Chapter 30 I will kill you.

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Chapter 30 I Will Kill you!

A few nights later, Zero is just laying in bed. Thinking of everything that has happened. How his happy marriage has turn into this empty gloom. We were so close, "Can I get that back?" He asks himself. While all these feelings and thoughts are going through his mind, he hears Yuki Screaming out and moaning again. Same time every night. The nightmares seem to increase. He gets up from the bed. He walks over to her room. He opens the door and walks in. Yuki lying in bed full of sweat fighting the air. Its been this way since Zero has gotten here. Every night the same thing. He goes over and gets in bed. He then places her in his arms. His body and face behind her so, if she wakes The site of him won't freak her out. He rubs her head and holds her close. She grabs on to him and falls asleep regularly. He seems to calm her down that way. At least when she is in a dream state. I can still do that for her. He thinks to himself. He stays with her every night till morning.

Morning comes. She wakes up in his arms. Rubbing her eyes. I see you are here again. "Yes. Sorry, I will go. " lightly lifting her out of his arms. Zero says. "No, it's OK." Yuki says. Thank you. "I know you help the nightmares." Yuki says. "No problem. I am glad. I can help." Zero replies. You need to get some sleep of your own Zero," I am sure it's not easy sitting upright every night." Yuki states. Zero thinks that's the first times in ages she actually said something caring to me. "It's Fine. Really. I don't mind." Zero replies. " As long as you don't mind me entering your room? I will do my best to help." Zero says. "That's fine." Yuki says. I'm going to go get a shower and dressed. I will see you later Zero. Ok. You have a good day Yuki. You two Zero. Yuki walks out of her room and goes to the shower. When she returns Zero is out cold sleeping in her bed. She just lightly covers him with the blanket and goes on her way. A few hours later Zero wakes up, realizing he was covered. Still in her bed. She didn't throw me out. Looks like she covered me, that was another nice gesture. I guess that's something. He gets up and walks to his own room to change and get ready for dinner. I guess. I really did need some sleep. He thought to himself.

Later that night, He hears Yuki moving around. He peeks out his bedroom door. Seeing Yuki. Looking closely. She is gliding down the hall. With extremely large butterfly wings coming out of her back. Made of blood. The site takes him back. What is going on? He thinks to himself. He then seances Ichiru. Oh no, he is here. She is going to kill him. He follows Yuki trying not to let her know. Even though, he knows she can sense him. She just glides down the steps to the outside ground. The windows cracking as she goes by each and every one of them. He hears a whisper coming from his left side. Zero, Zero. He turns and its Hanabusa. " Get behind me ." Zero says. in a low voice. "I sense trouble." Hanabusa states. Yes, me too. "Oh my look at her wings. She is gliding now not walking." Hanabusa notices. " I saw that." Zero replies. " She is headed to the moon dorm. Where me and Kamane use to stay. When we were here." Hanabusa states. I think Ichiru might be in there. Following Yuki to the dorm. She glides up the stairs and into the building. Ichiru I know you are in here." Come out. Come out. Where ever you are." Yuki sings. Windows shattering behind her. "I just want to talk to you. Are you afraid of little old me?" Yuki States. " No. Why would I be afraid of you?" Ichiru Answers. Standing in front of Yuki. " Hmm, because I am not the person I was before." Yuki states. "I sense that." Ichiru replies."So I noticed that I succeeded in taking you away from my brother. Do you hate him now just as much as I do?"Ichiru Laughs. No. Not at all Ichiru . I hate you! With Yuki's powers, squeezes around his neck tightly. How does that feel Ichiru? Zero and Hanabusa watching on the sidelines." Remember the handprints on my thigh? The little gift you left me? Well I want to give you the same but on your neck! Ohh can you not breathe? What a shame!"Yuki gives out an evil laugh.

 Nothing either of the two men behind her has ever heard before. The hands letting go. Ichiru Dropping to the floor gasping for air. "You bitch." he says," I can't breathe." Yuki Laughing louder. Do you think, that I'm done with you? I am just getting started! One by one each bone in Ichiru fingers Crack. Him giving out a loud scream. MY fingers! "You don't need those." Yuki replies. They only lead you to no good. " Wait till I get up." Ichiru shouts. Get up? Hmm, we can't let that happen now, can we? Both bones in Ichiru Legs Crack and he falls to the ground. Screaming. With her power, she throws him up against the wall."How do you like? Does it feel Good? Hot? Like it did when you did it to me? Smashing him into each wall that is there." Yuki asking with an evil voice. "How?" Ichiru asks. Where did you get this power? You. Of course. You gave me this power Ichiru. With anger and rage. it makes me at my best. So thank you. I built it up. So I can tear you to shreds. Piece by piece. Now to finish you off. Zeros eyes open wide and a pain goes through his chest. He knows Ichiru did terrible things. He was still his brother. He also knew if he stood up to Yuki, it would be the end of any chance they had. He saw so much anger in her. She might even turn on him. 

Then all of a sudden a hooded, Figure appears. "Who are you?" Yuki asks. Don't worry about that, Let Ichiru go! You have to be freaking kidding me if you think I'm letting him go. She throws the hooded figured into the wall dragging him to the next wall and the next. The hooded figure gets up. Holding two daggers engulfed in blue flames. " You think I'm scared of you?" Yuki Asks. " Give me your best shot!" She shouts. " Shit! Hanabusa takes the left I got the right." Zero Snaps " Gotcha." Hanabusa answers backs. Only fight if you have to. Otherwise, let her do her thing. The Hooded figure throws the flaming daggers at Yuki, She dodges both of them. Laughing as she does. Both dangers flying back to its owner. He repeats the step. She dodges one. The other hits her arm. Yuki stands there unphased. Pulling the dagger out of her arm without making any sound. She throws it at its owner. Who catches it. The hooded figure says. What the hell are you? How can you still be standing? That dagger if filled with poison. Taken back the Hooded figured Grabs Ichiru. Putting him under his cloak. They both disappear. Yuki growls and screams NO! "I will now have to kill the both of them." She says. As the blood wings on her back disappear. She is now with her feet touching the floor.

"You two can come out of the shadows now." Yuki snaps. What did you two think? I wouldn't notice you? "We were just here in case you needed us." Hanabusa explains. I already told you. I have this. You two don't need to interfere. "Your arm is bleeding Yuki." Zero says. Yes, it is, I will be fine. Doesn't it hurt? It's nothing. "Who was that person that got in my way?" She snaps loudly. "I don't know." Hanabusa says. Well, find out." He is now on the death list. Yuki do you think its a good idea for this death list?" Zero asks. Yuki turns and gives him a death glare. You might not understand me Zero, but please don't question me. I need to do what I need to do. I don't want you in the way. I know he is your brother, but I am going to kill him. Zero not knowing what to say, just walks behind her. " I see your powers are back?" Zero states. Yes, they are. Better than ever. As long as I have the anger. I can keep them. Then it hits Zero. Is that why she is so distant? Is that why she hasn't seen the kids? She is keeping her self angry on purpose to build the power. To kill him. When she is happy. She has no power. I get it now. Zero follows Yuki to her room. What do you need Zero? Your hurt. Yuki you need blood. Please take some. She sits on the bed taking a better look at her arm. Zero sits on the side of her. "It's pretty deep." Zero says. Yes, he said something about poison in the blade. " He was taken back when it didn't kill me." Yuki says. Do you feel ok? Yes, I'm fine. Here take some blood for Hanabusa to analyze. " I am sure he can find what poison it is." Yuki says. "Ok." Zero replies. Now please take some of my blood. He moves close to her offering his neck. She looks at it. No, wait. I will take it from your wrist. Yuki stop pushing me away. I know why you're doing it now. Zero Don't! her eyes flash crimson. "Wrist." She repeats. Zero hands her his wrist. She takes it lightly in her hand licks tenderly and bites. "How long you plan on being like this Yuki?" Zero asks. Yuki licks his wounds and closes them. Until I get the job done Zero. I know you haven't drank anything either. Zero, Take my wrist. "It been weeks since you drank from me." Yuki states. And you from me Yuki."How are you doing it?" Zero asks. Blood tablets. I am controlling my urges. I noticed that you were controlling a lot of things lately. He takes her hand, licks and kisses her wrist. She tries to pull away but doesn't. Can you please drink Zero. He lightly bites into her wrists, reading her heart. She is overtaken with rage and anger. Just like they thought. Revenge is the only thing she seeks. Staying away from everyone she loves so she can keep the anger going. The power growing. He then lightly licks the wounds close and kisses her wrist again. Placing it on her lap. Thank you, Yuki. No problem. The least I can do, for you controlling my nightmares. Tomorrow we will go to Kaien and let him know what's going on. For right now I need some rest. Good night Zero. Good night Yuki. See you tomorrow.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now