Chapter 49 Housewarming

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Chapter 49 Housewarming

Another month goes by, the house is ready. It looks gorgeous. Yuki spent countless hours making it what it is. The Side house is now also done. Hanabusa and Yori can come to stay. It's now June. They will get a lot of use out of there Pool. Yuki made the yard very nice with a grill and large table with umbrella. A lot of pretty flowers around. One red rose bush going up a trellis near there back door. Yuki is now ready for her House warming party. She hasn't given a party in a while, so this one is special.

"Zero, what do you think about this Saturday to have the housewarming party?" Yuki asks. "What ever. It's so nice. Do we have to invite people over? Zero asks. "Oh silly, one night won't kill you." Yuki comments. "Depends on who you are inviting," Zero admits. "You're still my grumpy Zero." Looking at him with a smile. "Yes, and I always will be." He smiles back. "So really. Who are you inviting." Zero asks. Hanabusa, Yori, Ai, Seiya, Kamane, Kaien, The twins. You know the family. I will make it a small dinner. Yuki says. "Oh, brother" Zero says. "What? I am sure Kaien won't start crying. There really won't be any reason to." Yuki insists. "Whatever makes you happy babe." Zero says. As he walks into the family room, sits down on the sofa with his paper, putting on his glasses. Kaien wasn't his problem. He could put up with the crybaby. It was Kamane that was. Its been months of being quiet and calm. Now here he comes again. Well, I guess, this will tell the tale of how they are together. He better keep his hands to himself. Zero thinks. As he is Yuki in the background. "You know. You keep putting on those glasses. I don't know if I can contain myself." Yuki smirks. "Then maybe I will wear them all the time." Zero snickers. "You are a brat you know that?" Yuki says. "Well come over here and tame me." Zero comments. Yuki walking over to Zero sitting next to him, putting her arms around him. Puts her lips on his giving him a kiss. "I love you Zero." Yuki says. " I love you too babe. He replies. Thinking in his mind, she hasn't told me that in a while. It's so good to hear. " So these glasses, really do it for you huh? Zero laughs. "Yes, You are totally adorable in them." Yuki admits. "Not to mention the black trench coat." She snickers. "That too?" He says. "Oh god yes. " Your tall lean body. It drives me totally crazy." She says. " I will have to get that out of storage then." he laughs. "Oh, you brat!. Do so. You might be in bed for a few days." Yuki comments. "Ok. Then I'm off, to see where I put that. " Zero and Yuki Laughing out loud. She kisses him again leaving him to his paper, as she goes to tend to the garden.

The next few days. Yuki is getting ready for the party. She called everyone up. They all said yes. They love Yuki's parties. They love her food. The twins come home a few days prior, which makes Yuki happy. She just loves to be with them. The house is now feeling even more like a home. While out in the garden one day, Yuki finds two little kittens. One Grey long haired kitten and One black long haired kitten. She grabs them both and brings them in. "Oh Zero look what I found!" Yuki shouts with glee. "Well, you were thinking about getting a cat. I guess now you have two." Zero says. "Yes. This one reminds me of you. He is grey and fuzzy. " Yuki laughs. "Oh great, getting replaced by a kitten now." Zero laughs and calls the twins. "Ren, Aiko. Mommy found two kittens." They both come running downstairs. falling in love soon as they see them. "Oh, mommy Aiko asks. We are keeping them right?" "Yes. We will get them some food, and a litter box. You have to name them. Who is getting who?" Yuki asks. "I want the black one." Aiko says. "I want the Grey one." Ren says. "Well, that's, that." Yuki says. I am naming mine Uno. Aiko says. Well, then I will name mine Duse. Ren replies. Yuki laughs. Ok, Zero, Uno, and Duce. Zero just looks at them and rolls his eyes. " What ever. They are lucky they are cute."

Before they knew it, Saturday was here. It's a warm nice day. So they are going to BBQ. They got the pool, all ready to go. It will be an outdoor thing. Zero and Hanabusa will do the grilling. They all got there at the same time. "It's so good to see you all." Yuki says. "Oh Yuki. The house is gorgeous." Yori says. "Thank you so much." Yuki replies. Hanabusa, Seiya Kaien go to the garden to bring out the burgers, hot dogs, steaks and chicken to Zero. Ai, Yori and Kamane stay in the kitchen with Yuki. "Mother this house is incredible." Ai says. "Thank you, sweety. I just love it. We are very happy here. You don't have to be stuck in the kitchen with me. Go outside enjoy yourself, in the pool. I will be right out." Yuki says. Ai, and Yori going outside. "How have you been?" Kamane asks. "I been doing well and yourself?" She asks. "Ok, Hanging in there." He replies. Yuki trying to get the large platter down from the top shelf of the cabinet. "Let me help with that."Kamane insists. Pushing his warm tall, thin body up against her back. His arms reaching up, touching hers to get the plate. He slides his hands over hers, as he hands the plate to her. Her body trembles. She closes her eyes to take in his scent. She keeps her moans to herself but gulps when he lets go. "Thank you for your help." She remarks. "Any time. This home is really nice Yuki. You did a great job." "Thank you it was really fun to decorate. We finally have a house of our own." Yuki states. "Kamane please grab the ice tea. I got the salads. " She says as she walks by him going outside. After dinner, everyone is sitting at the table. The sun has gone down, and it's nice an cool. They are sipping on their beers, and ice tea just enjoying the evening. 

"Mother, Dad Father and everyone else. We wanted all of you here, to let you know. That me and Seiya are going to have a baby." Ai announces. Hanabusa gets up. OHHHH man. I'm going to be a grandfather! Zero! We are going to be granddads. He says. Zero nods and laughs at his reaction. "Yes, we are." Hanabusa then turns to Kamane. Oh man. congratulations! Kamane nods and looks at Yuki. She gives him a soft smile. Then she looks at Zero. Smiles at him as well. "Congratulations Ai and Seiya. Kaien starts to cry. "My grandbaby is having a baby." " I am so happy for both of you." Yuki comments as she walks inside the house, with the empty ice tea pitcher. Kamane following up. "Well, congrats grandma." He says. "Well, I guess. I can say the same to you, Grandpa." Kamane Chuckles. "I am really happy Yuki. I get to see all the stuff. I didn't see with Ai. I am really going to enjoy this grandchild." Kamane says. "I am glad you are here. So you can. These are very special moments. Ones the both of us should be here for. " Yuki says. " I wish we were together for these moments." Kamane states. "We are. Just in a different way." Yuki remarks. "I miss you Yuki. I know you told me, that you wanted to be family. I'm trying, but its hard. When I look at you. I want so much more. I realize. I was so dumb. I gave my life away to Zero." Kamane admits. "Well, that was your choice. We can't turn back time. I learned that the hard way." Yuki admits.

 Kamane placing his hand on hers. There fingers in twine. Yuki's Eyes close. "Yuki I love you." Kamane says. As he places a light kiss on her head. " I Love you to Kamane. I always will. I think we better get outside now. They must be asking where their refill of ice tea is." Yuki states as she breaks hand contact. She starts walking outside. The night comes to an end. Everyone starts the leave. Yuki relived that the night is over. Ren and Aiko head to bed. Leaving Zero and Her to clean up. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight babe?" Zero asks. "Yes, it was very nice. How do you like being called grandpa?" Yuki asks. "I like it. It's going to be something new. "How about you? Grandma." Zero replies. "I think its nice. Like you said, Will be something new. I thought by now. We would be having our own." Yuki says in a low tone. "Yea me too. Babe, maybe we should go to the doctors. Make sure everything is ok?" Zero remarks. "Yes, that's a good idea." Yuki replies. As she picks up the leftovers to put away. "Kamane seemed excited about the baby too." Zero adds. "Yes, he wants to do all his missed with Ai with it. It will be a good thing for him." Yuki remarks. " How was it being around him?" Zero inquires. "It was ok. Just another family thing." Yuki replies. With no emotion. Zero not able to tell if, she is telling the truth or not. "Well we are done, Lets head to bed handsome. That king size bed is calling us." Yuki states. "Oh good, cause I found the trench coat, "Zero laughs. " You put that on, and you will be getting up very late tomorrow. Not to mention Sore." Yuki replies. "Race ya up there." Zero says. "Grab the glasses to while your down here." Yuki says with a grin. "Ok let's play teacher." Zero laughs as they both head upstairs. " I have been a really bad girl teach." Yuki Laughs. "Detention for you then girly." Zero remarks as he smirks with a wink.

Zero thinking I'm not sure if she is hiding her feelings or not. She didn't seem to change towards me. He lets it go and enjoys the rest of the night.

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