Chapter 31 Got in the way.

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Chapter 31 Got in the way

In the morning Yuki, Zero ,and Hanabusa go to Kaiens Office. Explaining everything ,that had happen last night. "Look." Yuki says. "There is someone on Ichiru side. Someone came and save the bastard." " We couldn't get a good look at him." Hanabusa says. "He was wearing a hooded cape. His daggers where filled with Blue Flames. "He said they were also poisonous ,but it didn't seen to effect Yuki." Zero explains. "No." Kaien says. "it wouldn't effect Yuki. Her powers are too strong, Not much would affect her like that except the vampire weapons. Otherwise, Yuki is pretty much indestructible." "You mean badass?" Hanabusa says. "Yes that too." Kaien admits. "It was my fault Ichiru got away." Yuki says. I played with him too long. I thought i had more time. "I didn't know someone was going to come save him." She growls. I want to know who he has on his side. Who is pushing his buttons. I know he isn't smart enough to come up with this on his own. I know he hates Zero, but could he do this alone? "Yuki asks. "No, we don't think so." Zero admits. When you find out who it is ,i want to know. She looks deep into Zeros eyes. And Zero. She says. Thank you for not interfering. I thought for sure you would of. "Would it of mattered if i did?"Zero says. "No." She says. "Would you then turn on me?" Zero asks. "Just stay out of the way, so we don't have to find that out. OK?" Yuki snaps. As she walks out the door. "Damn your wife has become a bitch" Hanabusa says. "Yea. I see this." Zero responds. But its an act. I saw through her last night. She is staying away from us, just so she can build the power. She knows what feeds it. If she is with me, and i make her happy it goes away. "I thought so said." Kaien. "Well its good to know. She is in there somewhere." Hanabusa states. I guess that part isn't going to come back till she gets Ichiru. I don't think he would come back any time soon?" Hanabusa says. He isn't that crazy is he? "I doubt It." Zero replies. She really tore him up last night. She was fearless. " I never seen her like this before." Zero states. "She didn't need anyone to help her." Hanabusa Says. "Yes. Its what she is after. She wants the power to build, so she can take care of herself. The more anger she feeds it. The stronger she will get. Last night was nothing compared to what's inside her" Zero explains. "I understand what she is doing now. It took me a while to understand. Zero states." I see why she is pushing all of us away. She is really good, at doing this." Hanabusa says. "Yes. Very." Kaien states. " The more she pushes everyone away, it just might not be easy to come back to us." Hanabusa says. " I don't think she is caring about that at the moment." Zero replies. She is on her own mission.

After there conversation, Zero goes to find Yuki. He knows where to look. He goes to his old room. "Hey, Yuki." Zero says. Looking into the door. " Hi, Zero" She replies. "I was thinking would it be ok to go for a walk on the campus? Getting some sunlight. " Zero asks. "I do have a lot of things. I want to do Zero. " Yuki Responds. "Come on" Zero says. Just for a little bit. "Ok." She replies. While walking outside, taking in the sun Yuki asks, "When are you going to go back home?" "Trying to get rid of me?" Zero answers. " No. I was just wondering." She responds. "Yuki, you don't have to push me away. I wish you wouldn't. Does it still bother you that I look like him?" Zero asks. "Sometimes." Yuki answers. "I'm Sorry." Zero states. Look I don't want to talk about it. Yuki starts to walk away. Zero grabs her arm. Her body jerking. Yuki, Stop! We need to talk about it. We need to fix this. "Let go of me." Yuki snaps. Zero. Looking down at his hand on her arm with his tight grip. "Sorry." He says. Letting go of his grip. I don't have anything to say Zero. No matter what I say, it's not changing anything that happened that night. "Tell me, how you feel." "Tell me, what's on your mind." Zero says. Looking deep into her eyes. "How I feel?" She replies. I feel like, I want to rip your brother into. I feel this pain, and anger deep inside my soul. I feel the power growing out of control inside me. Is that what you want Zero?" "Its a start." He responds. "How do you feel about me?" Zero asks. "I can't," She says. "Why?" Tell me the truth. Do you not want me anymore?" Zero says. "I Don't know what I want on anything else." Looking down at the floor, Yuki answered. "I don't have time for anything else right now. Maybe its best you and Hanabusa just go home." Yuki Comments. "I'm not leaving you Yuki. I made that promise. I will keep it." Zero states. "How about if I don't want you to?" Yuki says. Looking into Zero's eyes. "You don't mean that." Zero comments.

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