and she disappears. I don't want him hurt." Kaname admits. "Oh. I understand that. How are you two doing?" Zero asks. "Pretty good. To be honest with you. It's a bit strange. I keep saying in my head, but Yuki does it that way. or this way. I don't say it out loud. I just can't help myself." Kaname confesses. "New relationships are hard. Even more so when you been in love with someone else for so long." Zero states. "Was it that way with Kharis? I know you were controlled. but you were with her for over a year." Kaname asks. "I really didn't have feelings for her. I was trying my best to get out of her control. All I thought about was Yuki. Our life. How I was hurting her. The pain when she found out about Anna, was the worst. It was all over her. I have never been with anyone else. It was and is Yuki." Zero comments. "How are you two doing?" Great. She is back to her old self. You stopping by yesterday seem to make her even happier. Make her feel content." Zero remarks. "I missed her friendship. I feel a lot better now too. Like I can give more of myself to Martha. Before all, I thought about was Yuki. I missed talking to her." Kaname confesses. 

"Can't you talk to Martha? Make her your best friend?" Zero asks. "We are friends. She is great. I like her a lot. But there is a different bond with Yuki. I can tell her anything. Our friendship grew over years. Its what I missed more than anything. You don't just get that with someone else." Kaname admits. "Yea. I think she feels the same. Kaname I am going, to be honest with you. I don't mind you two being friends. Like you said you been that way for years. She feels safe telling you things. I will let it go. Just you need to know where you stand. You are her friend. I am her husband. I want you to keep your hands to yourself."Zero states. "I have no intentions of anything else. I didn't the last time either. It was your wife. Who came on to me. If you remember?" Kaname remarks. "Yes. I do. I also thank you for not going through with it. I know that took a lot. You could have broken us. You choose not to." Zero comments. "There was no point. She went back to you. Claims she loves you more now than ever. Why do I want to get in that? How much do you think I can take Zero? I do Have a heart, even if you think I don't. When it comes to her i am putty in her hands." Kaname admits. "I know. I can't say much about that. I am the same way. Thank you for taking Anna. Just drop her off in the morning at Hanabusa's for school." Zero states. "Sure. No problem.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now