Chapter 63 Anger Eyes

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Chapter 63 Anger eyes

A few weeks, after the Ball. Kamane wants to talk to Yuki. He goes down into the Cafe Kitchen. Where she is working. Its four in the morning as Yuki doesn't sleep very much. She hasn't since her and Zero split. "My Dear Yuki, Don't you think? You should get a few more hours sleep?" Kamane asks. "I just can't sleep. I figured. When I can't. I will get up. Getting the stuff baking for the day." She responds. "Ok. I would like to talk something over with you. If you don't mind?" Kamane asks. "Sure, Of course. You know. You can say anything to me Kamane." Yuki states. "Well, we have been together almost a year now. Its been almost two years, that you haven't been with him. I think. We have grown a lot. We are engaged. I was thinking, instead of us living on top of a bakery, we could get our own home. We are rich. We can have any place. We ever wanted. What do you think?" Kamane asks. " Well, I'm not sure. I lived in several places. I have a home. One that I use to love and couldn't wait to go back to. I am not sure. I do like it here. Let me think about it ok?" Yuki asks. "Sure, You don't have to give up that home Yuki. I don't care if you keep it. We also don't have to have any huge house, if you don't want to. We can just have a place that's ours." Kamane states. "That sounds nice. Let me think about it. I will let you know." Yuki replies. "OK. I thought I would ask." Kamane says.

Early this Friday Yuki packs up. Heading to her main house. Kamane and ZJ are going as well. They go to lunch before heading to the house. When home, ZJ runs to Hanabusa's house to say hi. He just loves him. Hanabusa took an even bigger interest in him. When Zero left. Letting the little boy know, that if he ever needed anyone, Hanabusa would be there. Yuki and Kaname head upstairs to put their things away. They also change and get into there PJs. Knowing that ZJ will be heading to Zero's for the weekend in a few. Kamane goes downstairs in his satin black pjs. He heads to the kitchen to make some hot cocoa and popcorn. Him and Yuki plan on staying in. Watching some Movies together in bed. As Kamane is in the Kitchen, ZJ comes in with Zero behind him. Zero just looks at Kamane. Holding the Coco and popcorn in his hands. His blood boiling. ZJ goes upstairs to get his bag. Yuki comes down the stairs in her soft pink nightie and robe. "Kamane did you get the hot cocoa and popcorn?" She asks as she turns to the door and sees Zero standing there. When Zero sees Yuki in the nightie. He knows. That the engagement is real. That they are sleeping together. His eye's change color and his blood is boiling. He walks up to Kamane and says. " I guess you finally got your wish. You got to screw my wife." Kamane just standing there. Yuki's eye's glow red. "Your wife? I haven't been your wife for over two years. What the hell are you talking about?" Yuki shouts. "You know. What I mean. Its all he ever wanted. Looks like he won. He got it. He got the life. He always dreamed of. The one that was mine and he took." Zero snaps. "Oh don't you dare. Was yours? Yea. It was yours till you left me. YOU left me remember? You slept with her. You even had a baby to top it off. He didn't take anything. You didn't let him have." Yuki hisses. You have a lot of nerve coming here. Saying shit like that to him or to me. If you wanted this life so badly, you would have never left it. DOn't blame him for your crap." She says louder. Zero places his hand on Yuki's Arm. "Don't touch me!" She snaps. Don't you ever touch me again! You lost that right when you screwed her! Zero hurries out the door leaving ZJ behind. Fighting the control. Breaking free from most of it. His rage, anger hurt taking over his body.

He goes to Cross, where he knows Yoshiko is. She is a pureblood. She can break the spell. He goes to the moon dorm and knocks on her door. "What brings you here?" She asks. "I need your help. Your the only pure blood at the moment, that is talking to me. I need you to break this curse. I can't do it fully on my own." Zero says. "Well, i never thought. I would see the day that Zero the big bad hunter would need me." She laughs. "Will you do it or not?" He snaps. Yes i will. I will for Ren. "Yea that's right. You date my son." Zero states. "Yes. I love him very much. I would do anything. He wanted. Even be nice to you and your wife." Yoshiko admits. "You remember don't you?" Zero asks. "Yes. I am a pure blood. We can break through the loss of memory spell. I don't really have any ill will toward you or Yuki anymore. I love the life. My father has given me now. We are close. I love Ai and the twins. We all get along very well. They are my family. I wouldn't do anything to harm or break that. I also know. How much Ren loves Yuki. I would have to be insane to hurt her. He would kill me." Yoshiko says" "I Need your help." Zero says again. "Ok, what is going on? What is with the curse?" She says. "About two years ago, I met Kharis. She put a love control spell on me. She made me leave Yuki and do all this damage. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't control myself. Till today, When I saw your father in my home. With my wife. I need you to fully break it for me. I can then be free." Zero says. "Ok, I can break it, but I think you should go back to Kharis. Let Yuki know. What is going on." Yoshiko states. " Look telling Yuki isn't going to change anything that has happened. She hates me. She is very happy with your father. They made a life together. There are things. I said and did she will never forgive me for." Zero comments. "If she forgives you or not. She should know. You didn't do this on purpose. She has a right to know." She states. " I don't know. I lost everything. To see her with your father kills me. I now know. How he felt. The pain in my heart is unbearable, but it's not going to change anything. The look. She had that day she congratulated me on that baby. I will never forget. I know. That hurt her deeply." Zero states. "We can't go back. Only forward Zero. I will take the curse off of you. I will also do whatever I can to help you fix this. Just go home and act normal. Please." She asks. She goes over to Zero and places her hands on his head and takes the mind control away." "Thank you." Zero says as he walks out to go home.

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