Chapter 111 Lust

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Chapter 111 LUST

When Zero wakes up in the morning, he sees Yuki just holding him. Kissing his head. He Snuggles up. Kissing her chest. " I see you still have the kissing thing going on." Zero remarks. "Yes. I just want to kiss you everywhere. The more I stare at you the more, I want to kiss you." Yuki replies. "Am I that good of a kisser?" Zero smirks. "Yes. Last night you were pretty good at everything you did."Yuki replies with a grin. "Glad you liked it. I have more in store for you today." Zero replies. "Oh, really? I am not sure. I can handle much more. Last night you had me, totally undone. " Yuki comments. "Good. Finally. Let go of the control. Let me in. Let me love you." Zero states as he kisses her passionately Yuki's arms going around him. Light moans coming from her. Zero, Happy to see. He can do this to her, With just a kiss. Yuki hands in his silver hair. Her legs just wrap around his body. Not breaking the kiss. Her body melting into his. They spent many years together, but he notices this is the hottest yet. He sees her control, fade. As she just can't help it anymore. Her want and desire for him leading her emotions. Not only in regular lust, but he sees the bloodlust building. He breaks the kiss to breathe and to pick her up. Bringing her to the shower. Placing her down and putting the hot water on. Letting it hit them. Her eyes are now glazed over and crimson. Zero knows that look too well. He has been there way too often. Her bloodlust is taking full control over her. Where she can't fight it even if she wanted to. Zero happy with, what he is creating. A bond that she can't Hide, nor break. No matter. How much she wanted to. He does think for a second. Is that really fair to her? Yet his obsession over her, won't stop him from doing this. He walks over to her, bending down so she has full access to his neck. Her arms wrapping around his neck. She kisses him on his head. She then licks his neck and sinks her fangs in. Drinking, hungrily. He can't take it any longer. He does the same. When the beast is tamed. Yuki lets go. Letting Zero finish up.

Once done, Yuki gets the soap and starts washing Zero's sexy wet body. Her hands roaming over his chest with the soap. She makes sure, she washes every single part of him. He stands there letting her do, whatever she wants to him. Not able to fight it, if he tried. "Did you like that?" Yuki asks with a seductive voice. "Yes, Very much. Now it's your turn." Zero replies. Soaping up his hands, now washing every part of her. Light moans coming out of her. He rinses her off. "How was that?" He asks. Taking a minute to compose herself. "That was great. Where did you learn these new tricks of yours?" Yuki asks. "Oh, I have my ways. I thought. It was about time, I tried some new things with you. I wanted to spice things up some." Zero remarks. "Spice? How about extra Spicy?" Yuki admits. "I am glad you're liking it. I have more plans for today. Let's get dried up and dressed." Zero says. Not going all the way with her. Trying to make it build again. Watching as he teases her. It makes her more crazy for him. She gets out of the shower a little battled. Wondering why it was just washing and nothing more. She gets dried and shakes it off. A little curious of what is in store for today.

They put on warm clothes as its still snowing, and very cold out. Zero puts his Trench back on. Just to tease Yuki. He does leave the glasses home this time. They get into the car. Zero drives to the Mall. They head to the food court for some lunch. They pick what they would like. Then sit at a small table. Talking and eating there lunch. They finish there lunch throwing their trash away. Zero lightly grabbing her hand and taking her to the movie theater. "A Movie? Really? " Yuki asks. "Yes, Why such a surprise?" Zero asks. "Um, cause anytime I wanted to do something, it was always. Oh, too many people. Or the show would suck anyway. Why bother?" Yuki responds. 

"Not today. Pick any movie you want. We will watch it. Without any complaint." Zero replies. Yuki just looking at him in surprise. "Ok, Let's see the action-packed one. That way you won't be bored to death." Yuki giggles. "Yea yea." He responds with a smile. They go over to get the tickets, Zero also getting a large popcorn, two soda's, Milk dods chocolate covered raisins. Knowing Yuki's Sweet tooth. He sees her eyes dance with happiness. He knows. He did a good thing. Handing her, her soda. " You like so far?" Zero asks. "Yes. I love! I love doing things with you. You just really never wanted to do much before." Yuki comments. "I know. I was just happy being at home with you. I do see. We need to get out more. We are always working. So maybe on the weekends, we will do some fun things together. Just me and you." Zero replies. "I would like that." Yuki responds. They sit down and get ready for the movie to start. Sharing the popcorn and candy. Their hands going into the popcorn box at the same time. Yuki smiles up at Zero, Giving him another kiss. "Oh, I see those are back." Zero states. "They never really left. I have just been trying to keep my hands to myself in public." Yuki admits. "You don't have to for my sake." Zero answers. She playfully throws a piece of popcorn at him. He chuckles. They go back to watching the movie.

When its over, Yuki states. She would like to go over to a store and pick something up before leaving the mall. Zero says sure. "I need you to wait here. It shouldn't take me long." Yuki states. "Ok. I will sit on this bench and wait." Zero replies. Watching her go into a store filled with sexy lingerie. Zeros eyes widen. "What does? She have in mind? I can't wait to see." Zero says to himself. Getting quit aroused from just the thoughts. About ten minutes later, Yuki comes out of the store with a bag. "Ready to go?" She asks. "Yes, What's in the bag?" He asks. "Oh, you will find out later. Your not the only one with tricks. My dear. Two can play at your little game." Yuki comments. "This should be fun." Zero snickers

Once home, Yuki goes upstairs to change. Zero does the same. Yuki changes into a long PJ top. Zero puts on his lounge pants and top. When done they both head to the family room to watch some tv together. They curl up on the couch. Zero still wondering what was in that bag. Yuki not giving any clues. She gets up and heads into the kitchen. Zero hurry's into his office to take the phone off the hook. Just in case Kamane had any ideas of calling. He didn't want him to screw up the night. The weekend so far was going so well. Zero didn't want anything messing it up. Zero makes it back to the couch before Yuki even notices. When she does return. She has a large bowl of ice cream and two spoons. She sits down next to him. Handing him a spoon. "Thank you." Zero states. "Are you going to tell me what was in that bag?" Zero asks. "In a few. Going to make you sweat for a bit. " She responds with a grin. "Oh, you little devil you." Zero says. "You have ice cream on your nose. Let me get that for you." Yuki comments. Kissing it off his nose. "I should wear more of it if it's going to get that reaction." Zero comments. "You have been a really bad boy all weekend so far. I am still not sure. What has gotten into you? It sure is fun though." Yuki admits. "I like having you all to myself. I want to enjoy you. All of you. Its been so long." Zero confesses. "It sure has been. I actually forgot. What it was like to just be with you. To have fun with you. Without all the outside interference. Makes me see, why I fell in love with you." Yuki admits.

 Zero leans in for a kiss. Yuki quickly excepts. Zero hands going under her nightshirt. "Hmm, What is under this?" Zero asks. "Oh no, you don't. Not yet." Yuki states. Jumping off the couch. You're going to have to catch me first." Yuki grins. Running upstairs. Zero quickly running after her. Catching her in no time. "No fair. You have longer legs than me." She protests. "Now are you going to show me what's under here?" Zero tugging at the nightshirt. Yuki takes Zero into there bedroom. Sitting him on the bed. She then unbuttons the nightshirt to reveal and see through red baby doll nightie and panty. Fur trim around the bodice. "Do you like?" She asks. Zeros eyes, looking up at down. Staring at every curve of Yuki's body. "God, Yes I like. Get over here." He says pulling her close to him. Embracing in another long hot kiss. His hands running through the silky baby doll. "Those sure are tiny panties." He states. "Oh, did I mention they were crotchless?" Yuki states with a wicked grin. "I think it just got hotter in here." Zero states. Kissing and rubbing his hands all over her. They spend the rest of the night making love. enjoying each other. More now than ever. Seeing how nice it is. Just the two of them. If only it could stay this way.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now