Chapter 40 How Dare you?

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Chapter 40 How Dare you.

A few days later, Zero is walking on campus. He is in a pretty good mood. It's been quiet the last few days. No sign of Yoshiko. Yuki hasn't been to see Kamane. After the Lightening indecent, she has stayed away. Zero never mentioned, what took place that night. He listened to Kamane. She is fighting within herself. Let her do what she needs to. She isn't running toward Kamane. So let it go.

While walking, he runs into Maria." Zero." She says. It's so nice to see you. Running up to him giving him a big hug. "Walk with me Zero." She asks. "Sure." He responds. They start walking the grounds, and her hand is around his arm. "It's so nice to be around you." She says. She pulls him close and kisses him passionately on the lips. For some reason, Zero can't pull away. She slides her hands up and down his chest, lightly unbuttoning his shirt. Still, he can't pull away. She puts his hands on her breast, rubbing up against him. It's like Zero is frozen. He can't move or respond to anything, but what she tells him to. Yuki walking the grounds. Looking for him spots the two. Seeing Zeros shirt off and his hands on Maria's breast, kissing passionately against a tree. Yuki's eyes turn White. Anger and rage inside her showing through. The wind starts to howl, the sky turns dark, Lightning starts to crack in the sky. The branches on the trees loose control from the wind. The ground shakes beneath Zero and Maria. Yuki walks up close to them. "GET off my Husband! You little bitch!" Yuki shouts. Zero still froze. Flames appear in Yuki's Hands. She throws them towards Maria's feet. A ring of fire around her. "This is the second time you tried to do things with my husband. "Anger building. Yuki says. Not to mention, I see he didn't fight you this time. Looking pissed at Zero. "How could you? "She asks him. "I have done everything in my power to resist hurting you, and you want to screw this?" Yuki Shouts. Setting up another ring of fire, this time aiming at Zeros feet. 

Kamane appears behind Yuki. Placing his arms around her. Yuki don't. It's not them. They are being controlled. Kamanes touch, controlling her. She feels her heart lighten. She pushes back onto him. He holds her close. She closes her eyes, and everything stops. Maria, Kamane says," Please go home. It would be a good idea if you didn't come back here. "Maria gathers her self and runs. Zero still standing there Frozen. Kamane goes up to him and takes the spell the away." Are you ok? "Kamane Asks? "Shit. What was that? "Zero asks. I couldn't fight her. I couldn't move!" Zero snaps. Yoshiko was probably controlling you." If it wasn't for me your wife would have set both of you on fire." Kamane reveals.' I saw that, and I couldn't even speak to say something. To stop it. Now she has fire?' Zero states.' Yes. However, she is feeling the power will adjust. I calmed her down. She should be fine now. 'Kamane says. 'Yuki. I know you were upset, but setting me on fire?' Zero snaps. Yuki still pissed, "I didn't think, you were being controlled. I just saw your hands on her, Her mouth on you. I didn't think. I just reacted." Yuki says. "You weren't pushing her away." She shouts. "I couldn't. I couldn't move." Zero replies. "I am sorry." Yuki responds. I just couldn't take you being with someone else. It overwhelmed my whole body. "I understand that." Zero replies, "I feel the same. Just I didn't want to set you on fire. "Zero answers. I told you. I can't fully control it all yet. I can't do this anymore. Kamane, "I need to go to her. I need to end this. I need my life back. She won't stop. Don't you see this?" Yuki Shouts at Kamane." If you weren't here my anger would have taken control. I would have set him on fire. Both of them. She wants me to hurt him and him me. Its what she is craving." Yuki says louder. Kamane are you hearing me? "Yes, Yuki I hear you. I see what almost happened. I am sorry. Why is it you can calm me like that. Your arms around me, This feeling came over me. Why? Why is it things just can't be normal? Why do I always have to fight this beast inside me? How long can I?" 

She takes off running to the Sun dorm. Kamane looks at Zero, Are you ok? Yes, at the moment. She isn't though. "I see that." Kamane responds. "I guess. I should say thank you for not making me a toasted marshmallow. "Zero states." I don't want that Zero." Kamane replies. "I know we have our differences. Mainly because we both love Yuki so much. But I don't want you dead." Kamane confesses. Thank you. says Zero. This is getting out of hand Kamane. I know. It's going to come to a head. I don't see anything good coming from it.

At the Castle, the familiars tell Yoshiko all about today's events. Kuro states, " Oh master. It was so fun. Yuki almost set Zero on fire." Yoshiko laughs. "Awww Toasty Zero. That would be a waste though, but I like it!" She says with an evil grin. Shiro says "but your father stopped it. He controlled Yuki. He calmed her with his presence." " My damn father! I wish he would mind his business." She shouts. "But its something that, he could control her like that. Just by touch. That makes Zero have a little trouble. I still can't get over, she almost set him a flame. The man she loves. When she would have calmed down, I bet that would have hurt." Yoshiko adds." Well even though, he isn't a toasted dessert, it still put a damper on things. I bet he won't ever think about cheating though." She laughs. "You both done good my babies." She says to Kuro and Shiro , her two little bats.

Back at the Campus, Yuki spent the rest of the day in her room. Just thinking about, what she almost did. Her anger and rage were so fierce. She didn't even think of what could be afterward. Zero comes in, and sits by her." Babe? Are you ok?" Zero asks. "You're asking if I'm ok? Zero? I almost set you on fire. Looking out the window, when she says it. The thought of you with her killed me. Her heart pounding. I didn't see anything but black." Yuki states. Zero nods. Yes its, what I saw, when you were with Kamane. It took me almost losing you to let it go. I still see it sometimes. I just try not to let it get under my skin. "I'm not sure this is a good thing Zero. That we feel this way with each other." Yuki adds. The jealousy was overwhelming. "We love each other Yuki." Zero says. We don't want the other with anyone else. That's normal. He pulls her close. She rests her head on his shoulder. I don't care what Kamane says , Zero I need to go to her. I need this to end. If I don't get rid of her, it will never stop. Our lives will never be the same. I haven't seen my children in months. I stay away so she can't find them. So she can't use them against me as she does you. I can't protect everyone anymore. "I understand." Zero says. "You're going to have to go to Kamane and ask where she is. I know you two have a bond still. Its written all over the both of you. I am sure. He will give in to you. It seems neither of us can't control that." Zero replies."I will do that. Just, for now, I would like to stay like this for a bit. Just me and you. Sounds good babe." Zero states. He pulls her closer and they just look out the window in each other's arms.

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