Chapter 55 New Birth

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Chapter 55 New Birth

Its been a year Since Erika was born. Ai and Seiya's little girl. Yuki just loves the little girl. So does Kamane. He spends tons of time with her. Doing all kinds of things with her. Taking her to the park, taking her toy shopping and clothing shopping. She is one spoiled little girl. Ai works during the day at Cross. So Kamane babysits Erika. The man who never showed emotions. Shows tons toward this little girl. He is so happy to be around her. Kamane even brings the baby over to Yuki's house. They get along very well now. Becoming very good friends. He keeps his true feelings to himself, about how much he loves and wants Yuki. That way he can spend time with both of them. Enjoying what they both created. He will even be civil to Zero. So he can enter his house, without being thrown out. Zero thinks the little girl is just the cutest. He also loves to be around her. Taking care of her. It's something the whole three of them, have in common. Kamane has no resentment towards Zero for that. He knows. He raised Ai and treats her as his own. He is very grateful for that. Sharing Erika doesn't bother him either. He also likes to spend time with Aiko and Ren. Who are now thirteen.

One day while Kamane is visiting with baby Erika. She is fussy. Kamane takes her into the garden and sits in a rocking chair out there. Talking and rocking her. Yuki just looking at them both. A single tear falls from her eye down her cheek. Kamane glances over to her. "Yuki are you ok? He asks with a concerned tone. "Yes. I think the best I ever been. It brings me so much joy, to see you two together. At the same time, pain in my heart. That's how you would have been with Ai." She tells him. He gets up from the chair holding the baby and walks up to her. " I think of that all the time. Whipping her tear away. I am so sorry." Kamane comments. "We can't go back to the past, just work on the future. I am glad. You are here Kamane." Yuki says. "Me too. Thank you for letting me come to your home. I really do enjoy being here with the family. I love being an uncle to your kids. Which very soon, I will have another one to baby." Kamane smiles Looking at Yuki's protruding tummy. "Yes, very soon. I can't wait. Another little Zero running around. " Yuki Giggles. "Just what we need." Kamane replies. Kamane just watches. 

How Yuki and Zero interact with each other. The love and happiness they bring each other. How close they are. It kills Kamane deep inside. He has built his relationship up with Yuki. They are close, but nothing how she is with Zero. Kamane longs for that. Longs for the family. He feels should of been. The family that Zero inherited that was Truly his. The jealousy takes over Kamane. It eats away at him. He does his best to control himself, but at times he can't help but let his emotions show. Something that he always was so good at hiding. Yuki being the only one. That can bring out the beast inside.

A few months later, Yuki is in the kitchen with Zero. Listening to the radio, checking the lists for the catering business. Pretty much like they do every afternoon. When all of a sudden Yuki's Water breaks. "Um babe, what was that?" Zero asks as he looks at the wet floor and his shoes. "My water just broke. I think. It's time to go to the hospital Zero." "Oh god. Ok, let me get the car. Oh and your bag." Zero says nervously. Grabbing the bag and car key. "Ok babe. Let's go the car is ready." Zero states. Helping Yuki walk to the car. "Are you ok babe.? Zero asks. "I'm fine. I can't wait to meet our new baby." Yuki replies. Zero drives as fast as he could to the hospital. He parks and helps Yuki out of the car, grabbing her bag. They walk in. They go to the maternity ward. Where Yuki is feeling a lot of pressure. "Zero we need to hurry this baby is coming." Yuki states. "NURSE!" Zero shouts. She needs a bed fast, please. They bring Yuki to the room laying her on the bed. The nurse checks and says " Glad you got here when you did the baby is on its way." Before they knew it, the baby was born. A perfect little boy 8 pounds 10 oz. White hair and lavender eyes. Zero did it again. It looks just like him this time, even more than the twins. Yuki falls in love. The second they hand her the baby. "Oh Zero. Its your mini." She giggles. "I see this, Gezz i guess my genes are pretty strong. " He Laughs. "What are we going to name him?" Zero asks. "I want to name him after you. Zero and call come Z for short." Yuki suggests. "Babe. I hate my name. Why do you want this poor baby to suffer with that." Zero comments. "He won't suffer. Zero Kiryuu will live on forever. " Yuki says with a smile. "Ok if that is what you truly want. Then Zero is his name. Poor kid." Zero replies. Yuki just glowing and beaming holding this little tiny baby. She kisses Zero on his head. " You have made me the happiest i have ever been. I love you Zero. Yuki says. "I love you to Yuki."

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