Chapter 192 Broken.

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Chapter 192 Broken.

While Zero is driving home. The phone rings again. It's Hanabusa. "Look Zero. She is falling apart. I don't think she did. Whatever it is you think she did. Please come home." Hanabusa states. "I know she didn't. I will be home soon. I don't think I could fix this Hanabusa." Zero admits. "I don't know what's going on. But she is shattered here. I left her in your bed. She won't stop crying or say. She didn't do it. I can't get her to answer anything else. She is limping from falling outside." Hanabusa states. "She didn't fall. I pushed her. I pushed her away from me." Zero says with hurt in his voice. "I don't think she cares at the moment about anything. But you leaving. "Hanabusa answers. "I will be right home."

Yuki is laying in bed sobbing still. Her heartbroken. Kaname's wolf laying in her arms. She is holding him tight as she just cries on him. Zero leaving just replaying over and over in her mind. How he was so cold and empty. Not listening to anything she said. He hated her.

Zero rushes home. So many things going through his mind. How dumb he was. For letting those pictures get to him. How he gave into the person that sent them. Making them have a great laugh. Thinking all he worked for. Trying to keep his composer. Trying to get Yuki to trust him. With telling him things. How he just exploded that into a million pieces. Not the mention the perfect relationship they just built. He gets to the house parking outside. Not so eager to go in. Feeling at the lowest, he has in a very long time. He walks up the drive to the door. Placing the key in and turning it slowly. Walking in to find Hanabusa on the sofa.

"Hey, glad your home. She is upstairs." Hanabusa states. "Ok. I will go check on her. I am not sure what to say to her." Zero replies. "She will probably just be happy to see you." Hanabusa remarks. Zero goes upstairs to there bedroom. Where he opens the door. Walking into a dimly lighted room. Where Yuki is on the bed. Kaname's Wolf gets up. Walking past Zero and leaving the room. Yuki tries to get off the bed, Limping over to Zero. "Babe, Please. It looks like your hurt. Don't strain yourself." Zero says As he catches her in his arms. "Zero I didn't do it. I swear to you. I only want you." Yuki says. "I know you didn't. I am so sorry." Zero responds. Noticing that Yuki's skin is cold and clammy. Not able to see much in the dimly lighted room. He walks over to put the light on. When he puts it on. He sees Yuki in his arms. Pale, cold, and calmly. Blood on his hands and her sweater. Her side of the bed Full of her blood. The Smell of her blood in the air now. Taking over the room. "Yuki. What happened?" Zero asks in a panic. 

Hanabusa running upstairs to the smell of her blood. "What's wrong? Why do I smell her blood?" Hanabusa asks. "Because she is bleeding," Zero responds Picking her weak cold body up. "Hanabusa check her back. Its where the blood is coming from." Zero states. "SHIT. Zero when you pushed her. She fell on the outside sprinkler unit. There is a huge hole in her back!" Hanabusa cries. "Damn it. Yuki why didn't you say anything?" Zero snaps. Yuki to weak to answer. She lost too much blood. " Zero we need to close up the wound. You need to give her blood. How hard did you push her? She has black and blues all over her left arm, leg, and back. Not to mention the grapefruit-size whole!" Hanabusa snaps. "I didn't watch my strength. I just pushed. I was so hurt. Why wouldn't she say anything?" Zero asks. "Probably because she was upset by you leaving. Or maybe she thought it would heal by itself." Hanabusa comments. "The smell of blood is taking over. This isn't good." Zero remarks. "Tell me about it. I am sewing her up and I want to eat her at the same time." Hanabusa admits. Zero giving him a dirty look. "Hey don't look at me that way. It's your fault." Hanabusa comments. "I know. GOd do I know." Zero remarks.

Hanabusa sews up the wound to stop the blood. Then Zero feeds Yuki his blood. To make her able to heal. Holding her in his arms. Hanabusa gathers up the sheets and her sweater to throw them away. Doing his best not to lick them. Zero sits in the chair next to the window holding Yuki in his arms. Knowing his caused all this. The woman he loved so much almost bleeding to death. He couldn't get it out of his head. Why she kept quiet. Why she didn't try to heal herself. Was she that down? Did she think I wasn't coming back? Zero held her and thought so many things. He knew he would have to make this up to her. He hoped it didn't screw up what they had. That she would forgive his dumbness like she always has in the past. This time Caring even more that she did. Otherwise. He just gave away everything he always wanted and more. To some freak playing with there emotions.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now